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Everything posted by Don_Dan

  1. Karl, please add Asus Z97-P: http://hwbot.org/submission/2599151_molecule_reference_clock_z97_pro_149.98_mhz
  2. Well done, SHIMIZU-san! @suzuki: It isn't over, it wasn't over when Nick Shih did 1500MHz 7-11-10-18 on MFR more than a year ago, either.
  3. I'll let him choose and I'll take the other kit!
  4. Nice score, CL3P20! Please don't forget the CPU-Z memory tab when you rebench!
  5. Extending it until the end of September doesn't sound bad to me.
  6. Wait for Massman's confirmation, but I'm pretty sure that this is correct. Any hardware released after the beginning of the competition is not allowed. 01.06.14 is the line. Please remember that 01.06.14 is the first of June.
  7. I'm also using the latest Firefox. Maybe Pieter or Frederik can figure it out.
  8. It's a known bug, unfortunately there's nothing we can do right now.
  9. Wait for a bug fix first, if it isn't fixed until the end of the competition click on "Remove from competition" on the 4930K score.
  10. I think you found a bug in the ranking. This score is higher overall, though not per core, but the engine seems to decide which score is ranked in the competition by overall score, and not by the "per core" score. However, your verification screenshot for the 4930K score isn't complying with the rules, therefore I'll block the submission. Now your 3770K score is ranked in the competition!
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