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Everything posted by hokiealumnus

  1. Ok, I thought that would be a little insane. Still jealous though. I expect to see some hardcore scores out of you!
  2. So, let me get this straight...by "installation", you mean to tell me you have a cryo hose going from your garden into your residence? If so, add me to the jealous list. Hell, if not, add me to the list anyway; but it would be extra sweet if you don't even have to go outside to fill it up.
  3. Depends on what you mean by 'the same hardware'. They were using hardware with the same model numbers, but they were not using the same hardware, which is why the whole thing stunk to Dejo. He purchased two of anything that had the same model number, and had photographs of them side by side. This post is not to drudge past issues up, and I have no dog in this fight, just wanted to clear up that point.
  4. Aaaand...sigged.
  5. Checked on ASUS' site last night and there is a new BIOS 1202 for the P8P67 WS Revolution. It seems to be a tad more stable for multi-threaded benches at higher clocks. They also dumbed down the power section of the UEFI by an option or so. Unfortunately they don't give you a way to link directly, but here's the product page.
  6. You can also select "Disable PPU" in vantage options prior to running the test. The newest version actually has that set by default.
  7. I use AS SSD in reviews; it's a quick easy button-press-then-score bench. IOMeter is the best, but it has been out of development for a long time and it is a royal pain in the arse to use. Anyway, if you're looking for something rather consistent (+/- 10 points is normal as far as I can tell) and point-giving, AS SSD is your bench.
  8. Fair enough, thanks.
  9. Bump...any chance of getting this added to boing-giving benches?
  10. Thaiphoon burner doesn't seem to like Win 7 unless you buy the pro version. It says it will work for reading in XP; but we're back to the fact that my XP install is nonexistent for this system. Sorry...again.
  11. Lots of spare drives, none with a functioning copy of XP unfortunately. Sorry.
  12. SPDTool doesn't work on this system. Took a shot in the dark with EVGA's tool and came up empty. Thus, stupid question time: Anybody know where I'd get an SPD dump program that works on a Crosshair IV Formula? To try and be a little more useful, attached is what the CPUz dump says about the SPD, which offers a bit more detail than in my other post.
  13. Here you go: [ATTACH]925[/ATTACH] They're rated (and run) better than their SPD, at DDR3-2000 / 7-9-7-24. Had them as far as DDR3-2111 without even trying - no voltage increase and on AM3. Methinks they have plenty more, I just haven't had time to play with them.
  14. That's a 550 Ti; it's already in the database: http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/geforce_gtx_550_ti
  15. The GTX 550 Ti is in there, but not without the Ti. If that's something you need added, it would probably be a good idea to go to the help center and click "Add New Ticket" on the left.
  16. Has anyone confirmed this perchance? I'm hoping 1.60 for the ASRock Extreme 6 adds the positives of 1.30, 1.33A & 1.40 together. Don't want to brick the B2 board though.
  17. Subtest details are visible in the hotfix version. Just submitted this yesterday. You can see them in the screenshot. I completely agree this thing should have boints; it's a fun bench!
  18. That does look very nice, good work from the dev team!
  19. Will they work with the earlier PCH stepping?
  20. Better late than never I suppose. Retail 2600K, Batch # L042A969 on an ASRock P67 Extreme 6 LinX stable @ 4.6 GHz / 1.256Vcore loaded ...................4.8 GHz / 1.344Vcore loaded CPUZ @ 5519 SP1M @ 5519 - 6.771s WP32M @ 5447 - 4.679s Vantage @ 5418 3DMark06 @ 5418 It also ran 01 & 03 there. 01 result was disappointing of course because Gigabyte seems to have the market on those results. Vcore for all of that was around 1.6'ish loaded. It was 1.584 idle but LLC was on full, so it boosted a hair under load. Cooling was this classy looking water loop (board & RAM changed for the results above): [ATTACH]914[/ATTACH] That was one evening of benching. Couldn't get it to boot at 56x. Yet. Rest assured I'll try when time allows. Haven't even tried BCLK adjustments yet. Lots of toying around to be had, but this should be enough for another batch data point.
  21. I'd have to defer to your experience I suppose. Never had the privilege of teaching my 2.5 year old yet. When I do, I would first ask that he watch how I do things, then mimic that behavior. As my benching (and reviewing) volume grows, my screenshots have become identical to one another, so I can easily combine them into a spreadsheet to tabulate scores. When the time comes that he learns from me, I will, in fact, teach him the same. So I guess I'll have to reverse my thinking, and my screenshots, when that time comes. Hopefully we'll be past this issue and hokiealumnus / hokie's son can coexist on the same team rather than being protected from potential, eventual accusations of cheating.
  22. This goes back to the teaching/coaching thing I brought up. If she hasn't benched before and is getting started, from who do you think she is going to learn? Her father. Not remotely as some people, but right there, in person. He's going to instruct her in how to submit a screenshot, because a proper screenshot is going to be needed for a valid score. It stands to reason, then, that as he is used to doing it one way all the time to ensure he doesn't miss anything, that he would instruct her to do the same. Once that reasoning is cemented in her mind, likewise, she does it one way all the time as instructed when she was learning. So by your reasoning, if he had taught her how to submit screenshots with her CPUz / GPUz / results inverted to opposite sides of the screen, it would be legit and never have been questioned? If that's the tone you took in the PMs to which he's referring, I'd have gone the heck off myself. That does, in fact, sound like an accusation of cheating.
  23. With the ability to photograph hardware side-by-side if need be (perhaps he has done this as a best practice thing already) and/or supply invoices for the purchases, I can't see any legitimate reason for this decision. You've said a lot of words, but the community -not all of which is on OCF- seems to be pretty supportive of their plight. In the face of concrete proof (which you haven't asked for...please, ask...he'll give it I'm certain), there is absolutely NO reason for you to disallow the combination of daughter + account + points + team. Of course she wants to be on his team, he's her father. 'Oh, I'm sorry, because you haven't cheated and you both were up front, you can't bench side-by-side with your dad...for the community's sake lest one of them some day accuse you of cheating.' That's illogical. The only possible argument for your solution of not-this-combo is that he is giving her lots of coaching, telling her what to do. Should that invalidate my scores? I livestream when I go cold, and people help me by literally telling me what to do next when I get stuck. Heck, the other night I had five other people present physically, one on the phone and at least a dozen on livestream, all telling me what to do when I got stuck. Should that invalidate my scores because I got lots of coaching? Who is this community of which you speak? They certainly haven't come in here voicing their opposition to the account combination the bot staff is so against. I like you massman, you do a lot of good for our community, but this time I'm sorry to say IMHO you're just wrong; as is the staff that's in accordance with this decision. NO rules have been broken by your own admission, and there is no justification for disallowing the combination.
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