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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. Been like that for a while now. There is a work around for x265 at least. http://forum.hwbot.org/showpost.php?p=500404&postcount=70
  2. Need the tabs brah. Something about checking for ES.
  3. I get it. Thanks. I'll try the work around.
  4. Havli, X265 does not detect unlocked cores? I mean, it detects and runs the cores correctly in the bench and GUI, but they're not included in the data file. Example: CPU 960T unlocked to 5 or 6 cores shows and runs correctly in the GUI and bench, but the data file still designates it as 4 cores active and you cannot edit the sub's core count. Also, cannot edit core count after submission.
  5. Competition points only last 1 year from the date of reception. They don't stay forever.
  6. 370 is where most of the Italian team scares me.
  7. That's f***ing awesome.
  8. I think it pertains to the "Upgrade" boards that Asrock had out. Socket A to 754 I think they were. Wish I had thought to get one. 754 in a modded NF7 might have been neat.
  9. Thank you Tasos. I look forward to rounds 3 and 5. I hope so.
  10. Answer is simple. HWB servers suck. Been like this for months now. Probably due to resources being used to crypto-mine on your rigs while you're logged in here.
  11. Interesting. I run Ublock Origin on everything, that's why I don't see it. Thanks for the info. It does seem a bit underhanded.
  12. Sometimes it's better to save your comment until you actually know what you're talking about.
  13. Socket 462 Must be Duron GF256 3D01 Pifast Aquamark3
  14. Report it. Screenshot fails anyhow. Don't worry, it will be blocked.
  15. I personally find this a very derogatory statement considering most people here are just rallying to have the problem fixed. And in the usual HWB fashion, it will be done half assed. Congratulations on your consistency.
  16. Michael I will take your word for it because you've never lied to me before. It still doesn't excuse the non enforcement issue though.
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