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Everything posted by demiurg

  1. Please check number of pp on default 1800GTO and Mome's one. 12 is not equal 16, is it? R520 with 16 pp is 1800XT.
  2. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :celebration:
  3. azesmbog Разве трудно понять, что по-русски тут почти никто не понимает? All Sorry about this. He speaks Russian, but I have now idea why
  4. http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=796114 The resolution is hidden.
  5. Can you provide any links?
  6. The name of VGA card and used chip are hidden. When did you submit this score? If you did this after 10/8/2007 you have to provide GPU-Z on the screenshot.
  7. Why do you think so? http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=739968 - for example And even if GPU-Z really does nor work with you card, it must be on screenshot anyway.
  8. For example, I would not block this one http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=598414, even if it has not valid screenshot, but it HAS one. Those blocked scores has not ANY single verification.
  9. No, I didn`t delete it, just you cann`t see it. We do not block old scores, but this is not score at all, because there is no ANY verification.
  10. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=617629 Did your ever try to validate this score? No screenshot, no forum post, no link... Everybody should provide some verification of his scores but not you? What makes you special?
  11. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=617890 This score is unblocked. Why? What scores are you talking about?
  12. You claim that 29-06-2007 the rule of validation screenshot did not exist? I think, that is no true. If there was any link or screenshot, even not valid, I would not block those scores. But there was NOTHING.
  13. What score do we talking about? This one http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=793620 ? Global Rank: 277th - 5.5 points Hardware Rank: 9th 2x GeForce 8800 GTX - 4.8 points
  14. Can you provide any links?
  15. May be this can help http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=22699&postcount=2 http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=22705&postcount=5
  16. Yes, you can do this in "2 x 4870X2" category.
  17. Watch your language!
  18. These score is too old for moderation.
  19. Can you press [log] botton (looks like open book) and see reasons of marking "checked by mderator" in those cases?
  20. Look at Nature score. It is impossible to get such score, so the score is bugged. It will not come back.
  21. My ICQ 66-25-358 You can tell me everything you want without any language barrier P.S. It is considered very impolite to write in language which it is not clear to the majority of people on this forum
  22. In order to open two or more cpu-z windows do second double click on icon only after full loading first copy of CPU-Z.
  23. Sorry, your scores is ok, it has been restored.
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