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^ What I was saying was that the lower res is where these older cards can run. They have a problem at 1440 & 4K. One other thing that was missed was clicking on the links.

EVERYBODY that is using a $50 card has his points zeroed out (0.0). The last link shows that people with TOP GEAR ($$$) are not effected. The basic page shows that they received 0.0 points for their submission. Click on the link like I did and it show that these persons received points for their submission????



If you look on the page I linked, catzilla 720p gives no hwpoints but still gives global points.


Not sure how else to explain it, the benchmark page clearly shows which benchmarks award which type of points.

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If you look on the page I linked, catzilla 720p gives no hwpoints but still gives global points.


Not sure how else to explain it, the benchmark page clearly shows which benchmarks award which type of points.


I think he's just whining because he wants to whine. At the start of rev 7 I dropped down to like 150 in apprentice league from around 50 in rev 6 after everything was said and done, and now I'm in 25th place. So I think the new rev lends itself to picking up score very quickly if you are of very low rank. On rev 6 once you got top 50 there was a lot more cases of having to do well in reeeally competitive benches to inch up a few places. Now I've literally gained more than 100 places just on intel igpu. It's popular, but not popular enough that I can't easily bruteforce most scores with good mem, high gpu clock, and poor efficiency. If people want to get some ez pts for $15 then come and take mine in hd graphics (sandy bridge), literally my 1st chip rode me to victory. Made me regrest buying 8 to bin :Dhttp://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/hd_graphics_sandy_bridge/

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I'm sorry for not asking first to be able to reference your site. I apologize Mr.Scott for this error.


I hate the feeling of move up or out (Hardware Wise). I would rather read about XX who took a 1.x Pen-VI NorthWood to 4.x than about who has the best hardware OCed.

For every "K|inP|n" that benches 2 x 1080Ti (EVGA KP's that cost $1,200+ each) to a world record worth 401.2 point's, you have 10 that are benching 2 x 550ti, 660ti, 5870, and 6870. Theses cards can be had for under $50 and still give good point's, except in already said benches. In those benches they are worth 0 EVEN if you are #1





If you HAVE A 1 x 1080Ti ($$$$) you have 236.8 points for 1st place or 2 x 1080Ti for 401.2 points for 1st place????


I have not EVEN gotten into 3D MARK 01. I have not tested this completely but at XX driver version an ATI\AMD video card will not run it. You do not even have this problem with current Nvidia's cards\drivers???


Thank You For Your Time


MM, no harm done. I would have messaged you if I was pissed.


You can mention W9 or myself as much as you wish, That was never a problem. ;)


The problem was making a statement like getting rid of all the old hardware. You know that's where we excel. It made it sound like you wanted to wipe us out.


MM, forget about points. They mean very little anyway. Just have fun OC'ing what you like and what you want to. Use your scores to gauge where you stand rank wise. Forget those stupid points. Most know who the real overclockers are anyway. Enjoy your hobby, don't make it feel like a job.

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At the start of rev 7 I dropped down to like 150 in apprentice league from around 50 in rev 6 after everything was said and done, and now I'm in 25th place. So I think the new rev lends itself to picking up score very quickly if you are of very low rank.




If people want to get some ez pts for $15 then come and take mine in hd graphics (sandy bridge), literally my 1st chip rode me to victory.


Haha I wish ... sometimes you regret selling old hardware. Upgrade bug bites.


Some members are not agile enough to bounce back on points as you did. See for some it's they've done all their scores & happy what they achieved. Rev7 comes &smashes their points.


Do these members wan't to spend $$$ on countless " different " hardware pieces now?

As their current collection of parts is rendered useless for points.



Use your post as an example. To run $15 Sandybridge iGpu. Sold my fast DDR3. There's $100US if I can find a set as good. Unlikely. Then purchase another z67 z77 motherboard. It's all costs, again & again.


MM's reference to the $50 gpu's vs highends for points. The big parts eg. 1080ti even second hand is $1000AU here. I certainly cannot afford it.


Based on dollar value. 1080ti can make 50 points, then so can a Gtx480. That's his point a fairness to score good, no matter the budget.

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I was just trying to make a point on the new scoring system. I have a HD-6970 (or xx) and score 1st place in Catzilla 720p but receive nothing but 0.0 points. The 1080Ti that I linked gets points. The 1080Ti gets 126.6 UGP for being the 2nd using 1 GPU & 110.2 GTPP for being the 2nd in team to use 1 GPU. Now IF I had been 1st benching 2 x 1080Ti's I would have received : UWP-156.1, UGP-146.7, GTPP-98.4. for 401 point's?????

If you really want to make this a sport and have fairness then:

Have points based on how well you scored using - AIR, Water, AIO Water, Dice, Cascade, and-or LN2.

You scored 75.00 points for having the fastest air cooled 2600k < Just a thought...

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I was just trying to make a point on the new scoring system. I have a HD-6970 (or xx) and score 1st place in Catzilla 720p but receive nothing but 0.0 points. The 1080Ti that I linked gets points. The 1080Ti gets 126.6 UGP for being the 2nd using 1 GPU & 110.2 GTPP for being the 2nd in team to use 1 GPU. Now IF I had been 1st benching 2 x 1080Ti's I would have received : UWP-156.1, UGP-146.7, GTPP-98.4. for 401 point's?????

If you really want to make this a sport and have fairness then:

Have points based on how well you scored using - AIR, Water, AIO Water, Dice, Cascade, and-or LN2.

