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Everything posted by Sparks.nl

  1. I'll do that later. Thanks. Be carefull with that 1.74 bios.
  2. I'll try and load them on the site on friday. I see that there is a zip possibility. Edit: Uploading the files failed. The first time I got this error: Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing. The 2nd and 3rd time I just got failed. Could the files be to big? I put them on my Onedrive account for now. I don't expect them to be there for long: Edit: Removed the link
  3. I have the MSI X99s XPower AC 1.74 and 1.75 beta bios versions on my HD. Any interest? I have a warning though. My experience wasn't that good since I had to sent my motherboard back to the shop where I bought the mainboard (after consulting with MSI directly for 2 weeks)bafter flashing. I think that bios version 1.74 caused the troubles. 1.75 couldn't fix it anymore. Lot's of checkdisk sessions for all drives (3 drives and at least 40 sessions in 1 week) and I had to set the voltage by hand to boot Windows. The auto setting seemed to be dead.
  4. I have got a screeny of my Athlon XP-m booting at 3006mHz. Would that count? On watercooling, it's the same cooling system I still use (for x99) exept for the cpu block of course. I don't remember if the you can see the model number on the photo...
  5. Update of post 136. Stable processor voltages at some speeds.
  6. Can you tell me what I must do so I can acces the marketplace?

  7. The processor details: Intel Core i7 5820K (Watercooled) SR20S MALAY L438C252 2W429023A3460 --- 5011 MHz: http://valid.x86.fr/mbu2dv 5075MHz: http://valid.canardpc.com/ijt1gk 5100MHz: http://valid.canardpc.com/xqyfz4 5150MHz: http://valid.canardpc.com/y0x16i Edit 17-03-2015: All tested with 3 runs Cinebench R15 and XTU (successful runs) 4000MHz 1.04V 4500MHz 1.22V (1 run needs 1.2v) 4600MHz 1.28V 4700MHz 1.37V 4500MHz Core 1 needs 1.17v
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