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Everything posted by hokiealumnus

  1. Well, to be fair, many review samples are for the site to keep (very handy for future comparisons and/or changing testbed platforms). For a lot of companies, anything other than mobile (i.e. laptops) are actually. Some are required to be returned but most aren't. I probably have one of the world's fastest review writing and browsing computers, heh. I can't - well, won't - sell the stuff (ES) and don't really game. Once it's benched for the review, it's tortured as much as I can. Either I kill it benching, use it in a 24/7 build or store it for said future comparisons.
  2. I'm not at all opposed to the suggestion that people who get pre-release hardware from Intel or AMD should be Pro. That's why I'm in Pro in the first place. I'm the first to admit I can't hang with Andre, NickShih, rbuass, Deanzo....any of those top guys. But it's my lot on the bot to compete in their league because of the fortunate position in which I find myself. My point is don't take the points away. We paid our dues by going Pro. If the NDA is lifted, we should be able to submit for points.
  3. From just one perspective, I've spoken (in private) about my reservation of being in the Pro league. It's my lot because I bench with ES chips and GPUs and want to help my team by submitting for points. I was, let's say gently admonished (and rightly so), for slight complaint about being in the same league as people I assumed got to bin CPUs and GPUs for free when I only get one as a reviewer (and have no money to bin more). These phantom people that many - including formerly myself - believe get all of those chips/GPUs to bin, worldwide, are probably less than a dozen. The rest of them churn through chips at negligible loss by reselling them as practically new. Or they know someone that's a system builder that will let them bin their chip to buy. Even they are very few. Anyway, I gave up the OC league because I wanted to help my team by being able to submit what benchmarks I could get with ES hardware. That's why the Pro league exists (among other reasons). If you take away the ability to submit for boints, there is no reason for me to submit to the bot at all. Also FWIW, this GPU launch is an exception. AMD paper-launched it, so the review samples are out there and not under NDA - free to submit before launch. 99% of the time (HD69xx, Bulldozer, SNB, SNB-E), the hardware we get is under NDA until the day it is launched. Meaning we aren't supposed to (I never do, but there are those that do) submit anything in public until after the product is launched. The lag time between when I submit my first result to the bot and others submitting is often less than 48hrs to a week, depending on many factors. So this particular launch is an exception and not the rule. EDIT - *cough* http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=34852 *cough* ....sooner in 2012 than later maybe?
  4. Sweet, thanks!
  5. Hey Andre...care to share the XP driver you've got there? (Excellent score btw!)
  6. Wow, chefbenito really takes his benchmark versions seriously, doesn't he? I suppose we should all stop running any 3DMark except 11 and, well, any CPU benchmark on the bot?
  7. Shamino said it is a useless option and has never helped. They put it in there so you can find out for yourself, but on or off it hasn't helped him. I haven't had the chance to try it, but I doubt my brick wall will move; heh.
  8. AMD reference card NDA was released 12/22/11. Partner cards are still {supposed to be} under NDA until 1/9/12, which is why I'm surprised ASUS let Shammy & Andre loose so early. Not that I'm arguing, these results are awesome to see; but by the letter of the law we aren't supposed to see anything other than AMD reference until next Monday. Now, with phil getting his card at retail, that's between him and his store whether he should be doing this.
  9. Thanks! It might take a 'mark forums read' to reset to where you were previously, but after that it will always show what you have and have not read correctly.
  10. If it doesn't hurt server performance, Database handling is absolutely the way to go. You never miss a thing that way.
  11. This BIOS: http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=145618&postcount=1 Without it, I had no voltage control. With it, I had voltage control and was quite happy. :woot:
  12. Wow, hah! I had a 1x record and expected it to go, but not in less than 24 hours. Excellent score Aristidis!
  13. Guess I need moar cards. Thanks for the quick answer.
  14. I was fortunate enough to actually set a 1x GPU record. I'm not for sure if this is category-specific or just overall though. If category specific, points please! http://hwbot.org/submission/2236919_ If not category specific, guess I need to figure out how to get a couple more cards.
  15. Thanks! These things are insane. Love this card. I've yet to take a GPU cold, but this might be the one that forces me to. Nope, 1.25V; adjustable courtesy Pt1t. :nana:
  16. Thanks much for sharing that BIOS! Embarrassed to say I've had a hell of a time getting that. Now we can really beat on this thing.
  17. Thanks! Loving this card. I'll be sad when people get them and start passing me.
  18. No tweaking at all. I didn't even adjust 3D performance settings. This was cranking the CPU (as far as it'll go on ambient) and GPU, then running the test. Tweaking will certainly yield better results.
  19. Vantage was by far the most impressive. 11 did well, as did Heaven but this one blew me away. Can't wait to see these cold. Sure there was! I don't break NDAs. Ever. This one wasn't submitted until an hour or so after the NDA expired.
  20. ... Return to article to continue reading. Good luck folks!
  21. I got to 5.0 with it in our review, fwiw. It's not stable per se, but it got there and ran WP1024M. At DDR3-10501 with timings of 31-31-15-63 no less!
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