You scored 75.00 points for having the fastest air cooled 2600k < Just a thought...


what mutt says

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I can assure you that less whine, more bench is the only way to move up the rankings. Just like rev 6. You can spend all your time arguing for score to be measured by the angle of the moon on the 3rd of the month, or you can get back to benching and post good scores. If you get gold in one bench and not another on the same hw then I think it's clear where the competition lies. I showed you how I won my one handed underwater basket weaving competition basically against myself on hd graphics. That's not hard to do, most anyone can if they're playing to win. If you want pts you need to beat people who are playing to win. Heck I got 3rd for gb3 multi core on a crappy 5.35 ghz 2600k! It's not because my bench efficiency is amazing or I had the golden sticks of psc. It's cause there weren't literally hundreds of people showing up with the intent of winning. There were apparently 3 including myself, and considering that chip wasn't binned at all and I literally lucked into getting it free it's questionable if I even was. My point of this wall of text is a simple message. Git gud son.

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I'm somewhere between MM & yosariani views. Push on with Rev7, but reluctant to spend $$$

MM says more equal points to achieve vs latest gpu's. You say explore & find other big points in HWbot. Biggest costly parts make alot of points, that will never change.


Myself ... expenditure on New & Shiny, kind of over it. Only 9700K holds the interest. Reached a point where I figure I spent 5K is enough. Hobby is expensive.

Then I have boxes of parts turning into a mountain of pcb junk. Not because I broke them, purely old age & don't turn on anymore. Cost factor is unfrikken believable on those purchases. Where does it end?



See it from others members side ... many are not willing to keep spending because the goal posts shifted.



You are doing well though with the old cpu's. :) Might give it a go if I find a decent mb

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all sections should have their own allocation to points for the ranking in that section theyre in from air to ln2, you beat whos in front of you or you beat someone in front of you then you take the points and move up the ladder in your league, or is that to simple, instead you have to compete against others in higher leagues with the same hardware but have no hope in coming near them at all.now you tell me how is this fair, for christs sakes, extract the digit and make each league its own league for points for subs and comps, stupid things have been created here for no gain for many and really for no reason when it could be all so more simple is my opinion, i dont know a lot about it all but i have a lot of common sense and common sense will beat anyone that thinks theyre smart any day of the week



heres another thing i suggested yrs ago, to keep bot up and going and alive but no reply, each member pays $5, even $10 a year into a (secure) transparent fund to run bot, i think $10 a year is pittance for each member for what bot does for all members, normal subs, comps, etc, then maybe the hard workers that give their time freely all the time can be paid, in which they deserve to be too, s.h.i.t. has gone down in this site but not like this thats happened of late, it cant keep going on like it has been for this site to keep viable proposition, sponsors gone, (for reasons you know of ) not a good scene at all for bot or for all the sponsors that were, whether some left bot because of a push from a certain situation or not is not the issue now, thats done, that is past , its time to look to the future , you cant bring back the past, but you can plan and do for the future !!!!


ill be the first to put my 10 bucks in .......whos gunna be with me ????

Edited by ozzie
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I was just trying to make a point on the new scoring system. I have a HD-6970 (or xx) and score 1st place in Catzilla 720p but receive nothing but 0.0 points. The 1080Ti that I linked gets points. The 1080Ti gets 126.6 UGP for being the 2nd using 1 GPU & 110.2 GTPP for being the 2nd in team to use 1 GPU. Now IF I had been 1st benching 2 x 1080Ti's I would have received : UWP-156.1, UGP-146.7, GTPP-98.4. for 401 point's?????

If you really want to make this a sport and have fairness then:

Have points based on how well you scored using - AIR, Water, AIO Water, Dice, Cascade, and-or LN2.

You scored 75.00 points for having the fastest air cooled 2600k < Just a thought...


I've already explained this, if you check on the benchmark page you can see 720p catzilla scores don't give hwpoints, but do give globals.


Other benches just give hwpoints and no globals (r11.5 for example).

With catzilla I think the mods/admins etc felt that with 4 categories it was silly to give all points to all versions.

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If you really want to make this a sport and have fairness then:

Have points based on how well you scored using - AIR, Water, AIO Water, Dice, Cascade, and-or LN2.

You scored 75.00 points for having the fastest air cooled 2600k < Just a thought...


all sections should have their own allocation to points for the ranking in that section theyre in from air to ln2, you beat whos in front of you or you beat someone in front of you then you take the points and move up the ladder in your league, or is that to simple, instead you have to compete against others in higher leagues with the same hardware but have no hope in coming near them at all.now you tell me how is this fair, for christs sakes, extract the digit and make each league its own league for points for subs and comps, stupid things have been created here for no gain for many and really for no reason when it could be all so more simple is my opinion, i dont know a lot about it all but i have a lot of common sense and common sense will beat anyone that thinks theyre smart any day of the week


Can't be done.

There is no foolproof way to prove temps when running the bench.

By splitting points via cooling method, you just enable the cheats even more.

Edited by Mr.Scott
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People who push for pts based on specific cooling and other competitions of who can do a one handed clap the fastest while skateboarding and knitting with the other hand seem to think that there is an unlimited supply of fake internet pts to give away and that hwbot has a monopoly over it. Which neither is true, hwbot does not have a monopoly on fake internet pts, for example you can head over to 3dmark ladder and have your ambient scores kicked to the curb even faster or else you can go to (insert other place that hands out fake internet pts to ambient score, oh wait there isn't). I think that with the huge shortage of fake internet pts out there it's quite nice and noble of hwbot to hand them out to not the very best of the best scores. If you want to get more pts then perhaps you can open up your own free pts bank and dole them out based on whatever measurement system you believe in. You can call it ambientonly.org, or perhaps fuckln2.net

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Free points bank, where is it I'll get an account started :) That would be great, I'll sit on my as & watch movies.


I'm still finding incredibly strong scores in HWbot. Funky monkey business or voodoo magic.

So while the rules tighten up " we cannot do this or that " those scores remain unchallenged, unbeatable in many cases.

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