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Everything posted by yosarianilives

  1. Does it run in win 8.1 32bit? This has previously been ideal benching OS for XTU.
  2. I think many of us would like to see XTU wiped off the map as a benchmark, however I think we all know there are many reasons that will never happen. The least of which is hwbot doesn't want to anger intel after all the "support" they get from them. Also XTU directly linking to hwbot is the cause of much of the rookie and novice league, which again hwbot would not like to miss out on even if it doesn't do much to contribute to the number of active users. I say get rid of points for XTU forever, but since we know that won't happen at least get rid of points for all previous versions. There have been many ways to cheat it over the years and hwbot has just brushed it off and pretended like it wasn't the case so that intel can continue posting their ad for their latest cpus. Because XTU is not a benchmark, it's just marketing material. An 1800x gets it's ass kicked by a celeron g470 in xtu, not because of lack of hw power or lack of cpu instructions, but because it doesn't run on cpus that have a chance of making intel look bad.
  3. Tbh, XTU is kinda a silly benchmark. It's just intel marketing, it only runs on intel cpus and it will always score higher on the newest intel cpu by a large margin. I think that maybe we should just get rid of the benchmark. If we just want a benchmark that uses newer instructions then x265 or time spy extreme should be plenty.
  4. You say golden, how does it clock?
  5. I for one look forward to this, farming locked XTU for rankings takes the fun out of OCing, which I guess is why I don't really do it. Although if only the new version is allowed then I guess my procrastinating on going for that 1c XTU gfp will have paid off
  6. Tbh, I hope it's that. Would be a lot more fun. Then maybe I could also actually contribute to that stage, unless someone else has an i7 5775c or bw-e on ln2 can be clocked high enough that the lack of l4 doesn't matter.
  7. If we organized that wouldn't be an issue, there's 300 million people in the US I'm sure we have enough benches that if we coordinate our efforts we can do really well. R/overclocking we had really good results by making a spreadsheet of hw needed for team comp and people update it as it changes. And towards the end we did have some people pull out of key stages, but it worked out cause we were organized enough to make it up. Now if you mean organizing sand bags? That's something else, and I don't like to mess with it. The biggest thing for r/overclocking was constant engagement of the serious ocers on the team, we did most of team comp with less than 10 people! We only really had to reach out for a few pieces of hw that we didn't have. I know there's at least 4 people from r/overclocking in US that'd love to go hard so that should help. The hardest stage is gonna be stage 1 since it needs 8 cpus, and all from different sub families which I believe is i9, i7, i5, etc. So first thing is we need to track down an i9 to run superpi 32m.
  8. Is there a forum or thread that US OCers are organizing for Country Cup this year? If you haven't checked it out stages are here. OC eSports
  9. Yeah, I was more saying limit to the amount that the normal HEDT/Server socket supports. I don't think very many people out of the niche market that is server OC want to mess with LGA 1567 or LGA 2011-1. But I also can agree with opteron stages. I think there's some supermicro g34 boards, even 4p, that allow bclk OC and there are supposedly even some unlocked es opterons. Also don't forget socket f/fx (FX is a different socket but we should throw it in with socket f as there is literally 1 board using it) and c32. The nice thing about AMD servers as well is their arches have remaing bclk OC friendly while sandy bridge and newer really aren't. So even if most opterons are locked they can pretty much all be OC'd. As for what benches I think that if we do whycruncher 10b then we should do it on a platform that's not too hard to have at least 40gb of ram, so pretty much anything ddr3 should have no issue. And the encoding benches that use newer instructions like x265 might be better to use on newer arches, or still on old arches to show how much you can brute force it with a bunch of cores to still compete with a 7700k. Other than that I think as long as it's well multithreaded and scales all the way to as many core as are possible on the platform any bench should be good on any platform. Also it may be a good idea to dedicate a comp to a platform, so if someone doesn't already have a platform, ex. I don't have g34 yet but wouldn't mind picking one up to compete, then they only have to worry about a single platform. Also you get more of a chance to learn the platform than if it's something different every stage. For example team comp I pretty much had to learn lga 1155 in an hour or 2 and try to get a good score out of 2 benches due to my procrastibagging/benching everything else first, however if 1155 was all I had to do the whole comp then I might've had a better OC and learned more of the platform.
