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Everything posted by Afrokalle

  1. Great benching dude!! Your efficency is really good ~~
  2. Sorry, you're wrong.... ....you have nothing to do with "him" You = overclockers league Andre = professionell overclockers league This is professionell league and trust me Andre is professionell for sure. It is legit that overclockers which working for hardware companys can submit and show their score's here. Everyone (except u?) know what is need (skill, time and of course acess to a lot of hardware - but binning is not all - that's the reason why some benching intel engineers not at the TOP of the CPU Race ) to kick some incredible score's like this... btw: is that all Andre? Where's the magic (backup)?
  3. wow nice score Gyrock-San. 1575MHz is damn good ~~ 1600MHz+ in 03 coming?
  4. Damn strong memory and great score bro...
  5. Nice one buddy ~~ Ist this the same card you benched @1575MHz in 3D11?
  6. Now Top5 - nice buddy, really nice... If you'll find a good 980X/990X for some 05/06/Vantage benching everything seems possible. Keep up that good work
  7. Some chips need thight memory to find sweetspot (i had a W3565 need CAS7 for high clocks - C8+ not as good....) but 2320MHz with trcd7 is more then strong. Some OCZ Blade could do it for sure but it is a crazy combination. If i see your other 2D score's i think that chip can do more in 3D (~6700MHz) - keep pushing..
  8. I'm testing some bios for saphire p67 with pll override.... ...i will ask if i'm allowed to upload
  9. Nice run and really good efficiency buddy...
  10. He is using antoher driver (275.21) than Nick, Hiwa or me... But Canyon Flight is also bugged high compared to Andre's Score - same FPS (with XP) than a 1330MHz clocked card (with Vista) in GT3 and same driver is strange... But bugged or not nice benching Bodar
  11. Congratz bro to all over Vantage WR!!! Good to see you back benching....
  12. What a Chip ~ Nice benching buddy and congrats for taking first spot again
  13. Nice benching and impressive FSB...
  14. hahahaha the binning monster is back - good job Andre
  15. wooow man!! Nice Chip, nice VGA, nice benching ~
  16. Nice one bro only 1.693V? nice VCore for 6GHz... ...put the card @LN2 and give chip the 1.8v+ :ws:
  17. Great benching and damn nice chip :ws: Congrats for taking 05 WR :celebration:
  18. Great benching buddy :ws: 55k with 5870x2 is awesome ~
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