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Everything posted by Gamer

  1. I can give you an answer : So yes, they do care
  2. I still have a Dell XPS M1730 in use, even gaming on it every day. They changed the 8800M GTX SLI allready 4 times since it's still in warranty untill 31/07/2013. Been reading on several fora Dell doesn't have spare parts for this model anymore, and they are sending you a new Alienware. Let's hope it fails again
  3. But that's not called a cheat now does it?
  4. Don't forget to bring back a 6800+ cpu for your team mates...
  5. Been searching for a week now to get a GF2 Ultra, can't seem to find it 5900XT already arrived today. Time to get the old P4C800-E deluxe out of the closet... Benching will be done with another board, no worries
  6. Gamer

    The Rage

    Welcome in to Massman's world you mean?
  7. I have a REX 3 in RMA for about 1 year now, beat that!
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