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Everything posted by chew*

  1. Yah cpc is off in 890FXA-GD70 as well. Luckily just got in contact with msi, not sure if they will fix it but can't hurt to ask.
  2. Tried using aluminum foil doubled over instead of paste to not allow chip to get as cold?
  3. calathea, if you go cold on a cpu with l3 cache and crank NB it will beat it, seems l3 less cache chips hit hard and fast at low clocks but chips with L3 will take them on the top end.
  4. Ahh hmm weird, a little rusty, It's been awhile since I used all this stuff. I'll fool with it more with tccd first before I attempt smoking another IMC with my bh-5 but this venice has a funky IMC.
  5. Sure it's rather simple, maxxmem detected my boot speeds. Boot, open maxxmem, clock cpu up run bench........opening any bench at high clocks especially at cpu and NB speeds I was at can possibly crash bench. Simple solution is to open bench first then clock up
  6. If you wan't I can make you feel better with my death toll OCZ booster ( might be salvagable with some soldering work ) 9800 PRO ( no clue, blew out a trace in AGP slot ) 939 x2 3800 instadeath at 3.3vddr DVD rom connected to system when card popped ( my guess is feedback through 12v rail ) Persistance pays though, finally got some ddr benching in.
  7. Yah not saying you actually knew what was happening, however it's very evident now. I raised NB with cpu-TWKR to and cpu-z verified it....but it's not real thats where issue lies. Not your fault. You thought it was actually improving your score. Now that you know however best to redo results
  8. I say we just bench the original 3d mark what was it 3dmaxx something or other?
  9. I'm guessing a little of both......anything can be speedhacked though and thats preety much how the bench is reacting. Gay bench. Needs to get canned IMHO.
  10. I could duplicate it but it's not legit.... I suggest you go back and do some legit results with booted NB multi now that it's quite clear that software was bugged. If there was an actual program like AOD which may work on some boards on the fly.....you would find the inability to lower MRL just as if you booted it Just some FYI, I can't duplicate what your doing in vista 32.......so admins may want to look into an OS designation for the remainder of this comp
  11. the problem is GEO if your not understanding is your not actually at that NB speed you think you are.........Windows/or maxxmem however thinks you are . Combined with the low MRL with the NB speed windows thinks you have it is impacting the bench.......call it an exploit or call it a cheat but your NB is not applying I am looking in bios.......it's not applied.........I'm in vista 32........although it says i'm at 2700 NB right now vista 32 is not tricked and performance is that of 800 NB which is what is set in bios You would find that it would be impossible to run that tight an MRL at XXX NB speeds Regardless of how you get it up whether that be an actual ability to raise via software.....which most boards can't do. Believe me I am 1000% keen on the way MRL works and it does not work the way you think it does. I suggest just my 2c that you clock your NB from bios and redo your results I would dump win7 64 bit as well As for me I'm all done with this comp till admins clean this mess up.......
  12. Yes i see that..........are you on LN2? If No do you really think your at 4700 NB? Do you really think it's applying? no it isn't so therfore its an exploit of some form?
  13. Massman......there is more than meets the eye here still. NO MRL. MRL BTW just figured it out........It's like a speed hack in 64 bit win 7 apparently..... Cpu-z shows NB applies on the fly in windows........so does cpu twkr.....but in vista 32 score says otherwise.........will take a you tube of it Also it's doesn't actually change NB in bios.......and now my OS thinks i'm at 2700 NB.
  14. Yep o know how to bring MRL down but if you rasie NB again with the tighter MRL = frozen screen
  15. conclusion is bench is bugged and your MRL is alloiwng you to go very low for whatever reason. On ddr II board max lowest is 52 atm
  16. it's called win 7 + ddr II with a board that has bad PP and me not caring.
  17. yah thats not the problem , the problem is apparently this bench is useless and bugged apparently with l3 less cpu's. It's rather obvious that there's no way in hell that that sempron will beat a phenom in anything mem intensive other than this bench much less intel in ddr II.
  18. very well aware of MRL, at best it got 30 points not 300.
  19. check this out, the math is not adding up, wheres my boost from NB with l3 less cache cpu http://chew.ln2cooling.com/athlon%20II%20255/LN2/maxmem2.jpg Frosty shot for kicks. http://chew.ln2cooling.com/athlon%20II%20255/LN2/IMG_2633.jpg
  20. Ok guys don't waste your time on ln2, NB does not play a major role in l3 less cache chips on ddr II. Pic in a bit when i shut this system down.......running 32m on athlon chip with ddr II O_o
  21. just use biostar 785g, asus isn't to fond of high ht, least not that board.
  22. massman, no need to jump to conclusions. I think the key diff may be 64 bit os choice or platform choice which we both know can be considered a tweak.
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