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The Poll: Allow E.S. or disallow ?

What should HWbot do with the E.S. ?  

256 members have voted

  1. 1. What should HWbot do with the E.S. ?

    • Allow them as normal hardware ( rankings & points given )
    • Totally disallow them ( no submissions, no points, nothing )
    • Allow them as submissions without points
    • Allow them as normal but in a separate league

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IMO banning would be wrong.


I agree on this:

There's one more thing i dont like about BANNING engineering samples... this is the biggest overclocking database around. If a CPU exist, it's against ANY common sense to say "sorry, that chip doesn't belong here". Sure it does. It's a CPU, that's enough. What to do with it is more up for discussion - removing ES submissions from the database is like a CPU holocaust... my .02.


But what about the submissions without points? Impossible to realise?

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I think they still need to be there at least not for points.. It is cool to see the uber crazy clocks.. pro class would be better.. but for now.. no points would probably be pretty good.


I haven't anything about the possability of searching on what is ES and what is Not.

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What about having a seperate ES point system?


yeilds half of a normal point compared to retail...or something... then if the 980x has a great stepping and can beat the ES chips.. you can put them back as regular..


Just an idea..

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Your proposed solution of banning all ES is not supported by the community. Oh, wait ... we need more votes, right?


hahahahaah that's really funny... benzowner change the names... make it:


disallow ranking while posting

disallow taking part in normal ranks

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Your proposed solution of banning all ES is not supported by the community. Oh, wait ... we need more votes, right?


Your right Massman, given the existing parameters of the poll, it is readily apparent that thusfar the majority are in favor of keeping ES chips here at hwbot under the following conditions that ES CHIPS ARE NOT GIVEN POINTS or ARE PLACED INTO A SEPERATE LEAGUE.

Can't argue with that logic at all. Guess your gonna start moving the ES into a new category or remove points now?

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Did you guys notice that I just never said nothing has to be done? Or did you just filter that out.


The entire discussion here is about removing or not removing the ES scores. It's quite clear that most of the community likes to see the crazy results and therefore should not be removed from HWBOT. On the other hand, there's also a vast majority that acknowledges the fact that there's an issue with the rankings at the moment and that changes are necessary to make it more pleasant.


If you have the time, read this reply: http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=58963&postcount=267. Also read Gautam's reply in this thread.

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Ok. You are kiddin massman..aren't you. I think you are a smart guy and not as stupid as you want to show us. Most of the people participate on hwbot don't want the es to gain points and you have to respect these people. It's not me, it's not benchzowner it's not 3-4 people. You must find a way to open the league again. Now the only way for someone to make a WR isd to have a very good ES. Not a very good retail and the people who can have these chips have a sponsorship from the companies. Everybody must have a chance to the top... EVERYBODY.

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Seriously, is no one reading my posts?


I have always said that SOMETHING MUST BE DONE and that JUST REMOVING ES SCORES IS NOT AN OPTION. The latter doesn't mean that there's no option, it just means that removing the ES scores TOMORROW is not the solution everyone wants here. This is NOT about ES samples, this is about MANUFACTURER INTERFERENCE.


Ok, I used caps and bold to make it more clear. Hope it works ...

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Seriously, is no one reading my posts?


I have always said that SOMETHING MUST BE DONE and that JUST REMOVING ES SCORES IS NOT AN OPTION. The latter doesn't mean that there's no option, it just means that removing the ES scores TOMORROW is not the solution everyone wants here. This is NOT about ES samples, this is about MANUFACTURER INTERFERENCE.


Ok, I used caps and bold to make it more clear. Hope it works ...


if you remove ES only companies who actually paid for the golden ES would be sad ;) it's not a secret, cherry ES cpus where bought by companies among thousands of ES... send the best to some people and the rest are returned or on ebay. The only way to stop manufacturers interference is removing the ES advantage they have, cause me and you cannot buy ES directly from intel. Sure they can buy thousands of retail cpus and find good cpus but so do the rest of us. Who knows. I might be lucky the next time i buy a cpu ;) luckier than companies...

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Did you guys notice that I just never said nothing has to be done? Or did you just filter that out.


The entire discussion here is about removing or not removing the ES scores. It's quite clear that most of the community likes to see the crazy results and therefore should not be removed from HWBOT. On the other hand, there's also a vast majority that acknowledges the fact that there's an issue with the rankings at the moment and that changes are necessary to make it more pleasant.


If you have the time, read this reply: http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=58963&postcount=267. Also read Gautam's reply in this thread.


Yes the complications are clear. No i'm sorry i never saw that post. I think that you have a great idea there. To implement it would be awesome. You and your guys have the knowledge and talent to do this and it would definately make the playing field better. but as you said participation is the biggest problem. how many people would that make in that league about 25 -30? It really dosn't seem likely that corporate sponsers would want to provide harware for such a small amount of poeple. Wheres the bragging rights in that. Unless the sponsership was for a whole team and not individuals.


I really find the competition in this hobby is fierce and often wonder why, even I, feel the need to be on top. It's not like we get paid for this or can say "I'm going to Disneyland" when the championship is won. There is no championship. There is no prize money and there is never one winner. Its like a drug and Futuremark and HWBot are the fix.

Edited by [GF]Duke
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