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Everything posted by GUN'G'STAR

  1. splmann if it scales well with voltage & temp, than it 6,9+ possible
  2. my bet for both 7+GHz valid, 6,9+GHz short benchable
  3. no, my submissions with another cpu OCLab.ru WR submissions with it.
  4. draw errors could affect result too and Sam OCX explanation made me believe that John's pifast submission can't be accepted.
  5. 3229XXXX looks promising
  6. 3214c838 6750 - 32m @ 2+ V 2800+ mem
  7. maybe answer is here - http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?280176-CL-WCL-RTL-performance-%28SB%29-32M-scaling-charts-PSC-WCL-gt-CL-performance-bug
  8. EZ-flash said "selected file is not EFI BIOS!"
  9. what you mean? Can not boot with c2 cpus?
  10. tried Auto and Enable - not helped
  11. sorry for little OFF got x12 issue on asus x79pro under cold. does anyone knows how to fix it?
  12. looks like your 8150 is crap. got mine 3010 fully on air http://occlub.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=1795&page=8&p=53928&viewfull=1#post53928 guys nothing special with that gskil, but Hynix BFR is da powa.
  13. http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?271749-Maximus-IV-Extreme-2600K....-Over-5.9-GHz&p=4889995&viewfull=1#post4889995 and sometimes max multi depends on bios version and cpu too. i had a 5.9GHz cpu that boot OS max at x57 on m4e with 1303bios, but with 1902bios x58 & x59 works too. and another 5.9GHz cpu works fine at all multis with both bioses
  14. not so lucky, need to upgrade my binning luck
  15. GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 bios (F4c) changelist?
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