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Everything posted by Vivi

  1. No problems, But we decided screenshot is all we need for validation.
  2. Just wait for pepinorang it will be like today or tomorrow soon!
  3. 4790k is terrible. its the same as new batches of 4770k, so until there is a nice batch nothing special will happen. The HT off results have an even bigger gap than with 4770k. so i have a feeling the thermal paste is worse on cold lol. about 100 chips tested at computex, only one 6.45 3D chip from TOP PC. millions of 5.6ghz and 5.9ghz chips
  4. thank you, im very interested to help the active ln2 users to go from 100 to 200 again
  5. i have passion! can i join this group and compete in the competition? or will that compromise my benchmark suggestions
  6. massman mentioned something like this, where the super supported pro's have a different color like black, and the non-supported blue. so even if you are 6th in the XOC league, you are #1 in blue, which means you are the number one non-supported overclocker. so you still get your "1st place recognition" but you are in the same rankings as everyone. instead of leagues defining us lets get tags defining us. Manufacturer tag - hicookie kp nickhshih sofos etc, and pro-supported like me Xtreme addict 8pack teamau etc, anyone that gets sample now and then or very often, and the last is 100% non-sponsored and non ES (which i find hard to believe). we have all these people in the same league, XOC, but they all have different tags / colors.
  7. i think we have discussed this for enough years, we need a solution not keep discussing the problem for another few years i agree with option 3, lets get pro-league back. please
  8. just drop me off at street of pet shops. its near Lava club.
  9. Awesome basco! Thanks for giving a prize for this great little bench, and thanks suzuki for creating this challenge, lets see some epic scores!
  10. 3347 is okay. Only one sample, 1.165 vid but can do 5ghz at 1.47. So its getting better. Will have to check if this batch scales
  11. man.. total shit 4770k im trying 3347B690 costa rica today. lets see..
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