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Everything posted by rbuass

  1. I don't know how Hwbot will work... but let's go. Thanks Petri and Michal
  2. The 4 cards was not mine... I could afford 2 cards... and 2 was borrow from a friend. Maybe I can find some partners... but is not too easy,
  3. Congratz for you and your team. In can not compete in same conditions
  4. I really like the art of overclocking, and since I was involved lots of time with Hwbot, I would like to say some things to be consider. First... Massman is a very good guy... regardless he can take wrong decision... because everyone can be wrong. I am sure he though about to the community.... and he has a good intention, but sometimes this wrong decision can be very bad to hwbot future. - Consider that in all competitors... you will see a ranking. That's natural from human being... To look and fight to be better....and climb. Tenis, Boxe, Surf, etc etc etc... so... right now... the Pro OC are no more ranked. In this new way, if you have a "Winner Team", the 5 guys will be ranked at what place??? Who will be the number #1, #2, #3, ... Don't you think it will desencourage completely some OCCkers? - I love Spi, 3DM03, 01 and old benchmarks, but you can be sure, if Hwbot keep pre historic benchmarks, Hwbot will not be alive for a long time (please understand I am not talking to remove this bench...but just consider in separate place). Hwbot need to follow the tendency; Since desktop are changing fast it scenary, smartphones, tablets, netbooks, notebooks are taking part of this... and in a near future, you will only see gaming machines, enthusiast machines and professional machines as well. Gaming marketing still growing.... and company like Riot, Valve, Blizzard (giants, that development games) still investing hard in new games (you can see crysis 3 & Titan). So... add gaming benchmarks (like crysis and few others), also Fire Strike, 3D11, Unigine... and keep AM3, 01 in a separate "old school" categorie... because it is really boring to newcomers and noot awake intersted new OCckers. You can insist in keep Wprime (example) or PCMark 05 (OMG)... but it is really boring to 99,9% of the people.... instead gaming community, that's huge, will really like to follow and be part from a crysis 3 OC contest (example)... and this same guys can be moved also to 3DMark11... Fire Strike... and sure... to the league (Hwbot)... and maybe, some few guys will also bench old school. More focus in pre historic benchs = more short is Hwbot life (I think the only old bench still have a FEW intersted people, is CPUZ, that I do not consider as benchmark and is 90% lucky binned CPU and 10% skill... so people talk... OMG 9 Ghz was reached!!! with a lazy AMD CPU that people don't know... has a pathetic performance to work at 9 Ghz and can lose to a 2500K at 5 Ghz). - As I told... I believe that we need to have separate in 2 categories... (not pro, enthusiast and so on)... I mean other thing. a) Who really care and worry about OC b) simple visitors or casual OCCker To people that wants to go to a), as for to pay a lit bit of money... so... this way hwbot can get some resources to it development and to keep alive. Thats no sense to think that Hwbot can survive for free. USD 10 per month, will not miss in the life of people that really care OC.... and it can be mandatory to keep the overclocker ranked. So... if you have 10 x 10% of the overclockers... you just have 10 x 3000 USD = 30K USD per month... what really will help us to keep alive and keep always updating. I don't know if I am right in this item, but me and my friends are not worry to contribute with a Lit bit of money to be ranked and believe hwbot earn some help to be keeped us ranked and opened to send scores. Please understand that HWBOT need to be UPDATED, and no to have Pro League removed. Like me... regardless all, the Pro overclockers inspired me to be better step by step. Sorry the broken english. Ah.... please... don't FORGET. DO NOT earn points in new hardwares... AT LEAST 2 months after to be launched. So... you will not see new records from people that have no one cent of effort... like happened with GTX580, AMD 7970, Sandy Bridge and so on.... and now... with Titan.. What fair about just introduced a new card that only 0,01% of the overclockers can be in their hands So... everybody can work and have time to get one in their hands
  5. I think it's time, if we want to keep alive HWBOT, taking some changes. I did not joke, when I said that we need to bring newcomers (overclockers), from gaming community, that's huge..... because gamers and overclockers has good affinity. Also will be important to introducing benchmarks used in games, like Crysis, Metro, Far Cry, COD and others ...(1...2...3 benchs... need to think about it) Hwbot also can ask for charge small fees or duties (payment that I don't know the name), will be better than donation. I believe that giving USD 10 or USD 20 per month for those who like to overclock, and want to take more seriously the art of overclocking, there will no shortage and will help. This is just my opinion. As for the Pro League .. already ended. I have not seen my name there, and I was transferred together Pro Overclockers (Kingpin, Andre, OC lab and others) to Extreme Overclockers League, and I believe this will be changed (do not know which list I will be, or whether I will be removed. lol ..) To me, it's a pity to have fought so hard for nothing. Maybe find partners... or even... or only compete in certain tournaments that I have hardware and/or interest. I've been working a long time with the most powerful hardware available, and I have no interest in changing that ... for my point of view, I am waiting for Haswell and Titan and don't mind about old stuff or even Trinity... IGP... etc (please .. is only my way of view). I am not talking is not fun to overclock old stuff... but I always looked for the highest score is possible without no limitations. My season to benched AMD socket 939, E6600, GTX 280, HD 5870 ... has passed... I loved... but will keep looking for the new for Hwbot... and maybe... sometime for fun...take an old vhardmodded videocard to a overclocking session with friends. I hope I can find some way to figure out a way to me... in the new HWBOT mode.
