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Everything posted by Rauf

  1. 4770k and mems are sold. Can close this thread now...
  2. Yes, seems very good compared to the tests I have seen on facebook!
  3. Rauf

    FS: Galax B-die

    All mems sold!
  4. Rauf

    FS: Galax B-die

    Kit 2 is pending, I'll let you know if it doesn't go through.
  5. Rauf

    FS: Galax B-die

    OC lab kit 15 sold.
  6. Rauf

    FS: Galax B-die

    GOC 2016 kit 1 sold! Price drop for GOC kit 2 to 200€
  7. Rauf

    FS: Galax B-die

    Hi Selling some good Galax B-die. One kit form the original OC-lab binning, strong kit, number 15 out of the 100. And two kits I got in the Galax Finals, special GOC 2016 version. I really hate 32M and wazza and have no time to bin the mems for wazza capability. So I used 3D11 Physics for binning since it’s faster and provides more “real world†data (as in you can run pretty much any benchmark except 32M). Here’s my data for 12-11-11-28-1T: OC-lab Kit 15: Max 4180MHz at 2.03V https://pb380-my.sharepoint.com/personal/t_bergstrom_pob_se/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=1d8aDGQ8fvxD%2f7uOjx1dEKy5UrLEWk1zQ5xi%2blDf3H4%3d&docid=0d1d9c77dd6fb4dd9a2426e7f9b965068&rev=1 GOC 2016 kit 1: Max 4133MHz at 2.04V (Forgot to screen this but it's the same as the one below except 2.04V) GOC 2016 kit 2: Max 4133MHz at 2.03V https://pb380-my.sharepoint.com/personal/t_bergstrom_pob_se/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=f525GYEjAC22%2fgLVJ1yv4xDODFjdXM9OlAEPSET3B7w%3d&docid=0d663bb903ccc4c4a9fd6a44b630533e0&rev=1 All air binning of course! Binning was done on Impact with tight subs, check screens. Prizes (paypal as friend): (OC-lab kit 15: 250€) - SOLD! (GOC 2016 kit 1: 225€) - SOLD! GOC 2016 kit 2: 200€ Shipping will be around 15€
  8. Bump, will keep 6700k for daily system, or if someone wants it for 500€ it's yours. Great 4770k, mems and motherboards are still available.
  9. I may come across as negative as I speek out when I see something unfair or stupid. Also when I see potential to improve. I see you have not removed aerotracks from your little list. Also that your own name is not on it...hypocrite much? And there is a difference in buying retail from store and being handed a retail from your vendor who is under NDA. We are not stupid here, if you bought your "retail" from a store I'll eat my hat. Guess what, I had retail BW-E before launch, but I did not post scores with it. The only reason to do that would be... Oh right, for a few clicks and a few minutes of fame. The same as you have been bashing on here...and then you do the same. Now who's to shame here really?
  10. Lol at creating this thread and then jumping the gun as soon as you get "permission". And all to earn a few clicks and points that will last for a couple days. Def. no shame in that...
  11. You seriously think that intel cares about individuals (who have not signed any nda) at this point? Come on...
  12. Yes, of course it's disrespectful to actually use something you buy from a store. What was I thinking...
  13. Really, you put aerotracks on a shame list because he bought a retail chip from a store and used it. This thread is rediculous and should be deleted. Is this what xoc has transformed into, making shame lists?
  14. Rauf

    [FS] 6600 6700K Cpu!

    It's easier to sell sand in the saharas than binned skylakes nowadays
  15. So we're trying to control or influence media now? Seems a little north korean to me. It is the medias job to publish information without regard of what big companies, governments etc think of it. And intel pursuing nda breakers? May be true to some extent but they cant go after media. Most countries have laws that prohibit even asking for the source of any news article, much less investigate. I also doubt the repercussions for vendors. It's not like intel hands out ES just to be nice. It's of course a win win situation. People want asus, gigabyte etc MB:s and intel don't want their product to malfunction due to bad MB:s. If there is an issue it's most likely that both intel and vendors hand out ES too carelessly. One thing I noticed at skylake launch was the number of "inactive" OCers who had access to ES. If you are a more or less retired overclocker do you really care about vendor relations? It is what it is and it's the time of wikileaks etc now. Harder to keep a secret... And I doubt posting on hwbot will change the world.
  16. Bump Price drop for whole Z97 setup: 500€, now including both MB:s
  17. Hi Selling my best 6700K and 4770K. 6700K: Retail CPU, delidded of course. Small chips on all corners of the die (happened during first bench) but runs fine of course. Some results: SPI 1M: 6840MHz Pifast: 6820MHz 3D03: 6700MHz 3D05: 6650MHz Geekbench multicore: 6560MHz CB R15: 6525MHz Price: 700€ Paypal as friend or banktransfer --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4770K including MB of your choice and very good samsung mems: CPU is delidded but most scores I did with the CPU was before delid... 6700MHz+ SPI 1M 3rd place, Rauf`s SuperPi - 1M score: 5sec 250ms with a Core i7 4770K 3Dmark01 - 6550MHz+ (result done when I was a noob and before delid) I have done a 1393 run (third place) in CB R15 at 6300MHz, but overpoured and got CB before screen. This was also before delid and when I was a noob obviously... MEMs: 2x4GB DDR3 samsungs (Dominators 2400C9). Does 32M at 2890MHz 9-12-12 with tight subs and tight RTL. Boards: Z97 OCF, or Gigabyte Z97 Soc Force - Your choice! Price for whole 4770K setup (one of the MBs): 600€ Paypal as friend or banktransfer
  18. Jag är inte så bra på fläktar, men du verkar ha kollat upp att de har vettigt tryck så då blir det nog bra.

    Lägg till mig på facebook så kan vi diskutera vidare lite smidigare. Heter Tobias Bergström

  19. Prizes are a big surprise, I would have thought prize money had been budgeted from the start of this series... especially considering that qualifiers had prize money... I regret spending time and cash on the wild card qualifier. Dancop really was the winner in that one, he won first prize in the finals without having to go to Berlin. Wild card was nothing but a scam. And we even had to pay for it. When did hwbot know or suspect there would be no sponsoring for the finals? My thoughts of the finals: an unfair competition where the skill of the competitors vary alot and the prizes for the grand final are not so grand at all. To me it is more of a marketing ploy than a "world championship". The sad thing is that it is not even a marketing ploy since no one is even willing to sponsor it. There are two yearly competitions worthy of calling themselves "world championship", and hwbot world tour is not one of them... As far as I know hwbot is planning on another world tour next year? If so I would like to see two major changes or you can scrap it: - Find a way to make sure level of competition is strong in every qualifier. - Finalize the grand final prize before the first qualifier. And finalize qualifier prizes well in time for each qualifier.
  20. Sorry, svårt att se dina meddelanden. Får inga notiser om det. Det går inte att PMa dig heller. Men minnena kommer säkert bli bra för ditt bygge. Dock inte säkert att du kan köra den frekvensen. X99 plattformen når ofta sin gräns någon stans kring 3400-3500mhz.


    Säg till om du vill köpa en hyffsad 6950X :)

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