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Everything posted by knopflerbruce

  1. Yes, JL har an ES chip, mad had a retail. That's solid, unquestionable proof. As for your case, the sharing rules were made to avoid one team just passing a golden chip around - which is exactly what would happen if you were allowed to use one particular chip for two separate sessions, posted by you and your mate. If you got the skill, buy your own CPU That's pretty much it. You're not the only one with limited amounts of money, it applies to probably like 95% of the users here. I'm just a student, I use cash i save by buying cheap food on hardware, and I never go to town to drink. Save as much as possible and be happy with what you can afford.
  2. OK, so noobs don't know how to separate scores on a USB stick? To me HWBot experience is not relevant to this "mistake" or whatever you prefer to call it. This is somehing you do once, because you didn't think about it. It's not as if you post a bunch of scores and all of a sudden you can't make errors when submitting. Hell, people submit to wrog categories all the time - expereinced as well as new users.
  3. Yeah, but it's easier to just push a button I think.
  4. Not with perfect fits, not. I was thinking about buying some Enzotech ones.
  5. hey, I need to figure out how to cool the VRMs first I have to put some nice heatsinks on.
  6. Can a random noob do such a mistake?
  7. If you're a student at school and grab the wrong sweather after gym class, and the only difference between the sweathers is a brand logo on the inside of the hood, I highly doubt you'd be expelled. You'd get alot less time in prison if you could prove that what you did was done 100% unintentionally rather than something you planed to do beforehand. The fact that there was absolutely no connection between the killer and the victim is vital. You mean the JL case? The fact that he had the correct screenshot on his usb stick or whatever, and that the times were so close it could make sense to mix them up. If it was indeed a "coordinated result" he wouldn't have done had that ES 32m run for obvious reasons.
  8. OK, if Diabolo and 12 can show screenshots which prove that they indeed have different cards maybe we have a case, but they never provided such a thing back then. I'm not talking about different brand here, but something similar to the ES/retail difference in GPUZ - something that cannot be changed unless you have VERY exotic tools. If such a thing cannot be provided, there's your explanation. JL had a close score that was PROVEN to be done with a different chip. That's kind of a vital point here. If he had one with a retail chip, his ban would probably be longer than 1 month (I think the new standard for stealing a single score is somewhere between 3 and 6 months), and that's what we'd be looking at. He was lucky that he in fact used an ES, but being lucky is allowed. It's not up to US to prove that a score is wrong, it's up to the users to prove that what they do is indeed legit, and JL proved that he indeed had a very similar score to the one that was questioned. It's funny how everyone commenting here refuses to mention the motivation behind posting a 4.44min score instead of his own 4.45min. I know the answer: it would ruin most of the logic people try to use here - there is NOTHING to gain. If you effectively have NO gain, and only a long ban to look forward to, why on earth do it? It makes sense if you want a 1st global result, and you're currently 10th, but I don't know if JL even gained a single spot in the ranking at that time. Probably not, given the time difference between his run, and the one originally posted. Maybe what Diabolo and 12 did was an accident - but they failed to provide sufficient proof that it wasn't. JL did just that.
  9. So, you don't find it reasonable that it's a mistake when a) he found his own score after being notified about this and b) the time difference between the runs was 1s only? I just don't see any reason at all why ANY bencher would cheat to gain one tiny second in a benchmark that lasts for 5 minutes. It makes no sense - if you think it through you'll probably agree. I have yet to see anyone being punished for score stealing when it's proven beyond any doubt that they did in fact have a similar score done with a different chip, a chip that was not previously used to post results at HWBot, at least not for the same benchmark. Please, dig through the archives and show me a similar case. In fact, I'm thinking that the huge rant here actually made him receive a ban at all - honest mistakes should never be a reason for banning users, his results were posted in good faith. Being a high profiled bencher is also a lame excuse, we should ask the same for all members - that's really the only double standard I see here. John Lam gets 1 month for this, and some average Joe with 15 points would probably get a warning at most... Similar screenshots have never really been enough to ban as well. ALL sharing cases since rev. 4 was introduced have required proof beyond the usual fact that "the screenshots look similar".
  10. Ticket ID: 1578 Priority: Low http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2401487\r\n\r\nNaming is easy, 9350e runs at 2GHz and is a B3. An equivalent B2 with normal wattage would be 9300.\r\n\r\nPS: cleaned up some old tickets, list is about 5 pages shorter now
  11. Yeah, these questions should be answered by the guy who is in charge of the rules section - which is Massman. I could answer, but most likely i'd provide the wrong information. :battle: :banana:
  12. Correct scores posted. I'm on autopilot when I do this crap, sometimes I don't notice that results are way off
  13. Ticket ID: 1576 Priority: Low http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2503466
  14. 60-40 is fair IMO. Those who submit late will still get some bonus points, so in reality it's alot less than 60-40. Sandbagging must hurt so much that there's a big risk of doing it. 10% won't compensate for the loss of advantage by posting earlier. Plus, there's plenty of time to bench before the bonus points are rewarded. Should be easy enough to put up something semi decent by then.
  15. I like the idea of having a score sheet that depends on the time you were 1st. Like, you can start a competition on the 1st, allowing people to make subs - but... say 500h before the deadline, being top 5 generates some points per hour you're on top, maybe 0.5-0.4-0.3-0.2-0.1. The overall winner could get something like 150 points, so it's 60-40 time based vs final score, which is fair IMO.
  16. Soooo, what does your girlfriend say about that? ^^
  17. Because we shouldn't deal with those issues. I'm not the one here who does the most work, but I certainly wouldn't touch marketplace issues.
  18. I had to change P-states!!! I couldn't run pcmark05, though - pixel shader crapped out will rerun friday... 16x and 24x globals are waiting
  19. Yep. And your room is probably not much better ^^ Had to be a bit messy as i was running tow PSUs. A mate forgot to give me the two 8 pins for my ax1200 when he returned it. Dead DFi nf2 works well as on/off mobo.
  20. Not needed for what I did ^^ But i will of course insulate later. Now I need to find some beefy copper heatsinks with a base that fits....
  21. I'll give vantage a shot later this week... not sure if I have the time tomorrow, got some stuff to prepare for school. maybe thursday evening, or friday.
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