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Everything posted by Vivi

  1. Here comes trouble! I'm going to enjoy this battle
  2. totally amazing run really
  3. we all know der8auer, great guy with great heart, these cpu's will be good. The un-delidded ones might still be good because they weren't tested on ln2. Epic frequency
  4. i cannot believe that freq for cinebench !!!!!!!!!!! did you manage to solder the die hehe
  5. keep pushing luumi . try a different cpu maybe!
  6. aow my word!!! this is the best record to see . really really impressed. welldone!!
  7. thanks for adjusting 1st 2nd and 3rd place, i like the look of this system, good work mass!
  8. this time it reads better! now we need 2001SE working in 8.1 and i'll be happy
  9. I think top should be rewarded a lot more. This is like fighting for equality where it shouldn't be a thing. Dancop gets 150 points for spending days, and enormous amounts of money on a top top top tier score, then someone who might have only done one decent session coming 10th, gets 110 points. It will make coming 1st place boring, people won't chase #1. because top 10 is enough and then move on to other benches. If this sport wants more spectators we shouldn't remove the exciting aspect of it, seeing people fight for #1 my suggestion is this: 100%, 75%, 56.25% /50 /50 /50 /50 /50 give more 50 pointers but not more top 3 style points
  10. i am on the list i approve of this list @steponz well placed man!
  11. with regards to that xtu picture massman posted, i would not eff with the slope too much, top 3 or 5 should always get a lot more points than below.
  12. you will need to flash with Intel FPT tool. where to get it i won't know!
  13. Thanks for confirming achill3us! I ran -180 (2 degree from fullpot) and can say that it runs fine there too
  14. this clock is so mental. same as my first gem 4770k, it's about to get real!!!! go splave!!
  15. wow surprised by the record and dancops bench stamina hahaha. great work germans!
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