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Everything posted by Rauf

  1. Well done! Nice to see some proper 3D benching and putting those KP to use.
  2. Will I get 200 votes for $100? I think I will vote hard in the 2D categories Pcmark 04, pcmark 07, pcmark vantage etc incoming
  3. I know. But if result details (subtests fps) are not needed maybe rules should say "benchmark window with result". Or maybe just benchmark window, I think most will understand what part of it is needed But for the legacy 3d we still need details. Because often vali links will not be visible. I think it will look and feel simpler with the new layout and information
  4. Some thoughts: Example screenshot with red boxes for the important parts. We need to know where lod is allowed and not allowed. Don't like gpu-z monitoring is mandatory. It's too much for the noobs. All the pros do it anyway. But many times it will not be correct and most benchmarks log it in vali file anyway. Max boost clocks don't say much in many circumstances and is easily tricked if anyone wants to. Result details are not possible with new 3dmark layout.
  5. Btw, vantage extreme does not scale much at all with cpu score. Isn't Intel better?
  6. So, I ran my 6900XT on LN2 and EVC2 first time yesterday. Ended up being a pretty long session because as others have reported there are quite a few things to balance to get good efficiency. It does not get easier on LN2 For me MPT worked fine in combination with EVC2 power adjustments. Like chispy reported you have to balance volts and clocks because those two decide power, and the power limit is the biggest problem when benching these cards. But on LN2 you also have to factor in temperature, going to cold can hurt your score. But the biggest factor is voltage. You will have to play with voltage set in AMD-driver in combination with offset in EVC2. To be clear (or confusing maybe...) 1050mV set in driver plus 100mV in EVC2 is NOT the same as 1100mV set in driver plus 50mV EVC2! These two settings, even though actual voltage is similar, will make a huge difference in performance. Also, the voltage and offset that works for FS does not work for FSX and yet another combination is needed for FSU ? And then we have the factor that good voltage combination for game tests in Fire strikes does not always mean you will have good combined! This is especially true for normal Fire strike.
  7. Thanks! I will write in the forum about my experiences when I have time.
  8. Card runs maxed out 3000 at -20C so yes it could go higher :)
  9. Yeah. One thing I noticed is that gpu-z report higher clocks than 3dmark. Same for you? Average clocks according to gpu-z during run were ~2650.
  10. Ran some pretests on stock cooler using MPT, no EVC yet. Card seems pretty good. 32392 FSX. https://hwbot.org/submission/4652770_rauf_3dmark___fire_strike_extreme_radeon_rx_6900_xt_32392_marks Set 2820/2150 at 1050mV, but of course power limited to 380-390W.
  11. Joined, appreciate the efforts to keep this place alive!
  12. Nice post! Just this week there was a small shipment of cards that arrived in Sweden, I was able to get a hold of a XFX 6900XT. Will see what it can do.
  13. While I agree in principle that it would be a good way to reward a long and successful "career", it will never work. First of all, comp points were not introduced until a few years ago. Most likely the comps that date back to before comp points don't have the tier system set up to decide how many points they should get. Another reason is that old comp results are not always correct and most likely many competitions are not even in the database. Then there is the problem that there are way fewer proper competitions now than a few years ago. How can anyone new to the game compete with that? Also, there is the problem with team competitions. You can join a team, submit a lousy score and then reap the points of the other team members efforts. After the comp you can leave the team again. I saw that happen when competition points were first introduced.
  14. The fps counter moves in a very unnattural way. Its updating too fast. And in real life it kind of "sticks" at certain intervals to show the same fps or just within 0.1 to 0.2 fps. It does not do that in his video. There is definitely tampering with some kind of software to fool 3dmark.
  15. He went through all that trouble and did not include a single picture of shunt mods, voltage control or cooling setup. Does not help his credibility. It's a bit worrying that 3dmark can be fooled so "reliably".
  16. Wprime is as sucky as a benchmark can be. Good riddance. But I do not agree with the reason for doing it. When I started benching 3dmark01 was the latest 3d benchmark out there and the one that everyone was playing. I fell in love with tweaking it, both clocks and OS, to get a higher score. I could not afford a hard drive just for benching, and I was using the familys shared computer. So everytime I benched I had to do a fresh install of win2000, tweak it and run. Then reinstall winxp, Word, antivirus etc so that my parentes could use the computer again. That was a maginificent time for overclocking. Required skill for both pushing clocks and tuning OS, drivers etc. It's so rewarding to see scores go higher from small tweaks and not just higher clocks. I guess that's why 32M is still so popular to play. You can tune OS and also the tiniest subtiming. If you can shave off 0.1s you consider it a huge gain. Now hwbot says I should have just used my family style winxp and pressed "run benchmark" . You know what, I think I would have done that two or three times and then never again. I can understand being fed up with finding exploits for benchmarks. But tweaks will always be there and always be invented. Should we ban 32M because copy waza is not fair to older scores? The gain is huge...
  17. Thanks! 06 seems decent also, but 03 was not good, but not sure all settings were correct. Needs more testing. 01 won't install on amd.
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