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segnalare leeghoofd


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il vostro moderatore cancella record validi con la scusa di benchmate anche dove benchmate non è richiesto controllate le sue attività


the moderator cancels the valid registration with the excuse of a benchmate even if the benchmate is not required by its activities in rules...... cb15 and geekbench 4 no beta


HWBOT submission reported


An HWBOT moderator, "leeghoofd", has blocked one of your submitted scores. It has marked one of your submissions as 'incorrect submission'.

This was the reason the user gave:

Bench AMD Ryzen on Win7 or use the Benchmate tool


You can view your result here:

If you have questions, drop a message at the forums.

Yours sincerely,
the hwbot.org team

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HWBOT <donotreply@hwbot.org>

20 ott 2019, 23:49 (12 ore fa)
a me
HWBOT submission reported


An HWBOT moderator, "leeghoofd", has blocked one of your submitted scores. It has marked one of your submissions as 'incorrect submission'.

This was the reason the user gave:

Bench AMD Ryzen on Win7 or use the Benchmate tool


You can view your result here:


HWBOT <donotreply@hwbot.org>

20 ott 2019, 23:50 (12 ore fa)
a me
HWBOT submission reported


An HWBOT moderator, "leeghoofd", has blocked one of your submitted scores. It has marked one of your submissions as 'incorrect submission'.

This was the reason the user gave:

Bench AMD Ryzen on Win7 or use the Benchmate tool


You can view your result here:

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Well then report the results as they are all invalid, the moderators are part time volunteers and do not have the time or resources to go through all results and rely on the report funcionality to find invalid results.

The windows 8 and 10 issue is something which unfortunately is out of our hands as clearly motherboard manufacturers will not change their designs simply to allow benching on these operating systems as it's not financially viable for them to worry about something as minor as that.

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The rules are pretty clear on the topic. Use Windows 7 or lower or your benchmark can't receive any points. BenchMate is the solution we are working on so users like yourself can bench with Windows 10. It's an uphill battle but we're getting there! BenchMate 0.10 will be released in the next few days and will feature new benchmarks, lots of bugfixes, some built-in tweaks and other options as well as an auto-updater to painlessly introduce new updates and additional benchmarks in the future.

As for your reported posts: Please use the "Report Submission" button on the score page's top right, so a moderator will have a look at them.

Edited by _mat_
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I only did most of the first Ryzen gens ( so your subs ) When back from the clinic I'll go for the Ryzen 2xxx results.... Ryzen 3XXX cleanup is scheduled for later this week...

The issue is that scores can get bugged due to skewed timers in Win8/8.1/10 and Server variants. The thing is Intel fixed/adressed this from Skylake generation on, AMD did not bother...

This is why BenchMate will be THE SOLUTION to use Win10 on ALL AMD platforms. BenchMate is more than that, but that's another topic. The integration to submit straight from BenchMate is under construction, so momentarily you will still have to use the screenshots found in the Result folder of BenchMate.

Just hang in there, hopefuly this all works out for the end of the year

Edited by Leeghoofd
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splave but for the good.... 
I'm happy but I see that even with benchmate it clears 
them to me therefore either I am on the cock or there are favoritism ......
 seen it has remained that of roby without benchmate 
and it has been removed my reposted with benchmate
Edited by DarkDisastro
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