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Everything posted by knopflerbruce

  1. What about allowing any type, and then just moderate if some countries got subs with both gddr3 and gddr5 gt630's?
  2. It depends if you're lucky... if someone with knowledge starts posting, it won't go that route. However, I do not see how it's obvious that one type of prime error message can only be related to one variable - in this case vcore. You need alot of data to be sure about that, and 'anyone who has ever used an AMD FX chip' won't ever have that data. You'd need to search forums to look for a lot of people saying the same thing unless you want to go on a 200 BSOD testing spree (this is actually one of the annoying things I see in forums from time to time...). Another rant. You got questions to a macgyver-ish type of cooling idea/whatever, and the first 5 replies are all from idiots who says like 'why don't you just do it in some regular, straight forward way' when it's clear from the 1st post that it's not an option. Most forums have too many of such bunnys who cannot answer the question, but giving irrelevant advice instead
  3. I'm not convinced they 'copied' the idea from the newspost. After all, we never created such a challenge - plus it's not THAT hard to think of this idea, principles we already see in sports every day. By the same sense, this idea was copied by us in the first place
  4. Yeah... this is one of the well-known, unwritten rules. Would be cool to see some "all OS" rankings at some point, though
  5. And probably eating up a few CPU cycles as well, am I right?
  6. He was at the time this case was open. He knows the details. Not sure if I should answer the first one, making everything public isn't something I can do on my own.
  7. Wrong background, so cannot be used in the competition. You have to use the HWBot backgroung found on the competition pages.
  8. The text file seems rather unsafe, but not if that part is vital.
  9. If "lots of people" care, then they won't. That's my point. If few people care, then they go. I just don't want there to be a handful of nostalgic people who can rule over the masses if they don't want them here. It's not worse to lose 32m than pifast if you ask me.
  10. Apart from the PCMark series (which are not really THAT multithreaded anyway), we've got 3 singlethreaded CPU benchmarks - pifast, superpi 1m and superpi 32m - plus CPUZ. The multithreaded ones are just wprime 32m and 1024m, of the ones currently receiving global points. wp32m has also reached a "ceiling" where more cores won't help. IMO we could replace one singlethreaded one with one that's multithreaded, with scaling to a very high number of cores. Cinebench, or something similar in order to actually have some nice multithreaded benchmarks for multi socket systems. UCBench is decent, but 64 cores aren't enough anymore Plus, I'm not sure if it's good enough to get globals. Doesn't feel like very secure benchmark...
  11. This is not entirely true, unless the ranking is REALLY exotic (as in top spot ran at stock). You see the same thing in the popular rankings, although not near the top spots. Buy random highend HW, run full pot, and *bam* you get a bunch of points. Not exactly a similarity between points and skill there either:D usually top spots with more than a handful subs are hard to get, as people will still fight for the gold cups. Probably really easy to get top 5, but grabbing gold cups isn't as easy as you think just because there are less submissions:)
  12. This COULD be because an additional "feature" got implemented - the engine doesn't count subs that are more than one year old. That's why singlecore wprime rankings, with an insane number of subs, get alot less than you'd think. Get rid of this, pleeeeeeeeeease:D If it's there, maybe I'm just dreaming:o it doesn't really do any good at all, as time has got nothing to do with the quality of a result. A sempron 140 result from two years ago is just as good as a sempron 140 result obtained today, for example.
  13. I put the " " there for a reason:) It wasn't meant to be taken literally, just to show what I meant.
  14. We've got roughly as many CPU benchmarks as GPU benchmarks. Then, do we replace 3 CPU ones or 3 GPU ones? And two of the other? I just feel it's better if we could replace 2 of each or 3 of each, then.
  15. The question is how we split the 5 new ones, then. I suggest an even number, 4 or 6.
  16. R5 is just "R4.1", so to speak. R4 was the biggest upgrade we've seen so far, so there really shouldn't be that many bugs this time around.
  17. Let's not make any benchmarks "sacred". I know alot of experienced benchers like 01 and 32m for example, but if the masses wants to throw those out of the loop with this system, so be it. ...or we could just use popularity to decide which benchmarks to remove. If we remove 5 benchmarks, then we choose the ones where least # of benchers submitted during the past year. I also suggest that we start a cycle on "proper" dates. Any thoughts here? 1.1.13 would be excellent, but probably too soon, I guess. Or we can make the first round shorter than 1y, and then just end it on the next new years eve. Not the best dates benchwise, but not sure how much that matters in reality. People can still sandbag and post on new years eve if they like Or they can use the days after Christmas for benching, as I hope to do (if I can get Ln2 I will!).
  18. Thanks, didn't see this before now
  19. This thread doesn't belong in this subforum? Better move it as it's quite important
  20. For global points: sure, not the worst idea I've seen If HW points are included: NO way. It's interesting, but I feel the current system is better. Perhaps you can add one or two that do not receive globals on a permanent basis, in addition to the ones that already give global points. Don't know if that's a better thought or not.
  21. I don't see the inconsistency. You flash one card (to like GTX470 from 465), and submit as a 465 (singlecard). You use a 465 flashed to a 470 together with a regular 470 in SLI, you submit as 2x 470 as the 2x highest card rule says 470 > 465 (comparing stock specs). You flash 2x 465 to 470, you submit as 2x 465, as both cards were 465's when they left the factory. Or did I miss something:confused:
  22. Try to import a couple of cards. Should be plenty of time left.
  23. Flashing has never been disallowed, so it *should* be allowed. Though, always use 2x better stock card (in your case one 7900gs 256mb and one 7900gt 256mb means 2x 7900gt 256mb). Phenom II 715 BE is also an AM2+ chip AFAIK, but I have to check my chip to be sure
  24. These would be 4 different ones, no? **************** Someone asked me if he could borrow some of my chips. I do not know how sharing works in competitions like this one, is that not allowed/not fair play or whatever?
  25. I got my boards from Gigabyte about a week ago.
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