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Everything posted by rbuass

  1. Regardless Hwbot decision... I will always post without no limitations. For me, the reason of the overclocking is to push to the max... so... will ever try the max score. Further to me, there are no difference to binning best IMC CPU, Best BLCK CPU or even max of max CPU. Tweaks to find the best performance to limited clocks, is completely agreed by me... but not to Pro League... to Pro League is completely non sense (please...its only my opinion). Best new year for all
  2. There are different things..... to different overclockers.... to different public. There are people that will be intersted to be #1... to bench always the most powerful hardware... to brake the highest scores and records.... and this, in my point of view, have to be part of the Pro League. There are people that want to push any hardware to the max... GTX 660... 3600K or even a Core 2 Duo... and the most popular area... There are beginers that want to learn...and want just to have fun... or even want in the future be the #1. Please do not misunderstood and kill any categorie....because all them need to work together to keep overclocking alive and make overclocking grow. Different focus do not mean to remove any focus. I don't believe to remove the Pro League will be better to Overclocking League...and I will be sure what I am talking here in Brazil. Most of the people are intersted in learn...grow up...and also in someday go to the top... they were amazed... and for example, yesterday after to get a great scores in Vantage and 3DMark11... after post Facebook our forum thread at 2:00 AM, we got record public with 955 people simultaneous looking for the thread (I can prove). I think Hwbot have very good ideas about Pro League competitions, and to do competitions around the world... but do not allow to remove the Pro League categorie where I worked high to keep in a good place...and all my friend there that we talk about it, though the same. So... what we need to do is think about it...make competitions... show its funny... make enthusiast events... joing gaming communities and companies that can help overclocking. At january 19, we will be a enthusiast overclocking competition, and also extreme competition (this is only one example). X5 COmputadores will cover in live stream and they are the main sponsors, because will be in their X5 Arena. They had 400K people in Facebook...and last overclocking Live Streaming bring more than 2000 people simultaneous in the Live Stream and about 25000 viewers (and without no one advertisement). I agree Splave when he told that each new Rev... people are leaving overclocking scenario. Make more simple to enthusiast. Make more competitive to Extreme Keep Pro Overclocking to show the highest of the new technologies...is what I think. Best new year for all
  3. Thanks all @ zeneffect - Hi friend... missing overclocking sessions in California... never will forget.... best wishes
  4. Thanks all @mtech - "really strong" comes from you is really nice to hear... you usually made a very good work
  5. C'mon overclockers... Is hard to binning 7 Ghz 3770K... sure But also very hard to binning highest BCLK 3770K... So... change binning by binning do not be the better way... If you tell me...Limited the clock and bclk... looks better....so...people will binning better IMC CPU... Overclocker are all overclocker... always looking for the best weapons... and sure... will need always to do their best to find their weapons and also their best tweaks. I have been thinking about this thread...and sometimes will be good to have multiple kind of competitions... limited, no limited, high end, mainstream, and so on.... I really prefer to bench the highest score as possible (regardless will be nice to bench hardmodded GTX 260...GTX 275...and so on)... but to look for a 18XXX 3DMark11 in a single card, to me, (please... i told "to me")... will be always what I am looking for. best wishes, christmas and new year for all
  6. To limited CPU clock is completely useless. Same problem... People need to find a monter CPU (highest binned CPU clock).... So...if hwbot limited the frequency... People need to find a monster CPU (highest binned BCLK)... Lets think about it... if the 2 ways need binned CPUs, at least is more fantastic to keep highest score is possible... to any platforms.
  7. I hope so I was reading about the Rev5... I don't know, but maybe my english is not enough, and I still confused. Since rev5 only affect Pro League... I believe the best proposal is to have an experience with the new rules, before starting. Let me (or let us here) know how can we start (create) a competition to Pro League here... and I can work in that. Since rev5 only affect Pro League... then we can do it together hwbot.. so we can get an experience and evaluate how it works. I hope we can have good times this way...
