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Everything posted by jabski

  1. no problem. Glad you got it sorted
  2. use driver sweeper. Then install 182.50 drivers.
  3. Thanks for the info any reason to run am3 in win7 ??
  4. the limit is good. Also it is a challenege to keep the xp start up below 220mbs
  5. Hi bro The limit is 220.00 So i am afraid your score of 220.582 is invalid, so yes it would be removed. Hope this helps
  6. Ticket ID: 360 Priority: Low \r\n\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=574453
  7. Ticket ID: 314 Priority: High Please can you add this http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=564965 http://valid.canardpc.com/cache/screenshot/564965.png
  8. ok thanks for that
  9. Is it within the rules to use Windows 7 for 3Dmark and Pcmark Vantage ?? Many thanks
  10. I feel all is fine as it is . Apart from this score needs removing as its over the limit http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=836595
  11. then report it and it will be deleted
  12. the hwbot limit is 220mb/s. If you have submitted a score to hwbot at 225 xp start up then you should delete it
  13. rules says Any online PiFast submission must comply to the following rules: * use Hexus PiFast version Did you use hexas pifast ?
  14. It is 220mb/s
  15. there is nothing wrong with the 220 limit. As i said before if a raid setup beats it and say gets a score of 235. Then its a challenge to get it under 220. The person should accept that challenge and find a way to get with in the rules
  16. but the cap of 220 means the benchmark cant gain too much form Hdd tests
  17. but thats why we have the limit of 220 on xp start up. Doesnt matter if your using SSD's or what ever. If its over 220 xp start up then the score doesnt count on HWBOT. I think its best to leave the limit in place and just carry on as we are
  18. but the whole point of the limit is what makes it fun. If your 8x SSD's in Raid are over 220 limit then obviously you would need to change your setup. I vote keep pcmark
  19. edit the result and then in the cpu section enter E7300. then click on E7300 when it appears in the box Like this
  20. great news. Thanks for the update SF3D
  21. yes will be nice to have this cleared up
  22. I would more than happy give up PCM05 points if the hardware points limit is upped from 300
  23. no because the max in hardware points is 300 when totaling towards your total points.
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