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Everything posted by Vivi

  1. Myself and wizerty have been using these little things for a while, they rock! It will flood the OC world now i see PS: i have those exact same ones. I never used them this way though, cool ideaaa
  2. Hey man! If your cpu can't OC more at 1.4v then you have hit your limits. And if your Input / VRIN is at 2v or so there shouldnt be much else you need. Sounds about right. Your score however is really low, there is something causing a broken run, should be over 1000 easy. There is a high chance your cpu is throttling and getting too warm, if you got 636 at 3900 and only 657 now go look at your cpu load and see if its 100% through the whole test
  3. thats why binning sometimes isnt a waste of money . it can pay back
  4. i agree with moose, coldbug is nicer for me too . whole board freezes up too quickly with no-cb cpu's
  5. 4790k in june?? so my cpu only has to last 2 more month
  6. im guessing sub 1.2 for 5ghz if you can even boot 5.6ghz 1.49v!
  7. INASAAANE lucky find. Yes, Asus P67 will get you that extra 20 or so mhz
  8. I'm excited! Qualifier will obviously be a benchmark that the 290x will dominate, so i wont be surprised by Unigine, but then again they are affiliated with 3DMark so they might go for that, but then 290x lightning won't feature. Interesting. The logical route for A - Division will be Unigine + some 2D. This way it all stays on Z87 / Z97 to keep things "cheaper". You will still need a gem 4770k for stage one and gem 290x for stage 2. But my guess is there will be a 3dmark involved making 4770k + z97 / z87 + 4930k + x79 + 780ti reference
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