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Posts posted by GeorgeStorm

  1. Likely combination of all. Gigabyte P45 boards aren't exactly a symbol of efficiency, plus your OS might not really be optimised for 1M. You're not even running it minimised.


    Fair enough I assumed it would probably be both :P


    My knowledge of tweaks etc is very limited, I'll try to do some more research before I run this next time :)


    The OS is the Perica_barii XP, but I have used it on multiple systems because I'm lazy so I guess it's lost a lot of any efficiency it once had.

  2. I love how all someone has to do is be a dick and somehow thats immediately "facts" or "hard truths".


    It is not. Im not going to be affraid to bring up issues because a few guys who benefit from the status quo are happy with the lopsided way things are. Intel is purchasing the leaderboard by allowing specific overclockers to benchmark hardware they have no intention of releasing soon in order to bury their competitors launches and create an image. We used to call those ES samples but intel is side stepping that as well. There needs to be rules to keep bullies like intel (who has a long history of shady behavior) from manipulating the leaderboards like this.

    It is a problem and i will continue to bring it up.

    Be a dick all you want but THOSE are the facts.


    As a general rule I'm on your side, but it's not really Intel doing it as far as I'm aware, as Splave mentioned it's actually motherboard manufacturers who are supporting various overclockers and possibly providing them with cpus etc.

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