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Everything posted by Bones

  1. I'll throw in - Yes I'm in the apprentice league yet the vast majority of what I've been doing is still on water with plenty of subs to back that up including all of my recent subs. In fact I don't believe I've benched with DICE for awhile now. I also don't have the "Northern Advantage" working for any benefit yet I have and still manage to beat subs done on all forms of cooling from air to LN2 while benching my hardware on water. I'll just say it - You're looking to score E-Z points and they're not coming your way. Just get over it already. Although I do wish maybe one day I could give LN2 a try ain't happening anytime soon for me and frankly I LOVE being able to beat guys with more extreme forms of cooling. I know I can't speak for anyone else but as for myself - I do enjoy the challenge of it. It forces me to do better, improve and to keep pushing things to the limit.... And that's not a bad thing. Whether you like it or not the site isn't here to comform to your personal expectations of.... Anything. Either accept the fact we're all lumped into the same boat or bail.
  2. Excellent work! This is something you don't see everyday, here or anywhere else - Kudos for the hard work and the win in that stage! :ws:
  3. You may want to consider one of these: NANO USB Programmer for PC M/B BIOS repairing with Economic shipping. | eBay Got myself one and it's been a lifesaver, easy to use and it isn't dependent on standard BIOS flashing routines which can block writing anything to the chip - Makes doing the job a snap. The links for it's software are further down on the same page, you just have to download and put it to use. If you decide to get one, make sure you insert the chip correctly and it should be able to erase and reprogram the chip no prob.
  4. Maybe I'll be able to join in the next 939 comp provided I have what's needed for it per hardware requirements designated..... And the time for it too. Good job done by all!
  5. Shows a slower run from the same user for both 32 and 1024M WPrime as being in first with faster runs ranked beneath. An obvious database bug of some kind, no cheating being implied here just the errors as they are.
  6. Classic....
  7. Saw that happen too with file extraction from the zip file. Extracted the folder on my DD and sent it to a flashdrive, took the drive out to the shack and copied it to the bench setup. ATM it's working again so I guess I've finally got it sorted.... Until next time of course.
  8. If you disabled some services in the OS from starting that will cause it, these are mainly web related services - I'm not exactly sure which ones they are but I've ran into this after disabling some and re-enabling them solved it. If you slimmed down the install then you may have to run a standard OS install until you figure out exactly what services it's wanting and retweak the OS copy you are using for this bench. I ran into this not more than an hour ago and that's how I figured it out, at least what I had causing it - I"m just not sure ATM which ones it is specifically but I will figure it out eventually. EDIT: As you said, scratch that last. I just did a complete reinstall of the OS without changing anything in the install, GPU drivers installed and all was the same as the last time it ran fine yet it threw the error this time around. It's almost like either 939 just has a hard time with it or something - Really hard to say.
  9. Waaaaay off topic to a place we don't ever want to go.....
  10. This is the one I'm referring to: Asgarth`s GPUPI for CPU - 100M score: 3min 35sec 772ms with a Pentium D 820 No CPU-Z tabs at all in the screenie as required. With this entry I can't really say except there is no screenie at all with it, if it has the required file with the entry itself I'm sure you'd see it but there is no indication of it's existence so it needs checking at least. Asgarth`s GPUPI for CPU - 1B score: 48min 48sec 628ms with a Pentium D 820 Thanks!
  11. This isn't the Vogons forum or a competition being hosted by them. As if your singular, personal opinion would make any difference with planning the layout of the comp..... Because it doesn't. With this last you made and proved the case for your comments to mean nothing but pointless trolling, since the comp won't concern you in anyway what you have to say is useless dribble and nothing more. In short - Butt the **** out already.
  12. Cloud Run`s PiFast score: 21sec 470ms with a FX-9590 Noted this and the results of it just doesn't add up compared to all other results in the same category, this entry to me looks suspicious and needs to be reviewed.
  13. I know you can get the BIOS for a DFI LanParty KT400A here: https://driverscollection.com/?file_id=29310 Browse the site for other things you might need.
  14. You? Kill a golden CPU? Naaah.....
  15. Personally I don't play Pokemon Go, maybe those of you that do could ask him for tips on how he does it.....
  16. I've noted with mine I'm credited with pieces I've never owned - For some reason these appeared within my profile and currently I have no way to remove them from my hardware list. Having the ability to manage one's hardware library list would be useful for that and other reasons already mentioned.
  17. Excellent! Gonna have to see if I can catch you of course.
  18. Did that on water right after I got the chip while trying it out.
  19. Believe it or not it was simply a random purchase that turned out this way, didn't have to do any binning of multiple examples to find it. Lucky me.
  20. Having problems getting a sub in, keeps giving me the crappy coding skills/middle finger page.
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