  10. I don't think there's a need for cooling limits, and original lga 2011 (socket r) we could also do socket r3, lga 2011-3, for a stage but I think that's not quite old enough for the cpus to be properly "cheap" for anyone. I know I don't want to invest $1k+ per cpu for a 2p 2x 22c system on top of the oc boards being $500, although there may be interest in it. Also might be a good idea to do separate comps per socket. So do the 3 benches on 1366, 771, 2011, etc
  11. I think socket limitation and maybe max #cpus, like no more than 2 or something, would be a good limitation. Cause if I bench my quad fx it won't be very fun vs lga 2011. I think 2 really good sockets would be lga 771 and 1366, as they have some really nice OC boards, but you can also be fairly competitive even with a "cheap" oem board. For example my supermicro 771 2p board cost me $35 and it was $5 each for 4c xeons. It won't be competitive with my qx 9775s on skulltrail, but it should be really competitive with a pin mod qx9775 on x48 in heavy threaded benches, and will crush it in whycruncher 10b as the board supports 48 gb of ram if you wanted to find 8gb ddr2 non-fb ecc dimms, and actually would probably even be competitive with skulltrail in that one as iirc skull trail only supports 16 gb of fb ecc ddr2. So like: Stage 1 LGA 771 GPUPI Stage 2 LGA 1366 CB15 Stage 3 LGA 2011 x265 1080p or 4k Stage 4 Either Highest SLI/CF Vantage score or lowest Time Spy SLI/CF score If we want to test it out with just a private comp we'll be limited to the 1st 3 stages and a 14 day comp, otherwise I think 30 days if it's 4-5 stage comp by hwbot, and 90 days if we do a lot more stages.
  12. As long as you have enough ram 10b only takes like 30 minutes or less, but still a nice "server" benchmark. Also would be fun to see some multithreaded benchmarks like cb get and gpupi get murdered by hcc systems. But yeah, I'm just thinking that it'd be silly to do superpi 32m on lga 2011 for example or 3d03. But on some older platforms like skull trail, quad fx or even just period xeons and opterons with like gtx 8000 series or something would be fun and keep the enthusiasts happy with all the volt modding they'd need to do.
  13. I think that it may be a good idea to stick with multithreaded benchmarks to keep with the spirit of server hw, so no 3dmark older than 06 or superpi for example. I also like whycruncher, especially if it's 10b as needing ungodly amounts of ram is a very serveresque requirement for a bench Also really liking the gpupi stage, might be time to break out some splitters, especially on some of server boards with higher amounts of pci-e lanes.
  14. I think that if we did a server focused comp it'd be okay to allow prosumer chips. A heavily OC'd 4960x will still get crushed by a 12c/24t in cinebench for example, especially if you push ram and inch that bclk up for that extra couple % OC and if that stage allowed 2p it'd be even bigger. Also I'd really like to be able to use "consumer" chips that are basically server hw in relevant stages, for example the qx9775 in a 771 stage, or quad fx in a socket f stage (I know it's technically socket FX but how else would you work it into a comp? There is literally one, very hard to find, board on the socket) I think a couple stages that might be good, especially in an early comp would be lga 1366 and lga 771 as they're 2 popular "server" sockets that both have a lot of 2p boards. Then also if we want to include SLI then either something a little older like 2x GTX 400 series or lowest SLI/CF Time Spy Score which coincidentally would probably also be fermi combined with Bulldozer (Pre-dozer doesn't have SSSE3, otherwise I've got a Phenom 9600 that would love to compete....) Anyways, those are just some ideas I had. I'd love to see something like this come together, especially now that I'm accumulating more 2p platforms. Although I know I wouldn't be too interested in more than 4p as 8p server boards are ridiculously expensive as I've mentioned before. You can buy a brand new car for the money you have to invest in a used one.
  15. I'm only in it for the gold I'll run blackhole all day! Although I know mickulty actually has time to do this...
  16. I think that any bench a 6950x destroys a 5960x the 1680 would come out on top of the 4960x. I think that the higher core count xeons would be a lot of fun, but it'd need to be a specific stage to help allow the people who happen to live in a country that i7s are cheaper than xeons to enter most other comps.
  17. I still think that core limits is a good idea. Because for example on lga 2011 an unlocked 8c xeon will be better than a 3960x and they're not necessarily as available and as cheaply as they are some places. Also some people with binned 18cs might get pissed off if they get beat by a 28c Of course 2p should only be in specific stages, which I'd love to see as my sr-2 and now skull trail and quad fx are chomping at the bit.
