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Everything posted by Sparks.nl

  1. Hi, I was wondering if someone has any info about how a Cascade or Single stage is build. At this point I am mostly interested in the hose. My purple Cascade has some issues and I want to check if it's ok.
  2. 2500K L103A880 1653 Malay On a Asrock Pro4-M: 5198MHz so far (quick test)
  3. Did you test them with pi 32m and wazza or c12-11-11? I might be interested.
  4. Is this with ln2 cooling?
  5. Thanks, good to know. 4133MHz doesn't seem to boot, but I managed to do one more. 3733MHz C13 with 1,6v (didn't try any lower voltage). Edit: I also didn't try 1T yet. Edit 11-06-2016 11:40 3866MHz @C12 works as well (1.78v in bios is needed/overvolts a little). 1T works as well at this speed.
  6. Hi I found a cheap E die kit that seems to do nice (not top notch). It is a kit from Samsung as a manufacturer with E die on it. I found it here on page 7: http://www.samsung.com/semiconductor/global/file/product/DDR4_Product_guide_May15.pdf When I looked for the chip codes I found that these are on some 3866MHz and 4GHz sets (1 from G.Skill). The kit is rated as 2133MHz with E die. After some tests I found that it is possible to boot (to Win 7) at 4GHz with 1,45v. These sticks go by €20 a piece. So in my book this is a bargain... Just to share this with you. Note: Since my OCF has some issues I won't be able to test much more at this point.
  7. I never set my rtl manually and I reached 742 on my ocf in 10 times totallly. You just need some luck with it.
  8. Sold. Can be moved
  9. Price drop: €125
  10. Fore sale my second set G.Skill Trident Z C16 (B die). It seems to run fine on high speeds but doesn't like 1T. It does 3866MHz C12 2T with 1.72v. All tests were done at Asrock Z170 OCF. Price: €140,- (without shipping) Bank payment only
  11. firsr run was 740, in a bout 10 runs I had this score.
  12. Thanks. Helaas wilde 5600 niet. Wellicht iets met de cb van -94C... Ik heb nog 8 scores staan voor upload trouwens.
  13. Yes, much better...
  14. I saw it on Amazon as well. Same story. I can't order outside of the US.
  15. Does anybody have an idea how to order Asrock z170m ocf in Europe?
  16. About the temps. I used my Cascade so temps were somewhere between -88C and -100C. (I needed to warm up sometimes because of the CBB at -91,5C)
  17. Thanks Knowing that this cpu when I bought it should have been the 920. To my surpise it was a 930.
  18. This run was it's first (short) run below zero Celsius. I wonder how high it can go.
  19. Thanks I actually had it on realtime in taskmanager. I will do a short run with my 930 first. It should do similar to this, has never been on cold.
  20. Yes, your board and cpu. I forgot to tighten the screws after the cold was on it so it should be able to a do a little better. Oh, in the image the start button can't be seen because I minimized it.
  21. Hoe bedoel je? Dit was boot, naar Windows en draaien maar. Hij moet nog iets harder kunnen, de mount kan iets beter. Ik was vergeten aan te draaien nadat de kou er op kwam. Bij het er af halen zag ik dat hij niet overal 100% contact maakte. Ik ga nu eerst met de 930 verder, die draait op water vergelijkbaar. Met een goede mount moet ik top 3 kunnen scoren.
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