  6. So... Kingpin... don't need to prove nothing for nobody.... and he will keep braking records for sure... killing Titans and the best... and have support and knowledge enough to do not worry... then... if keep or not to keep the Pro League... i think is the same to Kingpin. Elmor... Is a very good guy and overclocker.... but looks for Elmor is not very active in Pro League... (or no???). Neo.... no ... Neo is not happy ... because I did talk about the changes with Neo.... lots of times... and I am sure he will not like you remove the Pro League... so don't tell Neo agree with you. I don't think Pro League is not important: http://hwbot.org/news/8877_2012_hwbot_round_up_most_viewed_results_users_competitions_and_more/ Also... I noticed after Hwbot announced will remove Pro League... the activities dropped down and "very few" scores sent to Hwbot (if you compare to before)... So....according you " it's been discussed and debated over and over again with people that also truely care about the future of overclocking." Who is the people???. I see no quiz to discuss the Pro League with Pro League guys... is that democratic? I was not includded... and looks like Team Au, SF3D, Dinos, Gyrock, Uncle Fester..and from what I know... Nacho, Hazzan, Xtreme Addict, and many others... that was active and REALLY care about overclocking was not inside this kind of debate. Also... IMHO, I did work at least a lit bit ... and just managed competitions, classes, and jusr worked hard to my community in Brazil... also not includded. Its completely non sense "to me". I am completely disencouraged, and I just left hwbot about one month ago. I overclocked hard in January... and my last bench session was in Campus Party Brazil... so... after confirmation Rev 5 will kill Pro League... I am just leaved. From my point of view... I will start a new way to overclock here... and will keep my free style... and include by myself "gaming benchmarks" like crysis benchmark in presentations, classes.... but no more to Hwbot... rankings and all things like I did before. Sorry Massman... I just asked lots of times to change something in Hwbot... and it never happens. I did proposal some things before .... to only earn point, one per 3D benchmark (and not earn for 1, 2, 3, 4 VGAs, to be more fair with people that have less money).... to separate Intel / AMD CPUs, to encourage people to bench CPU AMD .... to do not earn point from obscure hardware, like we can see when people amount 60 points competing alone and braking Xeons 50 cores Wprime Records.... To earn points ONLY 2 months after hardware is available to prevent people brake records before all people have chance to compete same conditions (happened when GTX 580... after 7970 was launched.... and now... will be the same with Titan).... and I think it was never considered. So.... I will keep inside hwbot... and following the guys... and sometime, will send one new result to Hwbot. But keep proactive like before... I think... only in Rev. 6 that I hope is so soon. Thanks for all.... I believe I just told all my point of view and I am leaving discussion right now. I hope Hwbot and get the best way and wish complete sucess for you. Ah,.... and sorry the broken english... I hate do not find the correct words to explain what I want.
  7. Wanna bring newcomers? Wanna see people intersted. Don't need to remove Pro league... Just for experience. Add benchmarks like Crysis benchmark... and you will bring the huge gaming community. Every great score posted in LN2... in websites around the world... the first question... Can it run Crysis? So... take the gamers benchmarks and do not center only in 3Dmark... so... you will see lots of gamers join the overclocking community. Don't need to remove or change... but increase Its not joking...and will keep OC alive for a long time. Don't be fixed only in old benchs and old school (don't need to remove... is jut to know how to separate the things)
  8. So I don't know Pieter.... cus after lots of efforts and time I spent... very few times I got one motherboard... or one videocard... I think there are a high difference in to be sponsored and to work for a vendor.... Further... I don't know Belgium... but you can be sure here is not the same than Europe. So... never one size fits all, because each country.. each region... can be completely different. For example... USA and Taiwan guys have the good privilege to live in a hardware paradise.
  9. I believe you think is easy to find a etailer... to find partners...to get free time... Also to look for hardware you are not intersted... Is easy to solve all problems "written how to do"... but maybe... in the real life... is not too easy. I hope its not one more step, to people leaves this house.... However hwbot is yours... if it was under my control, I was doing different way.
