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Posts posted by GeorgeStorm

  1. 31 minutes ago, bigblock990 said:

    I feel that guys shouldn't complain about the speedup. Just dust off your hardware and rebench if needed. This is much better than if the new version is slower, so you can't beat old records.

    It doesn't really affect me as I've got most of the hardware I've run gpupi on, but it never feels great beating others because the software has got better, nothing to do with you, also nullifies their hard work no?

    In the end I'll go along with whatever, just pointing out this sounds like a problem to me, and I was unaware you got crazy jumps with xtu, thought it was purely new generations do much better, not that the same hardware does much better.


    Also @_mat_ I'm confused, so which version is being released, the one that's significantly faster or only 200ms faster?

    • Thanks 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, _mat_ said:

    Yes and I don't like it as well. I don't know why NVIDIA decided to go that way, but I hope that there's a good reason for it.

    I could compile a CUDA 8 version of GPUPI 3.x of course, but then I have to maintain 3 different versions in the future. I don't think that's a good solution at all as people are already confused with the Legacy Version. :(

    That's fair enough, might be worth a note on the benchmark download page/FAQ section though? I had a quick look before I posted here but didn't see anything about it.

  3. 54 minutes ago, _mat_ said:

    You have to install the latest GeForce drivers.

    You can verify this by opening the debug log (Menu: Tools => Debug Log), there will be an error that states, that your driver is not ready for CUDA 9.x.

    As an alternative you can use the Legacy Version of GPUPI. It's compatible with older GeForce driver versions, but will most certainly perform worse.

    Ah so you need to use the legacy version to get cuda 8 to work? (seemingly drivers with cuda 9 cause my os to freeze/lag/crash when going below -60 so can't use them)

  4. 1 hour ago, Rauf said:

    You can up the voltage quite a bit. Not sure about non-ti, but for 980ti 1.65V was considered very safe. Most cards scaled to at least 1.75V. Some cards benched 1.8V...

    Yeah, I've read KP's 980ti guide, but as you say I wasn't sure on 980 vs ti, didn't want to risk bricking it before I'd managed to get anything remotely decent so played it safe.

    Might try some 03 this evening if I get a working Win7 again :) (and I may have another go at this at the same time)

  5. There's been a bonus on the top3/5 for a while, just if people ranked the same they'd all be given the bonus type thing as far as I'm aware, whereas now things have changed to try and avoid issues with hundreds of people getting '1st' and reaping the high points associated with it. Gaming the system so to speak.


    Not an official view but that's my thinking :)

  6. 10 hours ago, Splave said:

    then they changed it or its another bug :)


    8 hours ago, ksateaaa23 said:

    screenshots from the uat server x265 4k & xtu single core globals. gives full globals for ranks 2,3,4,5.......

    anyway x265 v 2.2 can be the tie-breaker. will re-run and try to do 0.601+........ 

    xtu will remain as a problem. not only for one core but for many non-k chips.....


    x265 uat.JPG

    xtu uat.JPG

    Whilst you do get equal points, there's a bonus for places 1-5 for global scores, so your total points will be great for 2nd even if scored the same as 5th for example.

    Ranks are done by submission date I believe.

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