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Everything posted by Mandr1l

  1. Im interesting only in the 2600K, can you give me price only for the cpu?
  2. Hi everyone Im thinking to sale my G3258, not much use, and think better sale... Vid is 1.05 / 1.06v on z97 Mpower Max AC Batch 3418B983 Same batch of SniperOZ CPU http://hwbot.org/submission/2575978_sniperoz_hwbot_prime_pentium_g3258_4809.59_pps/ I will try test on old SS soon. CPU now are delided.
  3. Good job der8auer, I like one
  4. I go to send to you a PM Enviado desde mi LG-D855 mediante Tapatalk
  5. Hi all, im waiting to buy a GPU pot. Better fat model than slim. Offers, please send to me by PM Im from Spain. Better prices with FOB por ship included Thanks.
  6. Mandr1l

    [WTB] CPU pot

  7. Mandr1l

    4770K 6.2Ghz 3D

    Hi, test 2d 2/2 or 4/8?
  8. PM
  9. Mandr1l

    [WTB] CPU pot

    Im only interesting in CPU pot, btw, can possible interesting at one GPU Pot, are you interested in sell only this parts?
  10. Mandr1l

    [WTB] CPU pot

    Hi. Im searching a CPU por for ln2 / dice. Pls, send to me offers, im from spain.
  11. Price for corsair RAM and 4790k with ship costa to spain?
  12. I check the website and no more pcs available, are possible buy once pcs in thw future?
  13. CPU pot are available? can you send to Spain? can you calculate the ship cost? Thanks
  14. Hi, My problem is in Spain cant find any people to make the cascade (I dont have knows to make it ). Last days I contact with Blaster (from Portugal), but is out of bussines... I will try check the ship cost by a courier, but need the size and weight first. But this is the only way to have a cascade. I go to send to you a PM Thanks!
  15. Hi Im searching buy this, Im from Spain. -Cascade phase change, I try contact with some people of old school, but all are out of bussines, any people make this systems in Europe zone? -Z77 MB, pref Asus Z77 Maximus or Asrock Z77 OC Formula. Thanks
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