  8. So, why do not separate people that wants to join Pro League... and let the guys do their choose. I got top 3 in the Pro League, got Overclocking Emperor achievement in the Pro League, without no sponsorship.... You can be sure I am not rich...I have no good card...neither my own apartment...so I need to rent an apartment to live. I worked really hard to be there...and each great score and each record was many special moment...and all my friends that followed, feel the same. So... what I don't think is correct is .... to be in Pro League if the overclocker have no skill enough to be there...because the pro league must be the Pro League...the hardest league... But if the guy have skill enough...is a great overclocker and be able to be in the Pro League... but he don't want to be in the Pro League..... let the overclocker choose in what league he wants to keep. After the overclocker have enough knowledge, deserves to be in the pro league, but do not want to be there of their own choice, sure I agree nobody can force the overclocker to go. What I can not agree, after to be benched 100% to keep me good ranked at Pro League (without VGA, CPU and MB support), simply remove the League. I did not ask for create Pro League ... but since it was created and I intensely worked there (me and others...I coud see great job from overclockers like Slamms, rsaaninno, Hazzan, Splave, Nacho, etc, etc, etc..)... and now, I believe is completely wrong remove the league and spend out all effort to the Pro Overclockers made before. Also...there are lots of things I told in my post... (like to be inspiration to next generation, to be important to manufacturers, to be important to show the newest and the max performance...and so on.). I noticed you guys, looks disappointed with the overclocking in some countries.... but you can be sure that the reason is not because the overclocking league... instead the reason is the global crysis that was affect mainly the Europe. I don't think Overclocking is death in all countries the same way,,,, in Russia, Brazil, Germany and others, looks for still growing...I hope so..... but I can be wrong.
  9. knopflerbruce I don't think I am talking bad things to overclocking community. I really worked hard lots of time to growth overclocking in Brazil, and just asking to consider what I am talking. Please do not only tell that's not good because is not good. Also I consider you a very important opinion and very active to Hwbot...so...lets think about it...so... if the most think I am talking wrong things... I will understand. Best wishes
  10. Thats I pity Overclocking is death in Italy... Its not death here...and even more people are looking for. The most relevant hardware brazilian blog (you can find lots of news about overclocking) http://www.blogx5computadores.com.br/ The most relevant Reseller Facebook in Brazil https://www.facebook.com/x5comp They really focus in Overclocking and gaming...and this is just one example... I don't want Brazil go to same way to Italy (I don't know about Italy, and I am just following what you told).... So...is the reason I did write all this stuff. Each country is different...and 5 years ago (as was mentioned)... Brazil did not exist to hardware....very few overclockers and so on... Now, is possible its our time.... regardless we have expensive Hardware and the highest fees and duties in the world... if we have 20% of people with conditions to look for good hardware it means 40.000.000 of people able to buy good hardware...and it is what the manufacturers are thinking about, I am sorry to hear that Overclocking ends in Italy... remember great work from Giorgioprimo and others...and there were very good overclocking scenario before.
  11. I respect your opinion, but please let people think and discuss about what I writed. Don't use phrases like this: "ridiculously unfair to be promoted against your will because you achieve good results" to force people to think like you... I really think the Pro League is important,...and I really think all things I writed will help the overclocking... I don't know how it works in your country, but I can tell you I know how it works in my country. To me, the objective of the league is to join the people by overclocking affinity, and sure, to measure the quality (skill, knowledge). All leagues work the same... Boxe, Tenis, Football... all leagues looks for rank the best of the best....so I don't understand why did not promote the overclockers. If Hwbot cut the Pro League, at least about me,I can warranty ...after to fight a lot to do a good job to spread, teach and deffend the overclocking art, I will give up all. Let people think about this. Best regards