  18. yosarianilives

    Xeon L3014

    Not sure what you want to spend or if they ship to you, but I've had good experience buying ddr2 ecc ram for cheap from here. https://www.servers4less.com/cpu/oem/intel-l3014?refid=6
  19. I for one think that HEDT platforms would be a good place to start to draw the line. So basically no e7s as you really do need industry contacts to acquire those. You can't just buy a board off the shelf and run those systems, you have to talk to an OEM and work with them to make a solution for you. I know I was looking into picking up the multiple of 15c GFPs until I realized there are very good reason that nobody is competing for them. The CPUs aren't that expensive, however good luck finding an lga 2011-1 board for under $2k, especially an 8p. Then on top of that board you need a riser board for ram and often a riser board for cpu sockets. Then of course you need it in the right chassis with the right OEM PSU. So end of the day if you buy this non-overclocking platform for benching it's $30k+ if you can even find the system, and you wouldn't buy it for enterprise use because it's better just to buy new and have warranties and service agreements. But any xeon that fits in lga 2011 or lga 2011-3 or even lga 2066 should be reasonably attainable. Not saying that these should necessarily be allowed to compete in your average HEDT comp, but maybe allowing the similar core counts shouldn't hurt? If someone happens to have a 10c 2011-3 locked xeon and wants to try to compete with an unlocked 6950x I see no reason to keep them from doing it. The only place where it gets sticky is like lga 2011 for example where there are unlocked 8c xeons that are very popular and it wouldn't be all that fair to allow them to crush 3960x's unless the comp was geared that way. I can understand how much of a pain it would be to put a core limit on every stage but it might at least help bring that extra 1% into comps who only have xeons. But that's just my $.02
  20. You should fix your screenshot if it's for ROG Comp
  21. Interesting that this was allowed to be subbed to the rog comp. Of course it's the wrong background so they probably selected the comp after submitting when hwbot asked if they wanted to sub to rog comp. Which of course it shouldn't do if xeons aren't allowed. I'll just chalk this up to a bug, but would be interesting if this means something for e3 xeons. wwwuby`s wPrime - 32m score: 5sec 990ms with a Xeon E3 1241 v3
  22. I think that if there is eventually going to be a server focused comp or stage of a comp it might be a good idea to do an unofficial comp first. I'd be willing to organize it if other people are interested. Maybe something like an LGA 771 stage, a LGA 1366 stage, and a lowest SLI/CF Time Spy score stage. Those should be 3 platforms that are relatively easy to get into at affordable prices if you just want to be relatively competitive, while still giving anyone with skull trail or an SR-2 a chance to shine. Alternatively a 2p LGA 2011 stage would be good as even those with overclocking boards would have very little advantage over those without. If anyone is interested in getting a "private" comp like this together to show interest let me know and we can decide on some stages. I know there's got to be at least a few guys in systems somewhere with just a little bit too much freedom on use of their production servers
  23. That's kinda what I wondered. I know if I got a 6950x to 5+ Ghz on ln2 for a comp I'd be at the very least a little annoyed to get destroyed by some asshole from systems on 4x 22c xeons in a lga 2011-3 stage. But what about the 18c i9? Are we gonna allow that in comps? I think that if they want to maintain the guise of keeping enterprise out of comps they should do core count caps at like 10 cores so that at worst I have to compete with a $1k cpu not a $2k cpu as I will probably never personally invest in a platform that costs as much as a (cheap) car for benching. And once there's a core count cap there is absolutely no reason not to allow xeons, as they will be beat by unlocked cpus anyways. It was mentioned about binning 16c lga 2011-3 xeons, that would be pointless. You'd be getting a 5% OC instead of a 4% OC or maybe a slightly better IMC. A similar core count i7 or i9 would still destroy it. Now back to the original point of this thread, which had little to do with allowing xeons and opterons carte blanche. Can we please have a comp or stage in a comp that allows 2p and server hw. I know it's rare hw, especially for this community, but it is out there. I know I have an sr-2 that I'd like to compete with someone on. I've also got quad fx on the way if you want a comp with 2-5 participants, as well as skull trail on the way. I think that having a stage, or especially a specific comp, that allows server hw specifically shouldn't piss off too many of the people with binned i9s who would normally cry foul of "enterprise ruining our OC". The only potential issue is that the comp would be worth points for hwbot, and if that's the issue then I see no reason that we couldn't get an unofficial comp together for those of us with server hw who want to push it.
  24. Oh yeah, missed the general rules, lol. Didn't see it as being viable anyways, was more mentioning as a joke. No way would they allow a 4p or 2p lga 2011 12c sub even if the rules didn't ban it.
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