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Posts posted by Rauf

  1. It will be better in R7, but nonK xtu will still be problematic. The first person to get the "max" score gets the good points, which is fair in a way. The problem is that it cannot be beaten because it is limited in a very artificial way. The score cannot be beaten and lives on forever. A key aspect of any competitive ranking is that you can affect not only your own ranking but also take down someone else.

  2. Would like to once again bring up the issue of that all users that have the highest score gets equal points (xtu 742). We have seen lately that benching locked skylakes increases quiet a bit with the result of multiple users get 49hw points. If this continues we will soon have maybe 10 cpus that very easily gives 49 points and that can never be beaten. And then kaby lake comes with perhaps the same principel and hw-points will become mute. Everyone gets 20x49 points...

  3. The time depends on many factors. Bigger board will not freeze up as the impact does after some time at full pot. Also if you bench at full pot or higher temps. If you bench cpu only or gpu/mem on cold etc. And of course humidity.


    Eraser is no point as it makes the board freeze faster. And insulation is not that big an issue if you have some experience and think about what areas will be the ones you need to focus on. Basically you need to think about what gives you the issue and try to adjust next time.


    A few things you can try while you are running:

    Bring temps down if you bench at a higher temp. For example -100 is not cold enough so it can cause free water at some spots on the board. Bring the temperature down colder and turn the system off. This may freeze the water and ice do not conduct so it can give you a little more time.

    Second is to heat up a little if you run a smaller board at full pot and the board is too cold. This will only give you a few more minutes though is it will freeze fast o ce you go colder again.

  4. I am having the same problems.

    Running smooth for an hour or so and then the mem kicks in.

    The only way to free up the board is by putting the mem on default.

    Or putting the whole board back to default.


    I am aware that a part of the problem is humidity. BUt I am not working with vas but with kneeable eraser. I saw some reactions about putting some contact cleaner in thet socket and mem. Did it gave you the expected results ?

    Am I just gonna spray that thing with contact cleaner ?


    Thanks in advance.

    I have never really used vaseline except for on old vgas. I don't think it is good. I have used LET alot, but I'm actually moving more to just the blue shop paper towels. It is enough for any sort of XOC, and actually better for some applications. I would recommend you to pack these blue paper towels tightly around the memory and the slots. If there is no free air around the memory or slots there can be no condensation. Or get a powerful dehumidifier :)

  5. From the little I know about internet security the sites should belong to hwbot since the last dot in the address is the one in hwbot.org


    From my basic knowledge a fake site would look like hwbot.org.xyzfake

  6. Excellent post from der8auer, the one about 2d vs 3d. I think that from some kind of fairness point of view, 3D should receive the higher points. But points won't fix the 3D decline, or the decline of all XOC. We have previously discussed this and had some ideas on how to make 3D cheaper and thereby more accessible and popular. It is a discussion not for this topic really, but maybe the most important to have. Sadly only a few people seem to care... All money driven sports have already come to the conclusion that too much money hurts the sport. Be it player salaries, money backing, equipment or engineering/development costs. When they get too high and start to influence too much it has to be limited.


    But I dont agree with the "keep all benchmarks" thinking. We have a point system which is based on the activity of each benchmark. We have to keep the ones we have busy for the points system to be viable. Also there is the aspect of competitiveness. Even now we don't see people with the best cpus/gpus bench all relevant benchmarks because there are too many so they don't need to. Seeking out the categories with the lowest level of competition is a very viable strategy here on hwbot, but the phenomenon is not good for the sport. A high level of competitiveness should be a nobrainer for all sports that wants to thrive.

  7. Very helpful zero...


    What you need to do is check the top scores in each benchmark and check what OS they are using. The best OS differs from bench to bench. Once you have found out which OS is best, you can either strip them before install using nlite/ntlite, or after install by disabling services. For XP there is a good guide if you google "blackviper xp services"

  8. Love the drama but i'll come back in topic a little bit:


    The old revision was already enough easy win with the people with beast cpu, now with 40 hw category submission this will be even more easy.


    I always believe have 20 hw submission wr means nothing in term of skill, if u take that with the best cpu on the planet.


    Incrase the number of submission u can count for ranking, is opposite way on what's overclock for me and hope also for other people.

    A lower number of good quality submission can force people to work around better his score, that's why i was suggesting the introduction of efficiency point.

    +1 on the above. But for the efficiency points, this will only lead to people downclocking for screenshot. There are low clock competitions running for this sort of thing also.


    Considering the rest of the replies, or lack of replies from most of the members, maybe we should scrap the points system? Then we can just bench for competitions or whatever we think is fun. Maybe that's the solution for "benching is not fun anymore"?