  10. Why don't keep the pro League and introduce F1 Pro competitions... I think is more sense. But since it will change in 2 days, I will look for you guys, and cross my fingers to go everything all right. Unfortunately, I believe I will be out the League.
  11. I don't think the Pro League is the problem neither changed. I worked hard to keep good ranked there, "always", even without to have any hardware sponsorship (I have no CPUs, VGAs and motherboards sponsored, and this is the most important, IMHO, to belong Pro League). What is the problem to me? According your phrase: "Set up a team featuring a couple of enthusiastic/promising overclockers from a forum, invite them to the office and see if you can do something with the gear you do have available. If you don't win, so what ... it's just for fun, right?" My answer is... Yes... I always overclocked for fun BUT, NOT ONLY FOR FUN... To me, and maybe to more guys, is not only for fun.... because all help I got to do events, competitions, presentations and so on.... becomes after to have a good "curriculum". I don't know if you understand my point of view, but regardless 100% of football players in the FIFA, play football for fun, but after to turn a good player and professional, work "as professional + for fun". So, I see no problems to overclock for fun + to brake records + to be well ranked. Change Pro League, to me, and remove all points and scores (please, is only my opinion) was not the correct way, because HWBOT could do the Pro competitions and also keep Pro League. We followed Rev. 4, according hwbot for what?... to see our points completely removed. So... after to work hard last months, and to be reached #3 for about 1 month, I lost the desire to continue fighting for a lost cause...then I was about one month out, and without to send scores ... and no more encouraged to keep working. Also... there are very few Pro Overclockers, if you compare to Extreme and Enthusiast, and not all Pro Overclockers will find 3 or 4 partners... for example, I have no one partner to join a Team, regardless I have lots of friends in Hwbot. I know for HWBOT, will not change anything if I leave, and I really wish the best for the League and all people here, and I will not keep complaining here... so... I accept hwbot decicion, but I do not agree is the best choice. Let's see how it works.... I hope hwbot is right, and I am wrong. Sorry the broken english
  12. Not live to me: rbuass, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons: Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system? If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation. Looks for I have no privilege enough.
  13. Wow.... in the stock cooling. Looks for the new cards was coming. Good job Russia OCkers
  14. Please ... I would like to know if Titan will be allowed to the MSI Challenge. Thanks I don't have ... but if its alowed I believe will kill all scores from another competitors ,,, so... no more chance.
  15. Even to 3DM11, is not the best choice. I lose the 1st place using SB-E, because it can not push graphics test enough. Even it gaves more physic, gave worst scores to GT. http://hwbot.org/submission/2349152_ It must go #1 running at 6100~6200 Mhz 3770K
  16. A few... a 3dm05 to SF3D and xtreme adict WR 2 weeks ago... looks for few moviment. I hope Team Cup can provide all moviment and intersted people we need to keep growing OC. That's a pity we (our team), have no chance neither hardware enough to compete... so... need to compete only one stage each test. Good lucky to all competitors in.
  17. what sense, my friend, to keep a cherry 7970 and did not toast it, if I know the 7970 will be spanked to a Titan?.... That's why I think there are something wrong.
  18. Great job mtech. To me, you represent one of the few remaining hard high end overclockers here.
  19. I noticed after Hwbot announced new Rev. 5, just few great scores from Pro League was posted. Number of records braked looks for dropped down a lot... At least, by me, I am no more encouraged to send new scores, and to effort myself to try to brake records, spend my time working hard to Overclocking and so on. Maybe to overclock for fun... and maybe, lose my time to hardmod cards, or insulate motherbord and videocard, or also spend money with expensive LN2 and put high end hardware in risk... at least to me, lost interest because I know all the work that I have not have the same value. I can not tell about others, but I keep my point of view that Pro League still very important. So... looks for hwbot is no more important for Pro guys...at least, in the last days, I could not see global records braked as before.... and results from guys you call "top". If you go back in the time... few months ago... records was braked day by day... and many more disputes and results looking for rankings and records. We, from Pro league, only followed the Rev.4 rules...and maybe hwbot can think that can add Pro League competitions and increase Pro League activities, but don't need to remove Pro League points and keep the Pro Overclockers same way. I hope I am mistaked. Sorry the bad english, I hope you understand FYI, the last post in "Hwbot News" is from february 8... about 9 days without no one new "news"
  20. Regardless I never touch... for sure... if Hwbot want to increase public... is easy. Add Crysis benchmark and benchmarks includded in the games.... so... the gamers that was the biggest public in the world will agree and like. OMG.... 200 FPS in crysis?... Each record or great score that you make public, the questions are: Can it run crysis?... lol
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