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Posts posted by GeorgeStorm

  1. Had a go on Friday night with it and couldn't get anything different, a couple of the bioses caused gpuz etc to display 0mhz and the hof nvvdd not to pick up a gpu at all, but others acted the same with being able to open but not able to change any voltages/load line (basically the top portion of the software) :(

  2. 1 minute ago, richba5tard said:

    I wonder whether this is because the #1 spot is just soo low in absolute score.

    HWBOT X265 took about an hour or so, but the time to recalc a ranking is related to how many submissions are linked to that ranking, and whether all points are enabled. There are 884523 rankings on hwbot (unique app / hardware combinations). 770467 if you disregard the rankings which do not award points. This is not something that can be recalculated overnight.

    On the test server it took 48h if i'm not mistaken, but there is no load on that server.

    If a full re-calc is happening, I'd definitely recommend stopping subs during that time as a minimum to try and reduce load, but still allow people to check scores etc, or even pull the site completely for a short while if it would dramatically speed up the re-calc.

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