    I would definitely quit the rankings if we got 40 hw point slots. No way I'm grinding like 10 different GPUs every time Intel releases a new generation of CPUs... Maybe benching has turned into too much grinding, there are so many CPUs and GPUs for hw-points, so many benchmarks for globals. I would like to see an "Elite ranking" where we compete only with our top 10 to 15 global scores. And scrap all the outdated benchmarks for globals: do we need two Cinebench? do we need WPrime at all? do we need both superipi 1M and Pifast? Do we need hwbot Prime? Do we need all the 3Dmarks? I agree with Rule that it would be more fun if we compete with quality over quantity.

    One idea for an "Elite League" would be to have it running in two seasons per year and each season we have 20 predefined benchmarks (4 core XTU, 1xGPU FS etc.) to choose from to make our 10 submissions count.

  9. It's totally relevant. Overclocking also existed on HWB before sponsors became involved. Also, new and old hardware co-existed peacefully during that time. Now as it stands, and by your statement, old HW should not have a place here because vendors are not interested in it or anybody that benches it, and that's fine, but to segregate and or eliminate it so the site can be paid for pretty much defines where you stand. I most certainly hope the staff here does not share your current gen only opinion.

    What you wrote is actually all lies. Don't spread lies in my name.

    I hope other people can actually read my posts, and mrscott can continue this discussion in PM if you want to.

  10. You're a funny guy. Overclocking existed even before the vendors knew what it was, or figured out that they could leverage it for advertising.


    Top rankings on old HW, IMO, is even more prestigious than on cutting edge HW.

    As usual you contribute with something irrelevant :) I think most understand that I meant overclocking as we know it on hwbot. And I don't mean sponsorship to elites etc, but someone has to pay for servers, competitions, development etc.

  11. Thanks for the update! And a good presentation also!


    First of all, there is an error in the table, but also in the code for the uat server. In the table describing the algorithm, the bonus points go #1, #1, #3, #4, #5. There is no #2, and also, the points for the one that should be #2 is wrong. I guess this is why in the ranking at uat-server, the top 3 benchmark score is listed as nr 2, and sometimes also gets more points than nr 2. Sometimes it is nr4 that is ahead of nr3…strange


    My main concern with R7 in general is that if we have a points system and a ranking it has to be rewarding. Both for the top players and for the enthusiasts. If you go from a global top 20 to a global top 10 position it has to make a difference. Also if you are an enthusiast and you get a water cooler and improve your score by 1000 points you have to be rewarded. Let’s look at examples:


    In R6 Fire strike 1xGPU: Going from top 20 to top 10 gets you 7,6 points. In R7 you go up 11 points. It is a little better, but still too little. If we instead consider XTU, going from top 20 to top 10 in R6, you get 10,7 points. In R7, you gain 5,3 points. Does this reflect the effort and achievement?


    If we look at it from an enthusiast’s point of view it is even worse. Let’s say I have pretty decent rig; I have a 5960X, watercooled and overclocked, and a 980 Ti run at stock. I run the Fire strike benchmark, and get 18500 points = 1 point in R7. If I overclock my GPU and gain 1000 points…I still get 1 point! Might as well kill the enthusiast league…


    Some other random comments:


    On the + side:

    Good to reward 3D-benchmarks slightly higher than 2D. I think the difference looks like a good balance


    Points scale decently for top 5 positions in R7, compared to only top 3 positions in R6. I would like to see better scaling all the way down to top 10 or possibly even top 20.


    Good that you can get hw-points for modern hw now.


    Interesting that WR points scale with relation to top score!


    On the - side:

    Some 2D-benchmarks like pifast, wprime, superpi seem to get global points lowered artificially to maximum 89 points? That is too low.


    WR points are too high. Lower both CPU and GPU points. Or remove CPU WR points all together, it’s not really overclocking after all. Lower GPU WR points to level of CPU points, or even lower. You have to consider that the GP for 4xGPU setups have also increased to 3 times as much as in R6.


    Way too much focus on hw points in the rankings with 40 point slots. Keep it as it is today, you have already increased max hw points to 53,8. Also consider the industry aspect. Overclocking cannot exist without the vendors. And I don’t think they are interested to see people top the rankings with only submissions on old hw.

    A thought is that since global 3D points have been boosted, why not balance it by boosting CPU hw points? The top CPU hw points are much harder to get than GPU so it seems fair :)


    HW points scaling is too low. It is very easy to get 30+ points. 30 points is a third place in R6…


    25 slots for competition points? When we have 25 relevant competitions we can do this, not until then. 10 is fine for now.


    How are equal scores supposed to be handled? From looking at XTU 2 core it looks a bit random…


    One final random suggestion:

    Give global points for mem OC. Even though I don’t like it so much, it is pretty popular, and popular with the sponsors also. Split it into categories like DDR4, DDR3, DDR2 etc.

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