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Everything posted by Vivi

  1. very impressive! you are the king of devils canyon
  2. count me in for bench house! i'll arrive probly 31st to 9th or so (i wanna attend FULL hwbot event this time!)
  3. very nice cpu! and that mem whoa! by "new" you mean found old batch?
  4. cool! i like this method i will use it
  5. damn seems like alot happened at HOT, im an outsider to this affair, so my comments here seem a little out of context
  6. any sport will get nice and SAUCY i think we are doing okay . naaah this is not true
  7. awesome stuff loud! expect nothing less show dat juicy screenshot bruh do it justice
  8. Awesome info!! glad they kept memory heater, it works great on 980. I still wish we could figure out what is causing loss in clocks overtime? i have experienced all of that you mention so it is great info for anyone who hasnt played 980 yet. just for asic reference, my 2 x hof 980 are both 67% asic and one does 2200/2100 - other does 2200/2200. But the samples from the competition are definitely better than retail on air atleast. according to my countrymen show us some 2200 runs michal! PS: now i want to try 1.75v
  9. its ok, nothing amazing. 6.3ghz 1m ln2
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