  12. Iron... About it and your way of think "The only thing on which we do not agree is the first "people with more access to resources was there, is there and will be there". Please refer to "you"... so the correct is "The only thing on which "I" do not agree, and not "The only thing on which we do not agree". I really don't think and do not believe is a good way to remove, or change, the great work the Top Dogs (Andre, Hicookie, Nick, SF3D and the master made to spread the best of overclocking... to show about the max performance. To me... and for lots and lots of brazilian people... it inspired people to give their better to learn and to be better. I can talk about me...that in the beginning did try to follow the best of Shamino...and you know... looks for Shamino don't worry about any league because he do not need to show nothing...he was just considered a great master. Also I do not want to see all my work and my effort be losed... So... I accept your opinion is not the same than the mine, but please talk only about you. I can not talk about others... only about me... P.S. Elmor get the MSI secrets... Andre get Asus secrets... they are sponsored...or they are rich... so what is the problem???....how can you tell its forbidden???... Only because 99% of the guys can not have the same, is not the reason to remove what they earned...and also... Elmor is there because he deserve...he won 2 x MOA...he is a great overclocker with lots of knowledge...and even a very nice people...if people can not be in the same place, is not reason to complain about it... give more effort and dedication...and possible some day you can be there, P.S. 2 - Don't forget that hwbot needs help from the manufacturers to keep alive, to do events, to show the newest, to all.... the way you told "hwbot should become the center of all oc related activities from here to the future, or should become an advertising page for the brands?"... I can tell you that's really important to hwbot and to all to be by side of manufacturers... that's my opinion
  13. I think you don't understand what I mean. It will not be fair and never will be fair, For ever, will be people with many more support and conditions...but they are just there...and we can not simply remove Kingpin, Andre, the top dogs and and the most sponsored guys from there....because they are there because they fought to be there....they are really good marketing to the manufacturers....they can show the highest level... they inspire new generations to want to growth...and so on There are 2 different things... Pro because they are skilled... so...each one, that have enough skill to be there...that needs to fight to get support...to get hardware and so on... (there are no way...nobody and no one brand will provide me a plenty of motherboards, VGAs and CPUs...but I still want and need to be there at Pro Legue.... because I spent lots of effort to be there, and I just teach, encourage, inspired lots of guys here to do the same.... Instead..."to be a lit bit more fair"... limit the results as 1 per benchmark...so will be easier to anyone to compete agains people that have lots and lots of samples to binning and to compete... About to divide the leagues... about the rules... about all... I just bring my opinion... and I really believe this way we aill help a lot the overclocking because it will change for all. Sure...no one need to agree with me... each one will be own opinion about this... so...I bring to people discuss and to try to find the best for us.
  14. I don’t know how Hwbot whant to change something the league, but I have important things to consider. The Desktop marketing, day by day, are going to focus only to powerful machines. It means that in few years, we must see few desktops low end, because people will prefer to buy a tablet, smartphone, netbook, notebooks and portables. Instead the High End Pcs, that focus the huge gaming marketing will still grow... also enthusiast machines to people that need (professional edition, enthusiast, hobbie, etc)... will be the goal to the manufacturers. So, I agreed Hwbot must be focus to enthusiast league, promote competitions, promote legacy overclocking, nostalgic overclocking with old PC Parts and so on.... but it don’t mean that Hwbot must to kill the Pro Overclockers League. To do it, will be to kill the Worldwide Overclocking League in a few time. I believe the Pro Overclockers (at least in my country), is the inspiration to all beginners, to a new overclockers and also to just registered overclockers that likes and keep working to learn day by day. I know each country is different, some people are more festive (like Brazil), some people are more serious, but the essence of Overclocking keep the same to all. Also some countries are in more crysis, and some are in better way, because global crysis... so...manufacturers sometimes look fo invest more in emergent than invest in countries that’s in trouble, but the world was always this way. Sure I agreed to do competitions and challenges around the world, but it don’t means to change completely the rules and the leagues but to remove the Pro Overclockers league will be kill Worldwide League, since the main focus of manufactures is to show the performance of new components, and best performance, and also the target of the most new overclockers, who really will care about OC, will be climbing and is participating for the Pro League. Also we can noticed that the most that will show the best performance in events, presentations, and so on... will be part of Pro League. Let’s go think about this way. 1- Pro League Overclockers. The Pro League Overclockers is the top ranking... where overclockers shows the power of the hardware... the last degree, where all people that really likes overclocking want to be. But WHY this is PRO??? There are no sense the league be this way. IMHO, Pro Overclocker must be the top guys, that NEED to have TOP SKILL, to be in the top. Don’t