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Hey guys, does anyone have any experience with 285 Classified. KPC is down for right now so I will make thread there also. My stupid evbot died otherwise I would use that.


Does the evga voltage tuner work ok? Does anyone know how high can go?


Just wondering if I should grab classy or try some volt mods on reference. Thanks


you can voltmode gtx285 classified simply like other card aswell ,i did that few years ago! or software with comand line from rivatunner , because it use volterra VT1165mf pwm chip , it is a true digital pwm ...

you can voltmode gtx285 classified simply like other card aswell ,i did that few years ago! or software with comand line from rivatunner , because it use volterra VT1165mf pwm chip , it is a true digital pwm ...


ok cool, thanks for info, will probably grab one. There are 2 on ebay



Ill send you a PM about the dead EVBot.


cool thanks


here the mods, be carfully when you will turn the trim pot for vdd and vddq ...they are very sensitive and rise the voltage spontanly, so rotated very very slowly!

on gpu , it hint NO ocp or ovp !! enjoy!





here the mods, be carfully when you will turn the trim pot for vdd and vddq ...they are very sensitive and rise the voltage spontanly, so rotated very very slowly!

on gpu , it hint NO ocp or ovp !! enjoy!



wow that's so awesome, thank you so much. Will post some pics when get card.

  • 4 months later...
Posted (edited)
here the mods, be carfully when you will turn the trim pot for vdd and vddq ...they are very sensitive and rise the voltage spontanly, so rotated very very slowly!

on gpu , it hint NO ocp or ovp !! enjoy!



hey thanks so much for this. GPU pot works great. Vddr pot works good also. Thanks for tip, even with 20 turn trim pot the volts move the second you move pot.


Do you know how to measure vddq? For some reason I get same voltage reading at vddr and vddq measurement points. I tried poking around but cant find any measurement points. On 9800 it was easy, there was separate caps for vddr and vddq but I cant find anything similar.


So when I turn the pot for vddr both vddr and vddq measurement points move, so I am just assuming the measurement points are the problem? All resistors I find seem to be vddr and nothing different for vddq

Edited by Strong Island
Posted (edited)

they are linked , that way i told you to be carfully when you turn the trim pot , need to be both outputs monitorised :)


also vddq and mvddc don´t respond very well on cold , i don´t think you will need it:D


if you wanted to measure directly from vddq or mvddc outputs , on the front side were the vrm are localised you will see one(vddq) and 2 (mvddc) tantalium cap , near inductors!

Edited by nachtfalke
they are linked , that way i told you to be carfully when you turn the trim pot , need to be both outputs monitorised :)


also vddq and mvddc don´t respond very well on cold , i don´t think you will need it:D


if you wanted to measure directly from vddq or mvddc outputs , on the front side were the vrm are localised you will see one(vddq) and 2 (mvddc) tantalium cap , near inductors!


When I was turning the vddq trim pot I didnt see any movement in voltage, but when I turned vddr trim pot both voltages moved.


So it's ok to just use the vddr pot for both? Or does the vddq have to be moved also?


I havent really benched a ton of cards that have both rails so I guess that's why I am a little confused. On 9800 it was easy, they each had separate pots and measurement points and I just turned them the same amount.

Posted (edited)
When I was turning the vddq trim pot I didnt see any movement in voltage, but when I turned vddr trim pot both voltages moved.


So it's ok to just use the vddr pot for both? Or does the vddq have to be moved also?


I havent really benched a ton of cards that have both rails so I guess that's why I am a little confused. On 9800 it was easy, they each had separate pots and measurement points and I just turned them the same amount.


use only vddr and see how the gpu will perform , from my experience classified aren´t very good on mem overclocking , is very hard to get one with 1500 ram , think you will bench it at 1450-1475.


on cold many it has issue when you play with hight ddr volts , so check the core vs ddr stability and stay with low volts on it ( 2.25 -2.3v)


i bench yestarday mine gtx285 matrix and very strange behavior under cold -115 had CBB , ddr don´t like volts ..max benchable was 1480-1500 at 2.25Vgddr , gpu core it´s ok , 1130mhz/2500 shader at 1.55v, over this no scalling anymore!

