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Everything posted by Vivi

  1. and win7 is totally different than XP, so good result Low volt ratio, so far 105 cpu's binned from the same batch and 5 cpus' can do 1.25v 5ghz. (my secret source)
  2. updated post! first good air / disappointing cold result, thanks mike!
  3. good stuff dude! Like TeamAU said, the rag is on for 03 glory!
  4. ok so everyone should use latest afterburner and nvidia driver
  5. lol! vid "should" be around 1.18 for your chip. @flanker, south africa bro! none of this devils canyon nonsense until August . i have bought 3 x L310B490 on german ebay that are coming, alot better chance
  6. load defaults on motherboard, go into bios and see the stock volt the cpu is getting, hardware monitor or where you type in volts
  7. awesome! tease us with a screenshot . and please supply the vid too. added you to thread
  8. Lets get this party started, SUBMIT YOUR RESULTS HERE: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/136Q2mVA-rXwFmu-P1aO8AqDATbCcKOo-47PygwdfgOE/viewform and then view results here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1josTdD4TgaJiqsI0PhSdX8b1fUpPjodw4Sg4BjRCkHk I'll update this thread with scaling batches and good clocking batches. COLD Scaling batches: L329C241 okay scaling L418C223 good scaling L418C221 good scaling L418C230 okay scaling L419B533 okay scaling Results: 4790K : L329C241 - 5.0ghz 32m 1.325v 4c/8t - Mikecdm - mild scaling, -140 6.2 benchable / 6.5 validate L331C518 - 4.7ghz wprime 1.2v 4c/8t superV - no scaling above 1.2v! L336D106 - 5.0ghz 32m 1.35v 4c/4t - barti27 L352C118 - 5.0ghz 32m 1.3v 4/4t - dumo L352C119 - 4.7ghz cinebench 1.2v 4c/8t - Gunslinger - no cold scaling L418C133 - 4.8ghz wprime 1.31v 4c/8t - splmann L418C134 - 5.0ghz 32m 1.358v 4c/8t - zzolio L418C164 - 5.0ghz 32m 1.25v 4c/8t - steponz - no cold scaling -105 CB L418C169 - 5.0ghz 32m 1.300v 4c/8t - Mikecdm - no cold scaling -105 CB L418C213 - 5.0ghz 32m 1.35v 4/8t - SHIMIZU - no cold scaling L418C221 - 5.0ghz 32m 1.4 v 4c/8t - NameGT - good cold scaling 6.7 validation. L418C222 - no document but assumed cold scaling L418C223 - 5.0ghz 32m 1.35v 4c/8t - LoudSilence - good cold scaling! 6.3ghz 32m at 1.7v. This gives hope for 6.5ghz with a 1.25v chip L418C230 - 5ghz 1.35v boot win7 4c/4t - slamms - okay scaling 6.2ghz at -115 (bad cb) L419B533 - 5.0ghz 32m 1.272v 4c/4t - SniperOZ - cold scaling! -130 6.4ghz 1.93v. not the best scaling but not bad! it likes volts L419B540 - 4.7ghz 32m 1.23v 4/c8t - stasio 4690K: Pentium K: External Lists - Modlabs.net: http://www.modlabs.net/forum/topic/13991/page__st__4540 (XLXS - thanks Sebro!)
  9. with haswell the colbug moves, when i am at slowmode x8, i can have about 5 C colder. The higher i go in voltage the quicker my 4770k CB's. Don't ask me why it does this lol. so at 1.6v i can be -135, but at 1.7v i need to be -132
  10. Andreat85, Do this mod to fix 03 problem. short small resistor behind cap. enjoy
  11. true true, it will be 80$ in my country and that's saying alot, will be very cheap cpu's
  12. ye i think make plans now to order where there is stock. maybe we can get a friend in taipei to sell some to MOA participants
  13. remember guys you get smart binning and dumb binning. if you buy from a good batch you only need to buy 5 cpu's. if you buy from a rotten batch you will need 100. so start that pentium K batch thread asap
  14. yes he is already going straight to finals . Out of the qualifier picture i mean! i agree with drweez, africa is massive, so many overclockers that don't have internet to upload scores
  15. thats pretty good for a devils canyon chip -45 and that nice mhz
  16. 3 spots for EMEA, with Xtreme addict out of the picture, i see 8pack dancop and a few others, going to be awesome fight!
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