mind if Andre, Hicookie, Nick, etc has many more hardware and support from manufacturers, they are there because they earn...they have skill enough to be there... also other TOP DOGS (in skill, not in support)...but we can see in the Pro League, people who do not actively participate, and also should not be considered top... but we can other kind of overclockers in Por League right now. Instead we can see Top Overclocker like Aristidis (my example), that has knowledge enough to be considered Pro Overclocker. What about people (some Pro) talk about... is unfair to compete with people that has more support is ridiculous,...because I am i the Pro League, and I need to buy all my stuff (I work to Corsair and the only thing I got from Corsair was 2 PSU, SSD and one better RAM kit... and Kingpin, Andre, etc... work direct to vendors.... please understant that Master Kingping deserve to be there...also Andre... they are there because they fought to be there...and regardless I have so far support than Andre and Kingpin, I need to fight with many less weapons, but this is fair (FIXED...NOT FAIR...BUT THE ONLY WAY AND WILL NOT CHANGE)... (....is impossible to be 100% fair...as all we know). Also I need to buy my own very expensive LN2... my videocards that I can not kill... and MAIN... I never can afford to compete multi videocards (you can check is rare I post more than 1 videocard...because I can not afford, this is my problem and I am not complaining about it and its all right). So I mean to change the Pro League, and KEEP the Pro League to a selected skilled overclockers, that earned enough achievements to be there (Hwbot need to decide about it). Its decision to HWBot to separate the ranking and also the scores...and system pontuation. 2- Overclockers League How can we be better Overclocker League. What is the inspiration of a new guy that is beginner in XOC league? To climb the degrees, step by step to go to the top. Let’s go... when this guy entering to the XOC League, his results will be compared to Aristidis, Sofos, Tolsty... great overclockers.... so... he should lose interest because it is far from its goal. To me, is quite obvious we need to divide the League into three, or at least into 2 parts. For Example: Extreme Overclockers League A – Extreme Overclockers League B – Extreme Overclockers League C – A - For the best overclockers in extreme overclokers league... so... the results, will no more compete with the XOC overclockers begineers... It will encourage the new XOC guys to climb, because their results will be more near...and looks more strong enough to fight inside his category. Following this idea, Extreme Overclockers A results can be together Pro League or no... Hwbot and people here can decide. What I mean is that we need to divide de league, to encourage people to be near to change to next league....and climb and climb... to be better. 3- Enthusiast League To Enthusiast League, we can do the same....divide the league.... and is still more important, because there are many more people in enthusiast league than XOC League. Maybe 3 different degrees to Enthusiast and 2 different to XOC... Hwbot can decide... I am just giving what I THINK IS BETTER, About some rules: C’mon people. - Hardware sharing rules is simply ridiculous today. How can hwbot punish someone, if can not prove nothing? What is the problem if I borrow a CPU to a friend???.... if he can take better score than me? What is the difference if I sell a CPU (or VGA)...or if I borrow? Don’t will need the overclockers work and skill to get the score? So... what is the problem?.... if someone get good score ONLY BECAUSE he got a good cpu from a friend.... if he worked to get his scores. I remember at MOA 2012 I was forced to prove that me and Gnidaol do not share hardware....NOBODY could prove nothing against and we still need to prove in a Live Stream (sorry, but it was very bad). To scrutinize and be alert to SCORE SHARING... that is the problem. Score sharing must be punished hard... but hardware sharing still pathetic to me. There are no justify why a friend can not use my hardware....if he will need to work...and to me...there are no difference to buy... to borrow... So... the suggestion is ONLY GET THE BEST SCORE BY TEAM...no more 2 better scores, but only the best (to Team Leagues). - About the points. People... How can someone get 60 global points to compete alone (or almost alone) ? Also this can happen without no one mhz more overclocking. How can a new CPU get points and more points (CPUZ, PCMArk, Pifast, Spi 1, spi32, WP 1024, Wp32)...only to compete alone???? Thats still more pathetic in the league. My propose is. Do not earn no one point, if there are no at least 10 different results from 10 different overclockers (I prefer 20... but people can consider very high number). If hardware is not popular enough to have at leats 10 scores...it can not earn points...and that’s all. How can people win lots of points with 1, 2, 3, 4 videocards in the same benchmark???... Don’t hwbot encourage all people to have same chances???... so...if the overclocker earned his best to 3Dmark11 (for example)... only will get his better score. I am not talking that this rule is mandatory... BUT... since even in Pro League there are overclockers with many more support... people in all league with less