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Everything posted by Maxi

  1. Impressive SF, good work! Watch out, my 7600GT is ready for some action
  2. Performance Product - used for Super Pi charts
  3. The other way it could be done is simply showing pp in the statistics of each score, that would be a real nice addition and a quick reference to each board/setup/skill of each users result
  4. Maxi


    I like this idea. 16M might be better, it's harder to pass than 32M in some cases.
  5. klopcha & turricane, all fixed. Thanks for reporting.
  6. HWBot does not prohibit the use of hardware Ram disks (i-Ram). There will be a front page post made shortly regarding this, all users with existing scores will be asked to provide backup verification with a screen shot or by screen capping the project in their project manager. All of the above links were valid at one time and we are not changing our stance based on FM's lack of consistency.
  7. Hi demos, This is wrong and has nothing to do with us. The calculation used to give a score is as follows - from page 23 FM Whitepaper 3DMark05 score = (Game Test 1 * Game Test 2 * Game Test 3)^0.33 * 250 Most people usually only run the tests that are required to get a score, so please do a little research before rolling your eyes at us. If you want to do this yourself and you have the free version, simply hit Esc after Canyon Flight, the third game test. Maxi
  8. Thanks for reporting.
  9. Interesting report klopcha, I like your style of repoting here on the forums rather than via the DB. Results missing certain details will not be blocked at this time, however the changed default settings results are of course not vaild (I'm sure OPP just missed the detail when he was collecting old scores to submit). The other reported scores have been moderated or edited as necessary. Thanks again, maxi
  10. We only remove PCMark 05 results with software ram disks, feel free to use them in any other bench test.
  11. Have fun machining that, might want to keep some LN2 on hand for cooling during the process
  12. I know but the kiddies can come in here! -- not that they can't find this stuff all over the net We do think about this kind of thing a little differently over here, your right, there's nothing to fear with boobies!
  13. Hi Predator, There are plans for a new version, not sure when or if it will be complete. Obviously everyone would benefit
  14. Perfect is subjective. Should this be in the public forums
  15. Fixed, thanks for reporting Mind.
  16. 1) Corrected 2) Stays. Scores not in the HOF and previously validated by a moderator remain vaild when the verification is missing--even though we really prefer to have something always. Thanks for reporting
  17. At what, cheating?
  18. I don't know, I'll ask the other mods about this. We're you contacted via email about any of these results?
  19. FM is slow, we are not. Ram Disks are not allowed here or by FM, they will be pulled eventually by FM. Please pass this on to your team mates so we can avoid any confusion in the future. Thanks for your attention and happy benching.
  20. Because when you did the submission you didn't put your name/team in...I think. With wPrime you should not post in your forum thread with a tag if you've already done online submission. If you want to keep the team up to speed with your results you should only post the hwbot or wPrime link or a screen shot.
  21. Hmm, seems to be keyword related, I'll take a look. Fixed
  22. Thats it, CL x 20 = Car Low test repeated 20 times. Geeze rich and here I always thought you were an '01 addict in hiding hipro can you post a result of your slower LOL scores
  23. You need to sit there and run it a few times, it's not very consistent particularly on a quad. Basically it's the CL "trick"
  24. The only PIFast ranking we currently host is using the default settings, sorry!
  25. The settings for PI Fast are a ilttle complicated if you do them manually. I'd simply click 'edit' on the bat file and double check the settings you used originally vs. what the bat file sets. Hey joe if you get a chance I would very much like to see the CPU score result for 3DMark 06 on this server
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