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Posts posted by GeorgeStorm

  1. easy when you submit maybe two scores... amused that our italian friends found at least one partner in crime, while failing themselves to abide to them rules...


    Wisdom of the day: 8pack told me once, why do people report my scores ? Why don't they just beat them?


    Wasn't directing anything at you personally. Just my general thoughts, no point having a rule if it's not going to actually be enforced :)


    Your choice to sub so many scores in so little time ;)


    Also that comment is silly, if someone breaks a rule they should be reported, doesn't matter if you can beat them or not :P

  2. Rauf you have to have a general rule, trying to judge and draw the line on each cpu individually would be next to impossible.


    ES vs retail is just yet another hurdle that the non elite has to jump over, one I think isn't actually as big as the fact that top guys will bin/be given binned chips potentially out of hundreds, which means no average joe can compete no matter how hard they try. On cheap cpus this is less of an issues, but when you're talking about chips costing 1000usd+ then it puts it into the same kind of area as guys who work at datacenters subbing with stuff that no 'normal' person could ever buy.


    Just my opinion on why a lot of people dislike Elite (I'm personally not that bothered)

  3. Well, would still be second place :)

    I am not expecting for michel's time to be beaten in a lifetime. I'm not even trying to bin E6700.


    Haha that was partially my mentality! Obviously I've spent very little time with the chip (tested on air for 2 mins to see what fsb it failed at and then a couple of hours on LN2), but I get the feeling his chip is faster, and the fact he's on a DDR3 board means I'd have an even harder task!

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