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Everything posted by Vivi

  1. Very nice loud!!! Excellent result. Gives us some hope. Im curious, can that cinebench above 6? I wanna know how good full core is compared to 2d on devils Ps. Ill update thread whrn im back from eurotrip!
  2. 1.67 is what i ran. Full pot i cant do 1500 but -100 i can do 1590 maybe check if fullpot isnt hurting your clocks?
  3. 6100! Sniper is the trend setter of devils canyon and pentiumk! Gogo
  4. Wonder if it will bench in 6.4 range like 4770k would with this valid
  5. Binning isnt cheaper, only get more for the amount of money you spend
  6. i heard the same. they said just put 2.5v and run fullpot, thats how they got 5.5 with liquid helium and 2.5v
  7. i think 2v will be 6.5ghz sniper ? , why dont you try it lol
  8. ooooh great Data sniper!! ok guys, go fo L419B533! need a low V chip
  9. hahah sniper! Crazy record sofos, you and cookie work hard!!
  10. cant we have someone to sell to the public! someone with tray access , just sell and ship across the world. who has the kind heart
  11. thanks sniper and mike! mike seems that has some mild scaling to it, not bad. still 150mhz or so behind great scaling but its some hope, just wish it was a newer batch
  12. @ allen! ok so must be some IO IOD or crazy vinput or crazy little vinput??
  13. thanks for the details guys! updated OT so far no scaling batches. i dont want to sound pessimistic but i dont think we will find one. ever since L318Bxx 4770K there has been no recorded scaling batch after that... so if it was going down hill after week 18 from last year you can imagine how terrible it is now mikecdm and steponz recorded -105 cb. so i have a feeling maybe the silicone is actually OK from the cpu side of things but the imc /vrm is whats getting worse on cold and killing the scaling quality
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