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Everything posted by flanker

  1. awesome, this benchmarkm is also very stressfull. But I like it
  2. lol, this I needed few weeks ago. I did this afterall (found some help around the google).
  3. interesting thread man I had sample of GX700 for few hours and it was able OC it in BIOS.
  4. I think, around 1.425-1.45V will be safe if your temps will be in good limit. I mean around 80-85C in hard practice load or up to 90 C in OCCT With my AiO I can testing with 1.55V hard tests for short time or 1.488V for long time (example gaming, video encoding)
  5. Roman did OC guide at ROG Hero "only" But with some mainstream segment will be similar (as Z170 Pro Gaming etc)
  6. I think, few months and present AMD WR will be gone. I think, in summer we will see AM4 Excavators with unclocked CPUs and after SUperpi wil be more fun 8.4. I will try LN2 with Excavator
  7. u can show the BIOS settings (F12 to save the BIOS screenshot).
  8. wow, you are close to the WR , lol HDD in IDE mode?
  9. Yes, its default memory controller value. This doesnt mean nothing (example FX has 1866 MHz and it can holt around 2500 MHz stable) I think Excavator in Bristol Ridge will have 1)higher default clocks 2)16x PCIe 3.0 3)maybe doubled L2 cache
  10. Maybe its logic reason, if I heard Bristol Ridge will be little different core than this FM2+ Excavator....
  11. There is AMD TurboV (its working only at AMD platforms AM3+, FM2+ ) Hope it helps you http://dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/misc/utils/TurboV-Core_Win7-81-10.zip
  12. I was keep the turbo at "auto" and after raise the BCLK. Boot into the WIndows and after via TurboV. Did you had IDE mode or AHCI as at mine side?
  13. its very nice . How did it with LN2?
  14. wow, very interesting information.
  15. but much better than my R15. Seems, at my side its VID and TDP issue. Higher VID, higher temps--> higher TDP than 65W? Your R15 seems as Kaveri around the 7850K default score (3.7 GHz) Next week Il be back with benchmarking Excavator again.
  16. I have some FX chips, which can hold CPUNB over 2800 MHz in 32M and Cinebench also
  17. with LN2 memory yes, without it, I dont know. The 2666 MHz is very good for AMD relased in 2012 CPU...Ussually at others board is not possible get over 2500 MHz for 32M. If you will cool memory with LN2, its possible attack 3000 MHz in 32M. PS: Elmor is playing with AMD also http://www.overclock.net/t/1587222/asus-970-pro-gaming-aura/20#post_24953878
  18. LOl, thats more than enough of LN2 Time to break some WRs Do you have also some Kaveri chip?
  19. wow, it seems promising DO you will test 32M with LN2? So example 7700+ MHz/3600+MHz CPUNB and 2666 with LN2 ?
  20. or this http://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/am91bd9_460sv.mp4
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