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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. I'm afraid that's your only option for that board.
  2. lol Looks like my station. I'm currently running through a stack of PIII's. They're fairly amusing.
  3. We don't have to see eye to eye to help each other. You're very good at what you do, I'm fairly good at what I do. I'll post up that mod in a minute for you. EDIT- Here you go. http://www.techarp.com/showarticle.aspx?artno=106&pgno=0
  4. I already figured you did, by looking at some of your entries. You truly are a "hardware king". I have a fair amount myself.
  5. Mine did 250 out of the box. VDD mod is a must have, and the Vdimm mod as well, if you don't have an OCZ DDR Booster.
  6. I'll say. I also have a fully modded NF7-S, and that will only go 265 max.
  7. That's probably correct. Most bios modders, including myself, usually "borrow" the DFI's 6-19 romsip table for our other boards bios'. I run a fully modded AN7 and I can only get to around 255-260 on the FSB. There are a couple others at CP who can go to around 280. BH-5 and the voltage to use it are a must though. Take care of that board my friend. It is an almost un-replaceable icon in the OC'ing community.
  8. Hmmm......gonna try to put a dent in some CP points I see. It's a very nice board. What/who's bios do you usually run?
  9. Really. I use the free version and I can get the required info for my SS. http://www.hwbot.org/signature.img?iid=267393&thumb=false
  10. You can delete old scores that are saved.
  11. Fair enough, thank you. Also, as long as I have your attention, how about moving this http://hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=747315 to the proper catagory. Notice the multiplier in the SS is 4.5, which is what a 133 bus speed PIII 600 Coppermine is, not a 6 multiplier that the 100 bus speed 600 is supposed to have. See attached links below. http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Pentium-III/Intel-Pentium%20III%20600%20-%20RB80526PY600256%20(BX80526F600256).html http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Pentium-III/Intel-Pentium%20III%20600%20-%20RB80526PZ600256%20(BX80526C600256%20-%20BX80526C600256E).html Thanks in advance.
  12. Can someone check this please? No CPU-Z validation, only a SS. Says it was previously moderated and ok'ed. How, with no validation? tia http://hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=732841
  13. Thanks RB. I'm sure you'll find it. We'll try to be a little more patient from now on.
  14. It doesn't, I just tried it. Please disregard my ticket. Sorry about that guys.
  15. I'm pretty sure a couple will, and the scores will be spectacular.
  16. Ticket ID: 713 Priority: Low http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/8393/89837568.jpg\r\nPlease add ATI 3D Rage Pro Turbo AGP\r\nIt\'s a 2x AGP card, 8mb SDR, stock clocks are 40/40. As you can see in the attached image, it\'s not supported by GPU-z for some info.
  17. My team lost around 100 hardware points today, on older hardware that not many are benching. I personally had 69 different entries lose points. I find this very hard to believe.
  18. Uh-uh, Clockmaster bios.:ws:
  19. As it does for most people. I only know of one that's better.
  20. Another vote for SS here.
  21. Patience my friend, your entries are there.
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