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Everything posted by marmott

  1. Kingston uses a lot of chips, it's tricky (not to say impossible) to always stay with the same ICs.
  2. I would be interested
  3. This is what I get, seems all good.
  4. I asked already and there were no more heatspreaders in stock
  5. Nice one! It's getting difficult to catch up! I'm not sure to get the point of backups with max memory frequency though.
  6. Thanks for moving me Massman, I feel a bit ridiculous now (wasn't that good before to be honnest ). Time to submit a bit more
  7. No I think you met my colleague. I wasn't at this event.
  8. Between KHX2800C12D3T1K2/4GX and KHX2800C12D3T1BK2/4GX yes. The first will have blue heatspreaders and the second black.
  9. Ahah, I guess it was only a question of time because "A00LF" has been part of the BOM numbers for ages. I suppose it's very easy to read ADOLF instead of A00LF. For the 2800 kits, there are different versions: - C11 or C12 - T1 blue with "T1" in the part number or T1 black with "T1B" in the part number.
  10. Let's avoid any confusion, it's A00LF and not ADOLF. Don't know why people immediately see ADOFL but it's very common... edit: why would it be under NDA? Z77 is out now.
  11. TaPaKaH > yes congratulations guys, it's mind-blowing!
  12. I think they can reach the same C8 frequency with a lower tRCD. Nice results guys, I really like your cpu
  13. thank you ! I'm waiting for more results on your side
  14. Following our score at GamesCom almost 1 year ago Benji Tshi and I decided to retry some memory maxscreen action. This is what we achieved during the week-end: Hardware: I7 870 (batch L930B512) Gigabyte P55 UD6C (bios F10) DDR3-2544 dual kit (KHX2544C9D3T1FK2/2GX) Kingpin Dominance cooler (yes a proper memory pot ! ) vtt: from 1,58 to 1,66v vdimm: from 1,88 to 1,94v 1450MHz cas 6 dual channel: http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1921381 1541MHz cas 7 dual channel: http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1921287 1563MHz cas 8 dual channel: http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1921415 And some pictures of the rig: Thanks Kingston for the great support !
  15. live scoreboard here: http://msi-moa.com/11_emea_scoreboard/
  16. I forgot that Gigabyte is the first (and only if I read well) manufacturer to create a board with OC features
  17. no restriction on the motherboard brand in France.
  18. I can understand for the 3D scores (because of the special setup with lucid) but for the 2D scores it's a normal P67 board no revolution to expect
  19. I voted 25€, I thinnk it's a resonable cost for the service even if I'm not a big user. But I'm wondering if it's not dangerous to rely on the members money, I think it's a much more unstable income than advertising revenue or partnership fees.
  20. when Hwbot introduce 3dmark Vantage back in the days I think nobody aksed for a DX9 version DX11 need its benchmark on hwbot and I don't think we need another DX9 benchmark.
  21. honnestly I haven't use it but the idea of using another benchmark that FM ones is great
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