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Everything posted by fat4l

  1. fat4l

    FS: 12900KS WR CPU

    really good, but can we know the SP please ? Some ppl asked me to ask as well as they can't post
  2. fat4l

    FS: 12900KS WR CPU

    In the name of science .. any idea what's the SP?
  3. Thank you for #5, 12900KS, really good chip:) A+ seller
  4. Interested. Pm
  5. fat4l


    SP breakdown?
  6. I sold Ares 3 several years ago for like 600£
  7. Oh my god. Them prices are really good! I own 2666 CL10 corsair dom plats 4x4GB, but wanted to play with these 2400CL9 mems 2600c10 is no good to me. What a shame.
  8. Can you tell me what the selling prices for 1 and 3 was ? I'm sad I missed those kits, but still interested to know the price. thanks
  9. ok close now, no longer interested. thanks
  10. Hi everyone! My friend is looking to buy this model of the cpu. Let it be at least an average CPU in terms of OC. Non delided - doing at least 4.8G <1.35v stable(4 hours of Realbench** at least) on air/aio Delided - doing at least 4.9G <1.35v stable(4 hours of Realbench** at least) on air/aio **Realbench or alternative such as Prime95 26.6 EU, preferably UK(United Kingdom). I can link my ebay acc to see my 100% feedback. On ebay they go for ~220£ cheapest. Thanks!
  11. Can you show some pics of LD running and whats the lowest temps it is getting pls ? Postage to Coventry, uk ? thanks
  12. can confirm it works on FE, but doesnt rly bring the performance over stock bios even with higher clocks than stock bios
  13. Does it work on FE 1080? I see some ppl are flashing strix OC bios to FE and getting massive clocks + volts. Does it really work? Do you really get more perforamance out of the chip or is it just "visual" and 2300MHz rly gets you 2100MHz perfrmance?
  14. Ah yeah now you reminded me thanks. We however need more info about this V2 version..
  15. Hi and thank you for the answer. Sorry for the dumb question but...I saw this "hotwire" thingy going on, but what's that exactly ? What it does ?
  16. Hi guys. Does anyone have a voltmod/better bios for a votlage locked strix v2.00, bios .81 ? I would like to push the card under water a bit more. Thanks!
  17. anyone knows ? I would like to mod my strix 980Ti, ver 2.00, locked bios .081. Thanks
  18. ok, not available to sell anymore, pls CLOSE. Thanks HWBOT for space.
  19. Yeha I still have it however Uk only, due to shipping.
  20. bump
  21. Hi guys. I decided to sell my Asus Ares 3 card. It is 2x290X in crossfire on one pcb, so basically 295X2, with a custom pcb + oem EK waterblock. There is only 500 of these cards in the whole world, so it's very exclusive. My card is 465/500. More info: https://www.asus.com/uk/Graphics-Cards/ROG_ARESIII8GD5/overview/ This card is going strong and cutting through games with ease... The card is still in my system, 100% working. Gaming OC I'm using, 1200/1700MHz easy with custom bios with improved memory timings. (I can put stock bios there without any problems). The paste and pads have been changed to get the best of the card and to reduce the temperature to minimum(CLpro paste + fujipoly 14w/mk pads). Max temps for cores 50C and 43C with 26C water. VRMs are max ~65C. That's after 2 runs of Valley with 1200/1700MHz. It comes with the original accessories=box, briefcase, fittings, plugs, usb, cables, paperwork..... 800£ + shipping(30£). Selling in the United Kingdom(UK) only. Will be send by Royal Mail Special Delivery 1PM, up to 1000£ insurance. Private sale, no returns, no warranty(from me). Payment via Bank Transfer or Paypal, buyer either covers fees or sends via friends&family. PM me if interested. Some results(check graphics score as I only have 4790k not 5960X). FS X: nonOC/oc http://www.3dmark.com/compare/fs/6593207/fs/6590481 FS oc: http://www.3dmark.com/fs/6734662 FS U oc: http://www.3dmark.com/fs/6592177 Pics:
  22. Hi., are these still for sale ? If so I'm interested.
  23. He is a scammer. Thw compressor is not functioning properly. Dont buy!
  24. fat4l

    [FS] 4790K Great !

    Looking forward to it I believe this chip can do 5.1G as well. Let me see if it is stable in RealBench @5.1G or maybe 5.2G ?
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