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Everything posted by TAGG

  1. Got me some more stuff to throw at the round
  2. Why would you want quad sli anyways? The framerate is mostly limited by memory bandwith in this bench i think
  3. I may have discovered a tweak for #1 which has to be 100% legal, since it's basically hardware, not software Will post more about this once i have verified my theory
  4. Everything is run at 1050p without any driver tweaks... And yes I know there is no way to prove that... If nobody else publishes the tweak, i'll make a tutorial on it After the challenge of course
  5. The tweak is not all that complicated... it's basic priority stuff Just think about XTU and you'll find the tweak... I can assure that all files are 100% stock And yes Realbench is a crap benchmark, just like XTU and PCM imo...
  6. Price update on Xpower and added a Nforce 4 Ultra Board
  7. Still waiting for a reply on my PM... Allready offered 220 incl. shipping
  8. How much for the Single Stage shipped to austria?
  9. TAGG

    [FS] p5e3 pro

    You got PM
  10. I'd offer 160€ incl. shipping to Austria, please PM if that is ok
  11. Any info, where max. FSB is for the P5E3?
  12. Traded the fusion for Seasonic 860W platinum and some kryonaut, also the DQ6 is back in use
  13. Where in Italy are you located? If not in the northern part, what would shipping to austria be?
  14. I got one here: Sun Microsystems 2864 It has a nforce 4 Ultra chipset (checked under the heatsink) CPUz Validation: CPU-Z VALIDATOR Picture:
  15. Works fine for me, but its really hard to find a spot where the CPU is stable... Especially bad if the benchmark crashes during the last test, after what feels like an hour of running
  16. P35-DQ6 still for sale
  17. Nope bought that on the austrian counterpart of craigslist for 25€ including the zalman cooler, modded it myself
  18. Here is my (HP) Quadro FX 3700 with really good Samsung ICs And my (Fujitsu) Quadro FX 5600 with Samsung ICs that don't scale with Voltage at all?? Or did I do something wrong with the Voltmod??
  19. I could do 40€ shipped, if that is OK please PM me
  20. The best I cold do on air... Not good enough to compete against LN2 ofcourse
  21. That's a really nice score I was secretly hoping no one has a 5600 AND LN2... Do you have Samsung/Hynix ICs or Qimonda like me?
  22. Ok, I'll take them both anyways mostly because of the PCB, please PM me with shipping costs to austria
  23. Any Info on what the maximum they can do at 5-5-5 under 2,4V is?
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