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Everything posted by knopflerbruce

  1. I didn't gain much going from 2000 -> 2400, just like 1%. On air GPU clocks.
  2. What about MSI?
  3. You guys are using the small pot I see...
  4. Well, if you increase your chances by picking the right batches. 10% is better than 5%.
  5. The sample size we had for SB was large enough, we had more than 100 B batches at least. The difference between CR and Malay was roughly 100 MHz when I did my calculations, and from what I recall, C batches were roughly 100MHz better than A, too and A again about 70-80 better than B. That's a fairly huge variation, and with as many as 100 results I'm sure that the chances of this being just a coincidence is minimal. I could refresh my knowledge about statistics and prove it, but hell - if you guys don't believe it it just makes it easier for me to find good chips if i decide to start binning these things:p
  6. That's nasty. I think most of my 5000 series chips have a CBB lower than that, although I didn't really test all the duds.
  7. Finally! I've been saying this since the SB charts were made, and people used to say "it's all about luck" when it clearly isn't:D C's were better than A's and B's for SB, and Costa Rica > Malay - on average. In your face, bitches:p I just wish I had binned more in the SB days, found 56x chips left and right... could've made a fortune:p
  8. I'll give this a shot myself, although I'm a noob at 3D so... not sure if my efforts really help. What do you think I should try to recreate these weird frequency numbers? Did you check his other subs to see if there are similar results out there.
  9. If it's clear that it's bugged, then it's not allowed. However, if nothing has been decided 24h from now I'll personally check any score with this driver. it's RIDICULOUS that this was mentioned 3 YEARS ago and no action was taken:mad: Good lord...
  10. Ask him to send the file to Franck, he can upload it manually. At least he will if it's clear that it's not bugged.
  11. Thanks. Not that I know why it's a good score, 50th place:D
  12. +1. Drivers for example are OS dependant, you don't run the same exe for xp32bit and win 7. Wouldn't be a problem if you have to use one version for anything up to win 7 and another one for win 8.
  13. We should use "common sense", that is: don't block EVERY result that does not strictly follow the rules, if it's low boint and "normal" in terms of clocks and efficiency, then maybe blocking is not needed. If it receives a fair amount of boints it's different, you can't get away with a top 20 global score without a mem tab in any case for example. I wouldn't block this one, but you do run the risk of having a sub blocked if there's something wrong with the screenshot. It was CN's decision, so I won't undo it.
  14. The only censorship here is removal of clearly offensive posts. We draw the line at 'fag' and 'dick'. That's way less censorship than stopping a discussion is. Or, as they do in other forums: delete the thread and pretend it never existed.
  15. It was probably a joke, Marc has no responsibility here:) No need to close the thread, much better to just remove offensive posts. Stopping a discussion because we don't want it is quite childish if you ask me... unfortunately it happens sometimes.
  16. http://www.hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=29796 - it's already there:p That DOES sound like a company you want to avoid if you can't RMA to the shop, like we do here in Norway:)
  17. Silly suggestion: if it fucks up around midnight, what about setting the clock to 00.01 before a run? 24h not enough?
  18. Make it fail:p Killing stuff isn't really a challenge for us:D
  19. Don't be afraid to ask, it's his trademark to do the same thing:battle: Must be the first good F chip ever, heard only bad things about them in the C2D era at least:p
  20. I didn't know CN even had gold cups...
  21. Although I don't agree with sergio, he has a right to complain in a decent manner. Dhenzjhen (or how you spell it) got warned, and if he posts shit like that again I'll personally make sure he'll get a nice, long vacation:) I don't think anyone can disagree with the fact that it was unnecessary and stupid, and just one fool acting on his own - AFAIK he was the only one who was being rude.
  22. If they didn't sell part particular mobo in sweden I guess they don't have to follow swedish laws.
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