support and less conditions will be more chance and SURE...will be more fair to all. (this not mean tha Wprime will be the same...because is different models CPU instead 4 way is 4 times SAME card) To new hardware, my proposal is: Only will get points after 2 months launched. Why? Because, for example, if a GTX 780 is launched, only very few people will have the new hardware fast. So, we will see this guys braking world records without need to work... the same when HD 7970 was launched and killed the GTX 580 scores... So.. only will get the points 2 months after...and every overclocker will be time enough to show and to put their scores. It will prevent people climbing high without no one effort, only because they could get the card (or the CPU) before all. This is too simply to understand why... people can send the scores...but it only will amount points 2 months after (I supposed 2 months... but Hwbot can evaluate if is 1 month...3 months... 40 days.... eg) To create Nvidia and AMD separate scores. This will encourage people to look for more hardware, with friends, to buy, or other way, to have more results ans scores... Is public, for example, that Nvidia is killing to 3Dmark06, but worst to 3Dmark03. Thats different platforms... remember... This is not mandatory... IS ONLY A SUGGESTION TO THINK ABOUT... we can think the same to AMD x Intel... I keep as suggestion Now...about local competitions...hwbot challenges and so on.... I recommend to make public and look for the best ... to get more people... I think is a great idea to join the people around the world... and we can look for good prizes from manufacturers. Sorry the long post and bad english, but since I am sure I am very participative in Hwbot, I also believe something I writed hete is too important to think. I can be 100% right...50%...or even 100% wrong... but I am involved in the overclocking marketing and very active, I believe my opinion can be considered. Best wishes and Christmas for all.
  15. In many parts of the world, the things grow up... and in others get down... It do not mean that Desktop is in the end... As you can see, one of the most important and emergent marketing is for the gaming PCs. They lead the sales, and you can see games like League of Legends or DotA2, giving milions of dolars of prizes to the best gamers...and last year got 10 times more money even than Hollywood. Here we are joining to gaming communities, casemodding ane also enthusiasts, to show, teach, spread, and explain that overclocking can be funcional (to save money to buy best PC with less money, to give better gaming experience, to professional users, to folding teams, to sports and ranking and so on). "The recognition overclocking gets now is a double edged sword. While it seems like a really good thing for the hobby, it is also indicative of a harsher market for the companies that make our toys. In the US, last year crazypc closed up after 10 years in business, and more recently dangerden went under as well. Abit, Soyo, and DFI have bit the dust too. Elpida in there as well. Others I'm forgetting. 3dfx long ago." Despite this brands, and for example, Abit, Soyo and DFI closed just lots of time, we can see here domination ASUS, new brands and PC resellers like X5 selling 3000 gaming pcs per month, and lots of companies that never were be in Brazil coming (G.Skill, Team, Cougar, NZXT, Roccat, Steelseries, Sentey, Razer, Corsair and lots and lots more)... I really don't think is near to the end, and I believe that we still have lots of time for fun... maybe 5...10...20 years.... nobody knows... The only think is right is that the Desktop marketing will focus to gaming, edition and powerful machines...because in a near future, people that wants a low end pc will look for tablets, smartphones, netbooks, notebooks and so on. Just ask for the gamers... and let they try to play in a arcade, xbox, ps3, etc... gamers that likes PCs, will keep playing for a long time and hate the idea to change the way to play, Sorry the bad english
  16. Hi Massman, I would like to tell you something about “how I thing” people and everybody can help the Overclocking to grow up. Do you know that I often promoted events, classes, championships and trying to spread overclocking to Brazilian people. http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=33054 So, what are we doing right now. We will have a Brazilian Overclocking Championship at january 19. That’s will be the second edition. The first we can see more here: (attempt this vídeo was made to show to Corsair about the event, and the reason was not to spread overclocking to the public) But... to show to the public, we got more than 2 milions of visitors in websites, television, magazines and so on... as you can see So..... the Brazilian Overclocking Championship 2013, will be in X5 Arena (the most importante “Gaming Arena”, famous because often brake records of visitors in their Live Stream. The event will be covered in Live Stream, by the professional Official Streamers from the biggest gaming events. To be attractive to the public, the event will be in 2 phases, with $5000 in cash, more 5 x Lucky draws (one per week) 1st phase online: People can use popular hardware and the guys that the scores is more close to HWBot world record, will go to the finals. Only popular