Edited by nachtfalke
use only vddr and see how the gpu will perform , from my experience classified aren´t very good on mem overclocking , is very hard to get one with 1500 ram , think you will bench it at 1450-1475.


on cold many it has issue when you play with hight ddr volts , so check the core vs ddr stability and stay with low volts on it ( 2.25 -2.3v)


i bench yestarday mine gtx285 matrix and very strange behavior under cold -115 had CBB , ddr don´t like volts ..max benchable was 1480-1500 at 2.25Vgddr , gpu core it´s ok , 1130mhz/2500 shader at 1.55v, over this no scalling anymore!



ok cool man thanks so much, excited to try it out tonight, never tried 200 series gpu.


I also figured out a pll mod last night. To the right of the bottom dvi connector on inside. The up6161 ic, pin 4. I measured around 750 ohm and used 20K pot but the voltage was instantly 1.2v, so just the 20k raised it around 30mv


Not sure why that would happen, trying to learn. Even 25 times resistance 20k should be good

Posted (edited)
use only vddr and see how the gpu will perform , from my experience classified aren´t very good on mem overclocking , is very hard to get one with 1500 ram , think you will bench it at 1450-1475.


on cold many it has issue when you play with hight ddr volts , so check the core vs ddr stability and stay with low volts on it ( 2.25 -2.3v)


i bench yestarday mine gtx285 matrix and very strange behavior under cold -115 had CBB , ddr don´t like volts ..max benchable was 1480-1500 at 2.25Vgddr , gpu core it´s ok , 1130mhz/2500 shader at 1.55v, over this no scalling anymore!


ya even on air it wasn't scaling past 1.225v, 1450 passes perfectly and 1476 passes sometimes but has artifacts and also crashes, nothing above 2.225v helps


You were spot on.

Edited by Strong Island

Tried on cold last night but couldnt break 1152 core 2600 shader.


It was weird about in the middle of the bench session whenever I crashed in Vantage, I got a black screen like power off and then like 30 seconds I get a bsod and then a reset.


Is that a sign of something other than instability? Wish I would have taken screenshot of 23478 score but I thought for sure I was going to get higher.


It didnt seem like the gpu liked much over 1.55v and -130c


had a great time with the card last night, 1188 core, new first place. going to wait for kaby for rest of benches. i think 1200 is possible, 1188 passed on first try and at the very end i ran out of ln2


thanks a lot nachtfalke




Damn !! Very great card !!


thanks man, definitely a fun card to bench. I think the first session I was having trouble with the x-cool switch, now I changed the position and the blue screens seemed to stop, I also havent found a cold bug and I only went to about 1.6v so I am excited to push again.


Only problem is memory is like 100mhz off top scores so that will be a problem.


Same on my classi the memory isn't very . My matrix is better on memory 1500+ but in need to do à vmod because memory is too cold


It is the best génération of vga

Same on my classi the memory isn't very . My matrix is better on memory 1500+ but in need to do à vmod because memory is too cold


It is the best génération of vga



funny too because classy comes with extra 6 pin that is supposed to be dedicated just to memory. I think you can even leave it un-plugged.

Same on my classi the memory isn't very . My matrix is better on memory 1500+ but in need to do à vmod because memory is too cold


It is the best génération of vga


is the up6208 a pain to mod? Would be fun to try matrix.

i don't think too . i just need to find time for mod and bench it


my best matrix is dead now but i have other card no tested


he asked about Up6208 pwm witch is the gpu pwm controller , not up6205 mem controller( simply FB mod).

for matrix you can use software or hard VID mod, like i did in mine , if you want to use hard mod ask me :D

he asked about Up6208 pwm witch is the gpu pwm controller , not up6205 mem controller( simply FB mod).

for matrix you can use software or hard VID mod, like i did in mine , if you want to use hard mod ask me :D


ya was just reading data sheet, probably will try vid mod to try and avoid ocp/ovp. I want to max out classy but that memory can really hold you back, so frustrating sometimes. Still fun though trying all these older cards, learning a lot.

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