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Posts posted by GtiJason

  1. Received an Impact vii and good set of psc from Dumo today as an apology for delay. I've been told my Under-the-Ice Monsta SS will be shipped shortly. Again these items we sent free of charge so I think that says a lot about his charactor and that he means well. Thanks Dumo

  2. Impact vii and Pi memory arrived today, dumo had mentioned he had the MB when we first talked. These are extra items for my inconvienece that I did not pay for. So thank you for this, quick test on air shows these are the best 17600CL7-2GBPID I've owned. 2666c8 loud bin tight under 1.9v, first boot.

  3. I'm going to be selling mems as soon as binning is complete, and since I'm the only one who truly knows what I have it will make it fair. Getting pm's from people trying to reserve my goldens/picking out certain kits they know I have. Since I've only found a handful of each psc/sammy out of the dozens tested I want to give everyone a fair chance instead of just saving them for my friends or guys on my team, that live in the Midwestern region of the US and have green eyes////// well you know what I mean

  4. Use guys cant have all the fun ahahah,just doing a quick prep on Asock OCF with EK memory pot,see if I can get break into 15s on 4ghz


    I like it ! Speaking of fun, I'm trying for 15's on air with this .....






    And if that doesn't work then maybe I'll give this a try






    Now I'm excited to see what you do, 4770K or 4790K with what mems? I'd love to see some timings too. That advice you gave me, is it just for 4770 or is 4790 compatible? I know so many ?'s so little results

    • Like 1
  5. Just realised I never posted the results I got when I diced my PSC the 2nd time - 6 weeks ago xD.


    This was at 2.25v I think and I could tighten most tertiaries down to 4 (not WRRD_dr) and reach loop 12. However, I spent ages trying to get 5GHz to pass, so I was running out of time and dry ice by then - this was a bit weird as the same IMC and RAM volts were used for 5.5GHz and 4GHz which both could finish with wazza, but 5GHz would never pass even without wazza.


    Nice work ! Usually tRDRD_dr has to be 5 as well, like



  6. Dude time to stop buying computer parts and upgrade the phone lol


    Haha, I knew that was coming. It's just a work phone, I switched to the cheapest phones I could find after I broke 3 i phones in 7 months while at work. I've got a nice android phone for nights and weekends :)

  7. I have known Roy for few years now ,straight up dude ,give him another week bro


    That's what I hear, he's a good guy. Sounds sincere on the phone but lack of contact is what's frustrating. I bought this SS to compete in G.Skill comp as well as an Impact VIII, already binned some fantastic mems but have no way to compete. LN2 budget has been sucked dry, I have a 20l I was going to fill one time because it costs $50.43 to fill... after trying cpu and mems on SS first. I paid for this on February 28th, I was expecting to have it sometime in March, when April appeared on the calendar is when the frustration kicked in. I feel like I should have stuck to my original plan and went to HWBot Tour stop in Canada instead

  8. It's not really a BIOS problem, you might simple not be pushing enough SA (most old/original Haswell chips need 1.25+) or having the ODT issue (solvable by rebooting without entering the BIOS).


    That's what I thought at first as well and, I use your post showing +0.450v SA volts as reference to other guys having similar problems. I have experienced the ODT issue before on Giga,MSI and Asrock and this is really just more of an inconvenience

  9. I've known Dumo/Roy for years now. He's always been an honest guy and although there have been times when he's been slow to ship, I've always gotten everything he promised. If past experience counts for anything, he'll fulfill his end of the deal, can just take him a little while. I ordered something, too so we're all in the same boat.


    That's what it seems like when you talk to him, he sounds like he's not trying to screw anyone over and I tend to believe him. It's just frustrating because the only request I had is to be kept in the loop and that has not happened. If there really is a reason he can't communicate with the real world why not tell the person your currently doing business with and in debt to. I get that, but I also get that we both live in the US and we are lucky enough to be given basic rights, so even if he was in jail or something he could still contact me after a few days. Either way thank you to anyone who cares enough to post/help


    On a lighter note



  10. Guys!


    I know this might just be too few infos, but is there any very good bios for 4770K and PSC (and Samsung) for this board other than L1.12D? I am having serious issues with my cpu in my board on that BIOS. My G3258 works fine, my best PSC sticks doing 2720 tight, but with the 4770K I simply can't run 2666 at all in dual and 2600 needs a ton more volts than with the Pentium (figure 0.05V). The i7 comes from a somewhat trustable source stating it does both 2840ish Samsung and 2720 PSC with air mems/ambient water cpu.


    Not 100% sure if it is a BIOS related issue, but other than that I think I tried everything I can.


    Thanks in advance to every masters still pushing this gorgeous mobo. :)

    Any inputs are welcome.


    I have the same problem with my 4770k, though not as bad. Cold helps, but only when clocking mems alone. I figured it was my cpu, but have been able to do better on other boards. I think it partially has to do with io analog and digital volts needing to be very different from my 4690K, 4790K and es pentiums. The i5 and 7 devils canyon chips clock mems the highest, but the 3258's allow me to use less dram voltage. I have never really even ran the 4770K on air/water so haven't took the time to mess with them, but now I think I should. Especially since I have awesome mems and awesome cpu but just not together. Only bios I tried is 1.30 & 1.80 will try 1.12 as I have it somewhere

  11. One of OCXtreme's well known team members appears to be an unreliable seller. Nine days ago Dumo said he was sending an Impact VII out immediately and was very sorry for not sending out the Single Stage I paid for 4 weeks prior. I have a voice message saying he was going to have Splave and some teamates help pack and ship the SS. I told him it's all good as log as I'm kept in the loop and know what's going on. Here we are now 5 and a half weeks since payment was made and still nothing. Someone should talk to him soon before he gives what appears to be a very awesome team that I may join oneday a bad rep and it's well respected members since he's dropping names into our transaction


    EDIT: Received an Impact vii and good set of psc from Dumo today as an apology for delay. I've been told my Under-the-Ice Monsta SS will be shipped shortly. Again these items we sent free of charge so I think that says a lot about his charactor and that he means well. Thanks Dumo


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