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Everything posted by demiurg

  1. And it can takes almost a week - we are not robots, we have life in real world too. Thanks for understanding.
  2. 1) You may increase limits of max frequency in RivaTuner 2) Some drivers do not allow to overclock mobile GPU. Try another one. 3) 3DMrk06 score blocked.
  3. It was not moderator. Fixed.
  4. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=861604 You already have global points in 3DMark05 Multi-GPU category
  5. SM3 score seems too high indeed. Even considering that was me who approved that score
  6. I`ve got an explanation. Scores was unblocked.
  7. It would not proof anything because no one thinks bob(nz) cheated. Bugged run is bugged run. You can photo it, recording it on video, but it still be bugged run. P.S. I am still waiting a citation.
  8. You are wrong. It is blocked but you cannot see it. Any moderator can bring it back if we will discover your results are valid. You are rude. I did not insult any one this forum. Why did you do so? You are right. There is difference. I apologize for this. But I did not get an explanation at the end of the day, did I? Can you understand that was not my decision only? We had discussed your results and reach conclusion your scores are not possible. And please quote me where I was insulting any one without any reason.
  9. Please provide to me a quotation there I called bob(nz) a cheater or I will reserve the right to call you a liar. All I did was blocking some "way out of normal" scores. The phrase "impossible score at given settings. might be a cheat" is one of standard reasons for blocking results. The key word is "might be". Do you realize how many scores moderators blocked every day? We do not have to asking to provide more verification in cases of obvious bugged runs. In this topic I asked bob(nz) to provide an explanation of such high scores, but he refused to do it. That is why I blocked his second submitted score in A3 under Vista. Few screenshots, which he provided, means this bug is repeating. No one can rich 360k+ under Vista while he can get 390k+ easily. Once again I am sure this is impossible.
  10. Who was that aggressive moderator which called bob(nz) a cheator?
  11. I blocked another bugged run from bob(nz), only this time it was not just my decision but it was common decision of board of moderators. I do not know how him manage to get so high score, but I can suppose it is smth like Win7 3DMark03 bug. Such scores can not be valid on hwbot.org.
  12. Please explain how you manage to obtain 80k in GFX score. Best 4870X2 can not obtain even 70k http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=779668 with much higher frequencies. Furthermore Vista is much slower then XP for A3.
  13. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=845791 Blocked bugged run
  14. chispy Blocked. Please provide subtest window with your submissions in future. It would be very helpful for better moderation.
  15. It is allowed.
  16. Good point. I`ll try to check this more carefully. From 20/01/09 there is the rule about 3Dmark subtest window and everybody mast follow the rule.
  17. The one and only reason of blocking your scores is non-compliance with the rules Please stop unfounded accusing me of preconception. I had never blocked any result based on nationality of the bencher. You are making a big mistake, accusing me of such things. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=803127 This score has been submitted _before_ new edition of the rules. Please read the rules carefully at least one time!
  18. http://hwbot.org/quickSearch.do?hardwareId=GPU_1401&name=GMA+X4500+(G45)+(65)
  19. Those scores are very old.
  20. boogerthe2nd, Try to low down GPU`s clocks. I do not think that is Windows 7 problem, more like your VGA card freezes.
  21. Are you sure, what such modification is possible? Please, give me the link to more detailed information.
  22. Stelaras We have studied your problem and we have decided that it is necessary to recognize your result is valid.
  23. Stelaras We`ve got your point. Could you give us some time to discuss your scores?
  24. There is no reference on PII 200 here http://processorfinder.intel.com/List.aspx?ParentRadio=All&ProcFam=47&SearchKey= How can it be?
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