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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. Tried....many times. Actually had 300.9 on the screen and F7'ed. Still validated at 300.7. No idea why. Not fast enough on the trigger maybe.
  2. I sat on scores on purpose for categories that I can no longer submit in. I don't really think it was supposed to be that way. Bug maybe?
  3. If that's true, then why are the top 5 in each stage section selected as participants instead of just the top 5 overall? Makes no sense because then there's technically more than 5 teams that made the cut.
  4. Memory didn't help much, but I did it anyway. Nice. I have a couple scores to beat this too.
  5. That would be correct. Only the top 5 will get the last 7 days to submit.
  6. Probably not a good idea to wait till the last second to submit subs in these stages then, eh? Might want to let the sandbaggers know up front so there isn't a problem later.
  7. Please add Chrome S25 DDR2 64 bit card. tia
  8. Happy birthday El Genieben. Thank you for your diligence at this god forsaken place. It is appreciated.
  9. Everybody's in the same boat bro. Model attitude for a moderator here BTW. When a result moderator refuses to moderate even their own bugged subs, maybe it's time to let that ship sail.
  10. Thank you again. You are a good captain.
  11. It wasn't personal. It was a gentle nudge to get some help to resolve this bench. I hope you understand.
  12. Yayyyy........a whole new set of bugs to chase.
  13. Not if they receive support instead of resistance. Many hands make light work.
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