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Everything posted by zeneffect

  1. did you see the msn front page? kate upton on a trampoline.... voltage raised!
  2. just like the one thats on my desk
  3. Use the FORCE Dino! make that beer come to YOU looks like an epic time
  4. grabbed a maylay last night. (no costa in sight) seems that the retails are less "gold" in color. look at the pads of the retails guys... much more silver/palladium colored than gold.
  5. might be cheaper to do your benching here for stage 2 with ln2, board, cpu, and gpu prices
  6. the last few min of MOA qualifying stages are always a treat to watch. Fantastic score with an OEM card!
  7. nice to see you got the sliders working will help out with softmod2 tonight for sure.
  8. Allen on top. he has been working hard and deserves the top spot. SO DO IT RIGHT FRIGGIN NOW!
  9. Sold
  10. selling my 3770K. does over 6.7 32m and 6.87+ 1m look up my profile for my 32m and 1m subs with this chip, its legit but of course ymmv. $785 shipped express world wide. international will not get the hsf, just the box flattened out and chip. PENDING
  11. bbse i use slew auto or 1 depending on bios.
  12. Great competition to watch. Sorry that I couldnt participate more, but Im several thousand miles away from any of my hardware. Thanks Gigabyte! Looking forward to the next one
  13. watch the core clocks at the limit. I noticed mine wanted to jump up and down a bit hurting score.
  14. wow 20+ cards is alot. I only have the 1 that I tested. 1315 air heaven, no mods (1900+ memory possible) mabye im just lucky (alot) 7970 is a visiontek ghz edititon (has all phases, not missing 1 like ref) i use this for gaming. far cry 3 is really fun atm. cpu is good (6.8+, best of 5 samples tested, all retail bought from Frys) mem is good (2600 c8 air for psc and bbse almost every kit i have can do this) imc is 2800 32m capable lucky luck is lucky? none of my stuff is hand pick. all retail ordered so i didnt choose samples. i think some of chew*'s "always work" philosophy has rubbed off on me
  15. heh, doubt my heaven score will hold out that long. hardware is half a world away
  16. Nice color options Vince! Acapulco Gold Black Russian Blue Dream Purple Bubba the springs on the venom make it look like it has coil overs. pretty cool imho
  17. Im going to run a little bit tonight, but that's about it. Leaving the country on Friday for a well deserved vacation. No LN2 for me either this time. Good luck with the comp and thanks for the overall rankings boost
  18. I think people arent showing the right clocks. look at the 3dm11 subs for reference. whats stated is not the same as what is in screen shot. it seems shady... I think that sandbagging is too much a part of the game now.
  19. Sorry George... Vince's pot looks alot frostier. DANK what camera/lens?
  20. hey, any time you are in town you are always welcome to come
  21. mmmmmm.... tarts
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