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Everything posted by Vivi

  1. Damit shimizu! So the scale range is alot smaller than with 4770k L310b. So if L418C213 dont scale. But L418C221 and L418C223 does, we can assume L418C221/222/223 scales and maybe something close to it but still unknown Intel made it tough with this dirty silicone
  2. Cool competition! How does the stage victory work? If you win a stage AND overall do you get both prizes? Same timeframe as moa, gonna be busy!
  3. Glad you are showing batch in result! Everyone should do that . Great clocks on impact
  4. This is wrong thread for ranking but you can go to http://www.hwbot.org and submit score there to be in ranks. You can get a high points for XTU and hwbotprime with 4790k fairly easy. For GPU try heaven / firestrike or something that does not need very high cpu
  5. Awesome run! If it was gigabyte you can use oc ignition to bypass gpu colbug . My 780ti matrix has -55 cbb. So when using oc ignition -130 is fine for booting. Keep it up!
  6. Costa rica still making chips? Didnt they close down or was that unrelated to the fabs
  7. 32m and windows xp is good for our research! If cpu can cinebench at 5g it can probly run 32m at 100mhz higher
  8. Yes leeg someone should try it on pentium aswell. Its haswell refresh so not sure if it will be the same as devils canyon but maybe this new pwm is on all coming cpus
  9. Awesome hideo!! Some efficiency is lost by 1/1 core. Like 1-2 second. So your efficiency seems okay for 1core
  10. Wow splave! You are awesome . This makes alot of sense that they maybe worked on the pwm a little. Maybe those guys can unlock their 6.1ghz lol Ill add a link to this thread from mine, how to oc dc
  11. I just guessed 6.3ghz for namegt, i only have the valid to look at. So its probly 1.4v 5g 6.3 and 1.35v 5g 6.35. Predictible enough for me. Exact same behaviour as a good batch. All the others are crapping out at 6.1. But lets see what time tells. Def the batch that is most promising at the moment
  12. No claims just data ^^. The guys that bought randomly 4770k can have fun doing that again
  13. http://valid.canardpc.com/upnq2z NameGT got 6.7ghz with this one. For a valid like this it should be 6.3 benchable. And it wasnt good on 5g. Like 1.4v. So this is great news L418C221 - cold scaling batch (namegt) - 6.3ghz 32m 1.4v 5g L418C223 - cold scaling batch (loud silence) 6.3ghz 32m 1.35v 5g We can assume L418C2xx is scaling! Find a 1.25v chip someone for 6.5 ghz !
  14. Updated front a little. With the scaling batches. But will do mega update when im home
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