The stage is open during January 4 following the GMT+8 time-zone. The exact target is revealed 48 hours before the competition ends (so early January 3 GMT+8 timezone).
Yes, a very specific target .
The competition page is up and running.
Stage 1 isn't working 100% yet as for some reason the scores are not ranked by oldest CPU release but by score. Looking in to this right now.
Oops! Shouldn't be open just yet.
The target score will be revealed 48h before the competition ends; the competition will be opened 24h before the competition ends.
The target score is within the range you find on the competition page.
It's a pity to hear, but losing the motivation happens to all of us.
I'm expecting to see you back in action some time in the future ... good overclockers don't lose the oc-spirit (except for Hipro5)
Ah, I see. Thanks for pointing that out, I see it wasn't that clear.
If only there was a gadget with "print brain" option. Everything's very clear "up there" :D
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