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Everything posted by IanCutress

  1. There are 10080 minutes in a week. Each minute: 1st gets 2pts 2nd gets 1pt 3rd gets 0.5pt Then at the end ot the week, 1st gets 10000 pts 2nd gets 5000 pts 3rd gets 2500 pts ... So if you go from number 1 the whole week to 2nd in the last few hours due to a sandbagger, you still get a win. If you've saved it until the end, more fool you.
  2. Yes I know - previously the HWBot Team don't want to make the minor distinctions (i.e. GPUs on A2 or A3 silicon don't have separate sections), so they probably won't distinguish between the two motherboards. I put the request in, I am awaiting a response.
  3. Ticket ID: 1448 Priority: Low I had access to a HP G92 laptop, it had a HP-1439 motherboard in it. Please add this to the list \r\n\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2195410
  4. Ticket ID: 1447 Priority: Low http://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/u527k/ - picked up an 8600 GT today. It\'s a 256 MB DDR3 32-shader version. The current nearest card to that in the database is GDDR3 (32 shader), which contains at least one card DDR3 and one other card GDDR3, indicating both were used? Please advise.
  5. Yes, I see all of these. The only way to change CPU multiplier is with ELEET control turned on, but for review I need Turbo to work properly.
  6. This vote is pretty one sided. It's the luck of the draw - one country may have an etailer that sells early one time, and next release it could be another. There could be scope in the enthusiast league (where money, volt mods, access to hardware before release and big ass air coolers are needed). The only time new a hardware release would *adversely* affect the rankings is if a manufacturer decides to have an event based on the top 10 the day after release. Almost everyone knows the status quo, and can tell if people are just up in the rankings due to getting hardware or actually putting effort in.
  7. Go to advanced, and set number of threads to 8. It's currently running in single thread mode.
  8. 3C ambient? When I visited the Romanian mountains last easter they weren't that cold How exactly do you secure such a heavy weight on your GPU without screws?
  9. What's the red icon in the bottom right on your quick launch?
  10. Note, 6-core 12-thread still active, and edited GPU BIOS so it boots at those speeds
  11. Bug: A Team with a custom flag, that flag doesn't show in competition stages. E.g: Overclock.net has a custom flag: http://hwbot.org/team/overclock.net/ Not shown in January Competition stages (either on the right hand side or on the ranking): http://hwbot.org/competition/hoc_jan12/stage/404_4x_cpu_core_3dmark06/
  12. Will try this tonight. Anyone else had issues with the EVGA X79 boards, BIOSes 28 and 29? Turbo or/and memory issues? Edit: From the EVGA Forums, Jacob_F: We found an issue related to S4 resume, as a precautionary we have pulled the update for now and recommend using BIOS 29 for now.
  13. You have to use the new Aquamark loader produced by HWBot for AQ submissions. Screenshot-only are no longer accepted. http://hwbot.org/newsflash/1574_aquamark3_hwbot_edition_wrapper_available_for_download
  14. Reference Clock is your BUS speed, not the Core Speed. The Core speed submission goes in CPU-Z
  15. Picture of setup required for Enthusiast league dude. Just a pic of the CPU box isn't good enough. I'd like to see the HW you got 5.8 on!
  16. Ticket ID: 1429 Priority: Low On the GSkill page:\r\n\r\n\"Last month, GSkill memory was used by 23.45% of the overclockers. Their most popular motherboards where Ripjaws, RipjawsX, PerfectStorm\"\r\n\r\nmotherboards? \r\n\r\nAlso, please add RipjawsZ to the database so we can select them. Thanks
  17. How about when only one person is left in a team? PS> I need to be made team captain of my team
  18. When you start a team, that person should automatically be made Team Captain.
  19. Something definitely is there on the dev server
  20. How do we know what's different/the changelog in each BIOS? e.g. what's new in the X79-UD3 F5c?
  21. Yeah so I haven't read 29 pages worth of comments. But there's more things maybe not be under consideration here: a) Just because you have an ES, doesn't mean you have an unlimited supply or can get more. People who work at manufacturers may have more of a supply, rather than reviewers who only get a single ES CPU which is as near retail as you can get. If a reviewer who is also an overclocker got an 3960X for the SNB-E launch, or an SB/FX-8150 for that launch, s/he's going to use that to bench with. And then again some of them never touch this 'sub-zero' or whatever. Straight into Pro-OC league, or case-by-case basis? b) Your rule states if you ever use an ES you move? So Tapakah's 990X score means he'll be moved? Or is it only current gen ES? Have to be specific here. c) Overclocking events with AMD/Intel reps. If they provide a bunch of CPUs for team members to have a go (and they all happen to be ES), does all the team have to move to Pro OC? d) Does this cover more than CPUs - memory, motherboards, GPUs? Again, it's best to be completely explicit in declaring rules.
  22. Actually, in retrospect, Matose has a good point. Take 'Dead Things' http://hwbot.org/user/dead_things/#Points Check his global points. Lots of 60pts, because he has access to multi-CPU servers, so is taking crown in the 24x CPU space and so on, and is now top 5 in the enthusiast league.
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