hardware was allowed (need to be 40 or more valid results from diferente people at HWBot). That’s the rules (please use Google Traductor) http://www.blogx5computadores.com.br/topico-oficial-do-campeonato-brasileiro-de-overclocking-2013/ I used X5 Blog, because is one of the most relevant in Brazil, since they had about 380K people in their Facebook. Facebook is in Brazil a Strong weapon to spread all stuff. X5 Computadores really believe in us, and did promote lots of overclocking sessions, overclocking events, and shows lots of things about overclocking. We are doing vídeos with instructions to how to start overclocking and why to overclock the machine, and It will be in their pages in a couple of days. The overclocking championship 1st phase just in lots of places. http://www.hardwarebr.com/forum/showthread.php?6199-Dada-a-largada-Campeonato-Brasileiro-de-2013-T%F3pico-Oficial http://adrenaline.uol.com.br/tecnologia/noticias/14755/comecam-as-inscricoes-para-a-primeira-etapa-do-campeonato-brasileiro-de-overclocking-2013.html http://www.gamevicio.com/i/noticias/148/148400-2-campeonato-brasileiro-de-overclock-aberto-com-premiacao-de-ate-r-5-000-00/index.html http://www.criminalcafe.com/showthread.php?10854-Campeonato-Brasileiro-de-Overclocking-2013 http://www.fusion-oc.com/forums/content.php?453-Classificat%C3%B3rias-do-Campeonato-Brasileiro-de-Overclocking-2013 And also in places like PC News, PC Project, X5 Blog, OC magazine, and so on. Then, to turn still more atractive, we are showing for example, that a GTX 560Ti pushed at 5500 Mhz CPU, 1100 Mhz VGA IN THE AIR, are holding 1st place in 3DMark06 ATM. The 10 better overclockers will go to the finals (no expenses... all payed), at X5 Arena. So... at the finals, we will have 10 x exact same machines... watercooled, and the 10 finalist will compete to get one of the 4 places to Extreme. They will need to show their skill to go to extreme So... in the same day, the 4 better overclockers, after 3 hours in watercooler, will go to extreme overclocking. This will be super atractive, because people will can see overclocking like they can do it at home....so...after...can see the max performance at LN2. This is only one example... also we do events, live sessions, classes, etc. So... the most importante. How “I BELIEVE” people can help overclocking to grow? - We are looking for gaming communities. Everybody knows thar gamers general have affinity to overclockers... because overclockers are skillers, and considered good knowledge to recommend, to show and so on. We are doing overclocking sessions in the middle of gaming events as usual...and often explaining to gamers, that they can improve their gaming experience under overclocked machines. We Always tell about it and you can see for example overclocking even in gaming foruns... So is important to look for gaming community, - We are looking for different kind of help. Not only PC Parts manufacturers are able to help and to be part. We can look for other thing of help, as banks, mail, Red Bull, White Martins, television, magazines, websites, foruns, resellers, distributors, hotels, universities, etc. I was sponsored by a importante University in Brazil (Impacta), and this was only na example. - We need to show that’s overclocking is functional. We need to show that overclocking can be good to the people. Not only to improve gaming experience, and to kill gaming lags, but to show that professional can save money, when they use, for example, for vídeo edition and can do the job in less time. We need to know that people can have most powerful computer with less Money, and we can beat a more expensive machine with less expensive machine (it means spend less Money and get faster machines). Also we can show sportive overclocking, that is the “fun” overclocking...where people can show in foruns, rankings And still show the “Extreme”, that’s what we can show the max of the max…and show the max of performance and resistence… and can show amazing LN2 fog in events to call people to see. Then is the reason we did look for X5 Computadores, for example, and they care to spread and talk about overclocking. Since they sells lots and lots of computers, it shows they knows about hardware, but we can look for many different companies, and many different way to spread and keep people interested about OC. So, for me, is a very important reason to be ranked in Hwbot. How can I ask for some exposure… or ask for some sponsorship to events… or some sponsorship for anything if I have nothing important to show and to prove? I am not talking “inside” our overclocking community, but talking that when I need to do something, here, is needed to show something. I can show I am Overclocking Emperor to be reached top 3 in professional league at 2012.. I can show I did brake Records, and I can show it’s the reason I be able to be sponsored. It can not be important in other countries (I really don’t know), but here, if I have nothing official (real) to show, will be many more hard to prove. Maybe that’s the reason that people believe in me here to be like “their overclocking representant”… that’s the hwbot powerful. I believe if each overclocker help just a lit bit, we will be 20….30…40K people talking good stuff about how fun, how important and how good is to KEEP OVERCLOCKING. Sorry the broken english
  17. Spreading world records in galore Don't you noticed you used 2 videocards and posted as 1?
  18. there are lots of things involved, No one that knows deep overclocking, can tell that is just binning CPUs and VGAs and you will go fly to the top. To know how to bench, how to improve efficiency, and win and fix all issues. I lose the count how many times I spent time, ln2, killed hardware to find parameters, temperatures, voltages, tweaks and so on. During the last years, I was forced to compete with the high end hardware to keep on the ranking (nobody was forced to be in the rankings, but since here is worldwide overclocking league... I am talking about the ranking)... So.. I push all my efforts to keep me in a good place in the ranking...and now, look for all this work will be losed. What about the achievements people won??? I am not talking about ridiculous achievements (like used MSI mainboard, used GB mainboards, submit XX scores blablabla). I though the achievements people won must be for ever, to be earned. If Andre is there, is because he fought to learn, and to be a great overclocker... same to Nick, Cookie, and other top dogs. I am in the Pro League, because i was forced to be there... I have no support to MB, CPU and VGA...and still need to pay lots of money and time to keep me in a good ranking, but I do it because I like and because I want, but I am there, and now, look for Pro League will be end. What I don't like, is to hear about to cut the Pro League, and kill all efforts from the Pro Overclockers. I don't know in other countries, but here in Brazil, people look for the best overclockers to be inspired to be best. I don't think is a good idea simply to cut Pro League. I agreed about the competitions, and I agreed about to give more efforts to bring more enthusiasts and even Extreme Overclockers, but to kill the Pro League don't look for the best way. Also, how can somebody compare the max performance of the new CPUs and VGAs to old stuff? SURE I think people earn to get points, moral, records, competitions and so on. How can compare the performance of old things with the hardware more powerful and modern. There is no sense for the top overclockers don't use the most powerful video cards and CPUs because it is an interest to overclockers and also the manufacturers. How many people will be part of the competition, if will be selected hardware???...and this people will be from where (enthusiasts in the most) So the question is... what about the overclockers that belong to Pro League?
  19. I do not know if this change will be good or will be bad. One of the things that I think is bad is the fact of having to always be well ranked, and is really hard to be in the top. No matter if one day I struggled the most and I was #5 or number #3 in Pro League, but if a new platform is launched, dropped down in the rankings and have to climb all over again (this was the law... ). I think a correct way, would reward the work that made by ​​overclockers. To give an example, ... what about the great results with the GTX 480, GTX 580, HD 5870 and so on? I believe I have done a lot for overclocking in my country and even the world, and I know HWBOT is on track to achieve further improve our league, but still do not know how this can be done. Pro League, we can see that few ever really participate. of 77 members, believe that only the first page has done something today. For quite some time, I have only benched hardware that can give me results for the top ranking. This means that I and professional overclockers, using the video cards GTX 680 but not GTX 660ti ... or we used the GTX 580, but not the GTX 560ti or HD 5770 and below (main cheapest cards). Always seek the needed hardware to compete more top, and 99% of the time, I had to fetch the results in single VGA, because despite being the league Pro, I have my own money to buy video cards, processors and motherboards. Some time ago I tried to ask Hwbot to consider only one per benchmark result (example: 3DMark11, only the best results, go with 1, 2, 3 or 4 plates, but only the best must be ranked). I know it's impossible to please everyone, but I believe these things should be changed. Valuing the work of overclockers, appreciate the results. As it stands today, the same achievements are given for the 3 categories (whatever be the category number 10 Enthusiast or Pro, the same achievements ... if you got top 20 in the Enthusiast, got same achievement to top 20 Pro Overclocker). As it stands today, you can gain many points competing alone competing in certain categories (eg, the super expensive Xeons that do not even need to overclock... and got 60 global points). I really don't know how to do it better, but I think hwbot must award the overclockers for ever... so... it will encourage them to keep pushing. I don't know what about all effort I made during all my overclocking life (at Hwbot)... but I am only one overclocker. Since we will no more have the Pro Overclocker League, I will let Hwbot decide next steps. I'm available for the HWBOT decide, and what you need me, just ask.
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